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Chapter 439 Brothers! The plan has changed! Prepare to rise!!!

[Over the years, I have made them toys, shoes and even their flags...]

The wind is fierce!

The majestic railway stretches to the distant skyline!

The rumbling chariot rolled over the ruins and approached the electric tower like a beast!

As the tracks of the main battle tank roll, the vast wilderness is filled with smoke and wind and sand is flying!

Artillery roars!

Among the flying rocks and rubble, the house collapsed, and the rubble was scattered everywhere!

On the ruins-like battlefield, the armored brigade drove past, and the stars and flags on the roof masts spread out in the wind, fluttering...

【While enduring their arrogance, waiting for the opportunity...】

Shrouded in dust!

In the blur of gunpowder smoke, the huge broadcast tower in the shape of two beads was cast a layer of obscurity.

The terrifying tanks advanced in coordination with the infantry battle, bombarding the buildings indiscriminately.

The flames of war are spreading and burning in every corner of the city!

The rising black smoke billowed into the sky!

And the next second!


A fighter jet like a Black Falcon cut through the sky like a sword!

Flames burst out from the magazine, and the two missiles struck the towering skyscrapers like thunder...

this moment!

Barrage silence!

The cloud of total war looms over this vast land!

The advance of the infantry battle is like a wave, invading the streets and alleys!

The invasion of speedboats rides the wind and waves and quickly raids strategic locations!

The tanks' tracks rolled over the streets, blasting the once peaceful and prosperous streets into ruins!

The fighter planes in the sky flew across the sky, and the missiles dragged the rolling wake of death, extending the burning flames of war to the sky!

Silence does not mean neglect and meaninglessness.

Quite the opposite.

At this moment, the huge shock has completely occupied the hearts of every audience and player!

Total war on land, sea and air!

no doubt!

This is a game without a protagonist.

In other words, everyone on this battlefield is the protagonist of this war!

You can be a speedboat assaulter crossing the waves, an elite warrior advancing together, a tank driver controlling artillery, or even a pilot flying over the battlefield!


The brazen invasion of the United States has brought the flames of war to the doorstep!

The rapid cello accompanied by the rumbling sound of the snare drum is like the rolling of caterpillar tracks, the advancement of the battle line, and the pounce of the invading claws!

And the next second!

Just listen to the viola concerto's exclamation note -

[And now, the time has come, the dragon has been awakened! 】

[Let them see the greatness of our nation!]

The trombone sounded the counterattack melody, and the orchestra played an exciting symphony!

The ancestral concerto on the battlefield sounded at this moment!


On the Key West Islands!

The infantry fighting vehicles loaded with artillery roared angrily, and the machine guns roared, tearing the landing speedboat into pieces!


Under the Dunge Railway!

The dark armed helicopter fired missiles, accurately hitting the mighty tank, and the armored beast was burned up in the rising flames!

Didi didi——tsk——!!!

Above the Pearl Broadcasting Tower!

An A35 clung to the Z20, and the heat decoy bombs spread out in the air, bursting into dazzling light.

The fire of the missile explosion suddenly expanded behind Z20.

At this moment, the symphony has become more and more exciting!

The Z20 suddenly maneuvered and rushed upward into the vertical sky. The A35 behind it also adjusted its direction and continued to bite the Z20!

The two aerospace fighters were like launched rockets, flying straight into the sky!

And the next moment!

I saw the pilot of the Z20 take a deep breath.

Then, he brazenly pulled the ejection seat under him——


At this moment, all the surging symphony stopped abruptly!

Only the sound of the hunting wind was ringing in my ears.

The sudden stall made the Z20 seem to be frozen in the air.

The unexpected A35 passed by the stalled Z20 in the blink of an eye.

This moment!

In the reflection of the A35 pilot's helmet, it can be clearly seen that the Z20 pilot pulled out a rocket launcher behind him——


The missile accurately hit the fuselage of the A35!

And the barrage was the same as the exploding A35 at this moment!

Instant explosion!!!



'Magic! Damn it! Magic operation!'


‘Tactical missile (individual version)’

‘Ahhhhhhhhhhh I can’t stand it anymore! This game is too fucking outrageous!’

'DNM is on fire! I really want to fuck the foreign devils!'

‘This game is so awesome! Holographic combat on land, sea and air! There are so many tricks! I can’t wait a minute!’

'Damn... no wonder it's an unprecedented next-generation gaming experience...'

'This theme, this content, this gameplay... top notch!!!'

'I didn't expect that this subject matter could pass the review...'

‘I asked why it’s called Rise, it turns out it means the rise of the dragon, right! It’s right, it’s so right, brother!’

‘The most important thing is to match the actual situation and make it more appropriate’

‘Damn it, I can’t even imagine how much fun this game will be when it’s online! It’s a big battlefield! It’s sea, land and air! Fight in street fights, drive tanks, fly in planes! Wuhu!’

'It's too cruel...'

‘It’s over, Comella has been hit twice (dog head)’

'Brothers! Plans have changed! Prepare to rise!!!'


["Battlefield: Rise"]

【Golden Wind】

【To be announced soon】

As the Z20 fighter jet restarts, it flies further into the sky!

The title of the promotional film and the logo of Golden Wind gradually appeared at the end of the promotional film!

The vehicle stopped.

Nakamura Masaichi, who was sitting in the boss's seat, had completely sobered up.

And at this moment!

There was a blank in his mind, with only one thought lingering -

It's broken, something big has happened.

Golden Wind has a trump card.

And he’s still the trump card!

Who the hell taught you to play cards like this?!

If I hit 8, you don’t want it. If I hit 5, you don’t want it. If I hit 4, you don’t want it!

