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Chapter 444 The film applicator never looks back to see the explosion!

this moment!

Everyone's eyes are focused on the place where C4 detonated!

With bricks and rubble flying everywhere!

Smoke and dust billowing into the sky!

And it happens to be right now!

A helicopter flies over the explosion!

The strong wind pressure instantly dispersed the thick steaming dust like an invisible hand!

The rubble collapsed on the ground, and in the incomplete concrete, the ferocious and twisted steel bars were like vines that grew wildly after the rain, stretching out in the solid concrete, baring their teeth and claws——

A huge gap, three meters wide, suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

The entire battlefield, and even the exhibition site, seemed to freeze for half a second!

And the next moment.


The helicopter's machine gun turned again and started strafing!

And the roars from the blue team also sounded at the same time!


"Get in--!!!"



The scene exploded!

Witnessed by players on four floors!

Witnessed by media from all over the world!

Shourd's fantastic idea was perfectly realized at this moment!


"Wardfa? Wardfa?!"

"Really...can you really...explode the wall so casually?"

"Oh my God - physical destruction -"

"That is to say..."


"In the previous GW Battlefield promotional video, those dilapidated buildings, damaged buildings, collapsed houses..."

"It's all... it's all..."

"It's all real! It's not CG rendering! Damn! That's the characteristic of Battlefield! It's the characteristic of Golden Engine!!!"


Along with the crowd, an uncontrollable voice of excitement sounded!

The whole scene was in an uproar instantly!

Click click click click——

Buzz buzz——


The flashlights at the scene were flashing like crazy!

And there was also a commotion among the crowd!


this moment!

It seems that everyone finally understands what the "unprecedented gaming experience" Golden Wind refers to in his promotional tweets!


Before the game started, Battlefield did reflect some of the characteristics of the golden engine to a certain extent——

Whether it is the cold and cool lighting rendering or the grand scene shaping and presentation capabilities, to some extent, it can be said to be a feature that distinguishes it from other engines.


For "Battlefield", those don't seem to be top priorities.

Because the part of this game that best reflects the power of the golden engine has only been revealed now!

That is the freedom of "Battlefield", and even the real-time physical destruction effects that can be done at will!

As the wall was blasted!

The eggplant and xtt guarding inside didn't even have time to react!

In an instant, he was killed on the spot by the blue team who filed in!

Easy to attack and defend!

The unprecedented new physical destruction system gives infinite possibilities for the ever-changing battlefield situation!

And on this stormy Bund connected by battlefield voice channels in real time!

The chain reaction caused by shourd's sudden explosion was also extremely terrifying!

Almost instantly, all the soldiers in the audience learned this shocking information!

And the situation on the battlefield was instantly rewritten because of this test explosion!


Ground-attack fighters licked the ground!

The blue team, who was originally hiding in a building to defend against infantry fighting vehicles, was instantly wiped out by a missile that covered its head!

In the huge explosion, the single-story small house was instantly shattered and collapsed!

Two blue engineers were killed on the spot, and the remaining two could not escape their fate and were directly shot into a blur of flesh and blood by the collapsed floor!


The M1A2 main battle tank roars!

The ruthless artillery fire blew the floors of the residential area apart, and the six-story Republican-style building was completely devastated!

The blazing fire surged out from the broken window along with flying rubble and glass!

The corpses of the soldiers from the red camp were like rag dolls, being pushed away by the steaming flames and billowing smoke, causing heavy casualties!

The war escalates again!

The steaming flames and explosions instantly pulled the entire Bund into wanton destruction and bombing without any bottom line!

Buildings on the street continue to collapse and collapse!

Terrifying craters are on the avenue, like shocking wounds, gouging out the flesh and blood of the earth!

Thick smoke crisscrossed the city, blocking out the sky!

And in the midst of that mess!

Each living warrior is still holding on to his position that has been reduced to ruins, blocking and advancing the enemy!

The terrifying and shocking modern war is like a heavy hammer. Every time an explosion sounds, it is a heavy blow to everyone's heart!

[Crazy! Unprecedented physical destruction effects! Unprecedented immersive war experience! "Battlefield" is worthy of being another masterpiece from the world's top FPS game company!!!]

[Make CNFPS great again! Sam never talks empty words! From the second generation FPS to the amazing physical destruction effect now! As the players said - Sam will never fall from the altar, because the altar is always chasing Sam


[Real war experience! Super physical destruction effect! Who said that the golden engine does not have outstanding features? The golden wind will use the most practical and direct punch to give its own crazy answer! 】


Write! Write like crazy!

Blow! Blow hard!


More excited, even manic, than the countless players on site and around the world were the media!


To know!

Compared with ordinary players, being able to become reviewers or editors of game media must mean that they are more sensitive to games.

And now.

