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Chapter 469 The person who beat grandma was found

"Bring! Oil, mess with Fake!"

After killing Brother Luo Qi, the last spearman, with a backstab, Pew finally breathed a sigh of relief:

"Phew - this is much more powerful than the ice dog. Fortunately, it is still in the fire state, otherwise it would almost collapse."

According to the settings, players will enter the afterglow state after defeating the BOSS.

The most intuitive feeling is that the effect of flying stars will appear on the body, and the upper limit of blood volume will also increase accordingly.

Handsome and strong.

After all, blood volume is still a very important value in Dark Souls.

Although due to the existence of elemental bottles, players can theoretically make many mistakes and make up for the loss of blood.

But the problem is that sometimes, during the BOSS's continuous attacks, players may not be able to find the opportunity to replenish their health.

At this time, a longer health bar means a higher fault tolerance rate.

Although from the setting point of view, the burning state of the embers will be invaded by red spirits (that is, bad players).

But fortunately, this is only the early stage of the game, and no bad guys have appeared yet. In addition, no one in the somatosensory cabin dares to use their own lives to cheat, so there are no gods.

The remaining fire state is still very helpful for players' strategy.

Just like just now.

If pew hadn't just killed the ice dog and was in a state of lingering fire with a lot of health and resistance to grass, I'm afraid he would have burped under the siege of the two big Luoqi.


Pulling out the blade that pierced the knight, Pew shook the blood beads on the blade: "It's easy to use! This thing is simply an artifact!"

Unlike Liuliu Laoju and others, pew did not use the Deep Battle Ax dropped by the Mimic.

He was very lucky. When he met the Lothric knight for the first time, he got this Lothric straight sword by killing him.

And Luo Zhi is one of the most useful weapons for newbies to open up wasteland. Whether it is attributes, attack speed or damage, it is enough to be called a new artifact. If you don't dislike it, you can directly use it to clear the level through continuous strengthening.

After killing Brother Luoqi with a backstab, Pew moved forward and arrived at the door of the chapel.

The door of the chapel was ajar.

With a creaking sound, pew opened the door and walked in.

At the end of the dark red carpet is a statue of a half-kneeling knight.

In front of the statue, there is an old woman sitting.


As the door of the chapel opened, an ethereal and old voice sounded in the spacious chapel, echoing faintly:

"Oh... I have been waiting for the ashes of the fire for a long time..."

The old woman's voice was slightly hoarse, but very gentle.

It is quite comforting to hear the old lady's voice in such an environment.

"My name is Emma, ​​and I am the chief priest of this city, Lothric."

"I have something important to convey to you this time:"

"The Xinwangs have left this city and gone to the lower level of this city, where they wandered and took root in their former hometown."

"And you, go under the high wall."

"The small ring flag will lead you through the city gate."

Say it.

I saw Grandma Emma's trembling hand slowly raising and handing a small white flag to Pew.

"This is……"

pew stepped forward and took it religiously:

"The Gallic flag?"

After saying that, he waved his hands quickly: "No, no, no... I'm just kidding, just be silent, the Gallic audience don't open the box for me..."

Hearing this, the live broadcast room was naturally filled with laughter——

‘Daily Milk Method (1/1)’

'The Gallic flag is too rude hahahahahahaha...'

‘As expected of you, the number one rhythm devil on the Mouse Channel’

'What a loss, you idiot...'

‘Cowardly and very cowardly, shameless and unwilling’

‘Gaul players were so happy that they laughed out loud, hahahahaha…’

‘Don’t worry about opening the box, the Gallic player is better at playing the game than you are…’

'Indeed hahahahaha...'


Amid laughter, pew took the flag.

[Lothric Small Ring Flag]

"Oh - this is the small ring flag -"

pew nodded.

After killing the ice dog, he got a reminder that he needed a small ring flag to pass through the door sealed by vines.

It turned out to be here.

It seems that my exploration of this map basically ends here. Although there must be some relevant omissions in the middle, I still focus on advancing the plot and collecting it for later.

While he was thinking about it, Granny Emma across from him handed him another badge, which seemed to be the symbol of a church called "Qingjiao".

Then, I heard Mother-in-law Emma say nonchalantly:

"I give you this as a farewell gift."

"This is the emblem of an ancient oath. If you are worried about intruders, the dark spirits that snatch the remaining fire, you need to remember it."

"You should use the ancient oath to call the Guardian of Blue to hunt the dark spirits..."

"Ashes without fire, go to the bottom of the high wall,"

"The small ring flag delivered to you will definitely lead you through the city gate,"

"And you should remember that there is a vicious guard dog at the gate of the city. This is an extremely ominous sign. The vicious guard dog in Lenglie Valley..."