I thought you had two small singles left in your hand, but when I placed my order, you turned over the cards and saw a pair of kings?!

Hans Zimmer's score and the National Orchestra are enough to shock people.

And the subsequent game promotional videos have completely aroused the players' buzz, feelings and gameplay expectations!

A World War III game where two armies confront each other!

A theme that has never appeared in the history of games!

What's even more terrifying is that the playability of this "Battlefield" has reached an outrageous level!

Players can not only play infantry, but can even drive motorboats, infantry fighting vehicles, tanks and even military helicopters and fighter jets!

This kind of all-out war atmosphere is indeed worthy of the "unprecedented gaming experience" mentioned in the Golden Wind announcement!


Nakamura Masaichi felt his heart pounding!

I closed the promotional video and opened various game forums and media homepages with a trembling voice!

A result that he knew very well but didn't want to face suddenly appeared in front of him——

"World War! Golden Wind's new work [Battlefield] sets off a new trend of FPS!"

"Unprecedented masterpiece! [Battlefield] promotional video released, the popularity is explosive!"

"Holographic combat on land, sea and air! Unprecedented war experience! GW's new work [Battlefield] has set off a heated discussion!"

"Gold rises! Silence is just for another greatness!"

"The "World War" is about to break out! World War II in the gaming industry has begun!"


[...Just now, Golden Wind released the first promotional video of its CJ Exhibition flagship masterpiece "Battlefield: Rise". At this time, there is still one month before the CJ Exhibition. It seems that all the previous doubts and speculations are just groundless...]

[...MFGA has never been a whim slogan! The emergence of "Battlefield: Rise" will definitely mean another update and iteration of the FPS game mode...]

[...appropriately "rising"! The subtitle of this new Golden Wind game "Battlefield" may be intentionally named this way...]


‘It’s so exciting! I must go to China to experience it this time! Buy a ticket now! BATTLEFIELD, here I come!’

'I have to say, the gameplay is really great. Who doesn't want to fly a plane and ride in a tank to fight a world war?'

'While various manufacturers are still eating GW's exhaust, GW has left the dust and opened up the next field...'

‘I know who you are talking about, but I won’t say (dog head)’

‘I know it too, and I won’t say it (funny)’

‘If you don’t say it, I won’t say it either. Then it will be up to you who is the fiercest one (Goutou)’


Media reports, forum discussion players are excited!

Just ten minutes after Battlefield: Rising was released!

The popularity advantage that was previously firmly occupied by their "Conflict Land" in Comera changed hands in an instant!

this moment!

The fear of invincibility created by "Minecraft" a few months ago seemed to hang over Masaichi Nakamura's head!

Sitting in his car, Nakamura Masaichi tried hard to calm down!

Think about it, Nakamura, think about it!

With such popularity and gameplay, what other means of containment can you think of?

Now, there is only one month left before the opening of the China CJ Exhibition!

If they are unable to form an effective secondary attack on Golden Wind within this month, then CJ Zhan will definitely suffer a disastrous defeat for them!

"Well... gameplay innovation... engine compensation... promotional video... promotional video..."


A moment.

An idea seemed to flash in Nakamura Masaichi's mind!


Promotional video!

This is just a promotional video!

Although this promotional video is full of gimmicks, well-produced, and the gameplay is relatively comprehensive.


A promotional video is a promotional video!

As we all know, promotional videos are all rendered with CG!

The actual gaming experience is usually not up to the quality of the promotional video!

This is common sense!


It seems that in this promotional video, planes and cannons roared, overturning street buildings and smashing buildings, and bombarding the battlefield into ruins. It was shocking.

But how can it actually be possible to perfectly present such a shocking effect in the game?


The gameplay and content of your "Battlefield" are indeed very good!

But you still haven’t solved the mediocre problem of the engine!

Let’s start from the perspective of promotional videos!

Your promotional video...

"...There is still some problem."

at the same time!

In the office of the President of Golden Wind!

Gu Sheng looked at the overwhelming discussion about "Battlefield" on the Internet. Instead of being excited, his face looked helplessly distressed.

There is still something wrong with this promotional video.


Although in terms of gimmicks and gameplay, with the two trump cards of the king's soundtrack combination and the sea, land and air world war, it achieved the desired effect.

However, it is not difficult to see from various discussions.

Nowadays, the discussion about "Battlefield" basically focuses on "men want to fight."

Fight with airplanes, fight with tanks, fight with infantry tanks, fight with your legs.

What stands out is "I want to fight."

Everyone’s attention is basically locked on the design of the game.

However, there was no discussion at all about the "bunker explosion", "building collapse", "broken floor", "sudden changes in the situation", etc. shown in the promotional video.

Gu Sheng was helpless.

And he is very clear about the reasons.

That is - everyone regards this promotional film as a rendered CG.

In other words, no player believes that the physical destruction effects in this promotional video can be realized in real machines.

No one even thinks about it!

Because they haven't seen it.

In most cases, people will not imagine situations that they have never actually seen.

For example, if you are eating a biscuit, will you suddenly think that the biscuit may play Danjinmon Allegro for you next second?

No way.

He hasn't seen it, so he won't think about it.

Moreover, manufacturers have always mixed CG with water, and no one would really watch the promotional video as if it were a real machine.


At this time, no one cared about the physical destructive effects that Golden Wind had expended so much energy on, and there was not even a voice of discussion.

No one even guessed in that direction.


Thinking of this, Gu Sheng couldn't help but sigh.

so be it.

Perhaps, only when players actually see the shattered floors and the collapse of the building in a real machine will they believe that such an amazing physical damage effect can really be realized in a real machine...

This chapter has been completed!
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