"Battlefield" is a unique, 64-person large-scale battlefield real-machine performance led by the anchor. No one knows what the various game characteristics displayed in the game mean better than these game media people.


You have to admit it.

Compared with the previous duel between "Call of Duty" and "Gollum", the "Conflict Land" produced by Comella is indeed not as outrageous as "Gollum", and it is even ridiculous.


Compared with "Battlefield", it is still too childish and insignificant after all.

We acknowledge that you have tried your best.

But it is very helpless, you are like a primitive man who mastered the method of making spears in the Stone Age.

Although he is considered a leader among the tribe.

But when meeting Gundam, it still seems...a little bit...humorous?

What do you say?

"...I said let's not occupy any points first. Come with me!"

The battlefield is in chaos!


From a distance, in the center of the war, the Shanghai Central Building artificial island was constantly flashing fire and billowing smoke.

A+, who led the team to the coffee shop at point E by motorboat, looked calm.


Just as the intensity of the battlefield escalates and escalates again!

Seeing that Point C has become the eye of the firefight and the meat grinder of the battlefield.

The eldest brother immediately changed his tactics and found another way. He took the team on a speedboat, crossed the river, and went directly to the coffee shop at point E at the entrance of the blue side!

"Now, both sides have invested too many troops at point C. We could not change the chaotic battle situation in the past,"

The eldest brother arranged the equipment and put the assault rifle in his hand and said:

"We will start from this point, go back and forth to steal their two DE points, attract the blue side's troops back from the previous point, and pull them away."

Rear Infiltration Operation!


As a professional player, Big Brother's tactical thinking is still very clear and clear.


"Before that, let's not alert others."


I saw that the elder brother deliberately avoided point E.

Because according to the game settings, point E is in a completely empty state at the moment. Once it is stepped on by them, the stronghold will fall into a state of contention until they have completely read the reading bar and declare that they occupy this point.

The eldest brother wants to occupy this point and surround Wei to save Zhao.

but not now.

"Chris, use the canister to blow open that wall."

Looking in the direction of the elder brother's finger, everyone saw that it was a small shop standing on the corner of Lan Fang's Chubing Avenue.

It's equivalent to the doorstep of Lan Fang's house.

"Ah? Why?"

Chris was puzzled and asked while holding up a personal rocket launcher.


There was an explosion.

I saw that the wall of the small shop was suddenly blown to pieces.

The eldest brother led the team and went in through the breach:

"You'll know soon."

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also full of doubts——

'Brother, what do you mean?'

'Who is squatting here?'

‘Blocking the door of the house and squatting with the enemy team?’

‘No, you can deploy your teammates directly in this game. If not, you can deploy them to point D, which is closer to point C. No one can squat here.’

‘I don’t know, but the eldest brother must have his own considerations’

‘As expected, he is a mysterious retired criminal policeman. I can’t guess what my brother is thinking at all’



Just talking!



The sound of rolling road wheels interrupted the water friends' speculation and discussion.

I heard the elder brother hiding in the shadow of the gap lower his voice:



I saw him suddenly take out four bundles of C4 from his tactical pocket!

And the next second!

As the rumbling sound got closer and closer, a blue infantry tank was seen suddenly appearing on the avenue, passing by the gap of the small shop!

The eldest brother also made a prompt decision and jumped out quickly like a civet cat. With two soft bang bang sounds, he attached two bundles of C4 to the infantry fighting vehicle.

Then he dug out the gap in the shop, ran two steps to catch up, without realizing it, the gun barrel was pointed straight at the infantry fighting vehicle in front, and threw the remaining two bundles of C4 up.

Done everything!

The infantry chariot rumbled away, and the eldest brother turned his back to the infantry chariot and turned back.

One person and one car went back to back, going in opposite directions and going further and further away.

The eldest brother also raised the detonation remote control in his hand.

The film applicator never looks back to see the explosion.



Under the bright sunshine, the rumbling infantry fighting vehicles were like a train eating hot pot and singing songs. Accompanied by a ball of fire that reached the sky, it turned into the most gorgeous fireworks in front of the entrance of the blue base.

The elder brother laughed.

The team laughed.

Everyone in the live broadcast room laughed.

They did not hear at all that at this moment, in the blue camp, a roar sounded, a scream of incompetence and rage with soaring resentment——


"Fa-ke! Fa-ke!!!"

"What a stupid house thief! I was taken away by the red team's helicopter gunship when I left my fucking house! I was taken away by a house thief just after I was resurrected!"


“Don’t—eat the sour radish!!!”

"I'm going to kill you! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Someone is stealing the house! Someone is stealing the house! Deploy the base camp! Follow me and kill these thieves! Ahhhhhh!!!"


PS: It’s the beginning of the month, please give me monthly tickets. Dear readers, if you have tickets, please give me a ticket, if you don’t have tickets, please vote for me. Thank you~

This chapter has been completed!
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