Grandma Emma is getting older after all, she talks a lot and seems a bit endless.

Pew deliberately refuses to listen to the bastard chanting sutras, but he is afraid that Sam, an old thief, will hide key information between the lines.

So, I was bored and listened to Grandma Emma chanting sutras while practicing my rolling attack.




"What the hell? Wardfa?!"

Rolling and rolling, he suddenly stood up and charged for an attack. A flash of inspiration unexpectedly made pew feel blessed and used an attack move other than light and heavy attacks——

Holding the sword with both hands on the spot, he charged with a sudden lunge. The sharp straight sword struck from bottom to top with a powerful thrust. Then he turned over with a kite, swung the sword in his hand and struck again!

Combat Technique·Preparing to Attack


In Dark Souls, each weapon type, even a single special weapon, has different "combat skills".

In the battle just now, pew, who was cautious, never held the sword with both hands, so he never understood the movements of the combat skills.

But now!

After there was no threat from the monster, Pew held the sword in both hands and pumped out the air, and then he accidentally used the combat skill of a straight sword - preparing to attack.

The essentials of this combat skill are a bottom-up jab followed by a turning back and slash, which is very effective against enemies holding shields.

"So strong!"

pew was so pleasantly surprised, and even a little regretful that he only discovered this magical skill now.

If I had known this combat technique early on, I wouldn't have been so passive when facing the big shield Luo Qi just now, and wasting time by holding the shield in two-man turns.

"Woo-wu! Sa-sa!"

Surprised, pew also immediately started practicing, flashing around and waving the straight sword while dubbing himself with his mouth.

They even demonstrated it on the spot:

"Haha, if we encounter the big shield Luoqi again in the future, we will roll on the spot! Then directly - a charged thrust!"


I saw pew roll, charge up for half a second, and then stab forward!


The sharp sword blade cuts through the air, making a sharp sound!


Then pew turned around sharply! Second stage!



Handsome is only half the trick!

Suddenly, a short scream sounded!

The next second, Pew, who was dizzy, made a backhand chop, and the sharp Lothrik straight sword struck right in front of the old woman Emma!


In an instant, blood spurted out on Grandma Emma's chest!

The old scream was feeble, with deep despair in the confusion:

"Uh-huh! What are you doing?"

"Please ascend the throne...Lothric...my lord..."


After saying that, Grandma Emma's body turned into a plume of smoke.


Silence is today's live broadcast room.

Pew even forgot to finish his sword-drawing action. He stared blankly at the scattered seats and the ashes of the old lady, his pupils shaking.

The live broadcast room, after a moment of dead silence, exploded instantly——!

'Old - milk - milk -'

'Bad thing! You actually killed the old lady!'


'Try or die'

'Grandma beater found @Pewdiepee'

‘There is an ominous premonition ahead’

'Fortunately, grandma is not a discouraged brother. Bo Jui died with one knife, otherwise I would have to let you know what a black hand is.'

‘The ashes have been blown away by you’

'"Sa! Sasa!"'

'Hahahahahahahaha that's too stupid...'

‘I was laughing so hard, pew was completely dumbfounded’

'This operation is too sexy, the whole job is pew...'


"No! Hey! No...I didn't mean it!"

After being stunned for five seconds, pew finally came to his senses. He looked like he had caused a big disaster and apologized profusely:

"I'm sorry! I'm really, really sorry! Fake! I really didn't mean it! I was just testing my combat skills!"

Conscience of heaven and earth!

He has really just opened the door to a new world of combat skills, and he is itching to practice them!

Who knew that I would accidentally send the old lady away with a knife!

"Sorry sorry sorry..."

While pew apologized profusely, he retreated hastily, trying to escape the 'crime scene' as quickly as possible.


Just when he was retreating!


Suddenly! The sound of the door closing sounded!

In an instant, a dark wind came from nowhere and blew across the back of his neck.


For a moment, pew felt his scalp numb and his hair standing on end!

He twisted his stiff neck and looked behind him——

But at this moment, he saw that the door of the chapel that he passed through when he came was already closed.



Large drops of black liquid, like rotten plasma that was about to solidify, fell on the crimson carpet in the center of the chapel, splashing out an aura of decay and despair.

Following the direction of the dripping liquid, Pew subconsciously raised his head and looked up, his expression getting worse and worse.

I saw a gray-white chaotic fog shrouding the top of the originally colorful translucent glass.

His formation was exactly the same as when he accidentally entered the BOSS site and woke up the ice dog.


pew watched helplessly in the hazy mist of chaos——

A face wearing a cold steel mask slowly poked out...

This chapter has been completed!
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