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Chapter 474 The Last Etiquette of the Undead Team

Cangshan and clouds.

Ancient dragon and flame.

When the Ashes went through all the trouble to stand on top of the huge ancient dragon.

Everything is so familiar yet strange.

Once upon a time, these ashes who came out of the collapse valley of the Weiming Kingdom defeated the extremely ferocious white anaconda with such small bodies.

But now, after going around and around, they came to Gulongding, the same isolated place, and once again faced an existence more terrifying than the White Anaconda Snake God.

Next, the drop attack is useful


Ashes clenched the dagger in his hand, stood on the tower, and looked at the roaring ancient flying dragon at his feet.

Although this height is not low anymore.

However, the ancient dragon at his feet did not shrink a bit due to the increase in sight distance.

It's hard to imagine where such a ferocious dragon came from.

What was it like here before the end of the world when the fire was about to go out?

Many questions may only be answered in subsequent sequels.

And now.

Ashes took a few steps back.

The ancient dragon is at his feet.

If you want to find out the real secret on the top of the ancient dragon, you have to deal with the ancient flying dragon blocking the way first!


Just like what I did in the Valley of Collapse.

Ashes flew out from the tower, raised a sharp and deadly dagger with both hands, drew an arc in the air, and landed on Gu Long's head accurately and sharply!


The blade pierced the ancient dragon's head hard!

The severe pain caused the ancient flying dragon to let out a tragic and deafening roar!


If the current golden engine technology is applied to "Sekiro", players will not know what the effect will be.

But there is no doubt that it must be an extremely shocking performance!

Because at this moment, as the dagger penetrated deeply into the ancient dragon's head, a thundering roar was heard!

Phew——! Phew——!

The huge ancient dragon flapped its wings, and its pale but thick wingspan struggled wildly!

The ancient bluestone on top of the tower was instantly knocked down and flew into the air, and the ruins of the sky were like ancient storms blown by hurricanes, gathering crazily on top of the ancient dragon!

Rustling gravel fell on the ashes of armor like raindrops, making a crackling sound.

Shaking left and right, the frantically struggling dragon head threw his body into the air!


The thrown ashes fell to the ground in a panic and rolled out for more than ten meters!

And when he raised his head again!

I saw that the mouth of the ancient flying dragon suddenly accumulated thick and blazing dragon breath flames again!

The scorching hot lava flowing out with furious temperature is about to bloom on the head of Ashes!

And at this critical moment!




Behind the giant dragon, the sound of a big sword piercing the air sounded!

The sound of the sword cutting flesh was heard, and the ancient dragon's last breath of furious breath lingered at this moment with hatred.


The huge body collapsed suddenly, like a chimney that was blasted in a directional manner, smashing the tower next to the steps and throwing up a cloud of smoke and dust!

The smoke and dust rising into the sky was so choking that people could hardly breathe.

Hui Jin raised his hand to block the waves of air coming towards his face, and vaguely saw the shadow of a person in the confused smoke.

His stature was not that tall and he was about the same size as himself. A long and slender sword was stuck on the ground, the handle of the sword was slightly curved.

A cloak danced with the smoke and air waves, and under the armpit of his left arm, he held a pointed battle helmet.

As the smoke dissipates!

The familiar figure of an old friend became clear again in this unexpected and mysterious place!



The familiar figure who struck out in time to deliver the final blow to the ancient flying dragon was none other than the frustrated brother Hawkwood who had a very disappointing start and then disappeared after defeating the first salary king in the Ashes!

However, today's discouraged brother seems to be no longer discouraged.

He put down the shield that represented cowardice and complacency, once again picked up the Farlan sword, which symbolized the glory of the Farlan Undead Team, and put on the Undead Team's iconic pointed helmet.

[My comrade, as you said, there is only one true heroism in the world, which is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life]

I look at you frustrated.

And you also look at Brother Frustrated.

Looking at each other in silence.

Maybe there are so many emotions mixed together that you don’t know where to start.

Maybe it's the wonderful bond that makes you so emotional, and you can't think of how to sigh for a while.

Or maybe you and he are not that expressive people.


You took the hand offered by Brother Cangxin, patted the dust on your body, and stood up from the ground.

The thin cool light curtain of the ancient dragon roof falls on you, reflecting the resolute and glorious light on your identical flange swords.

The road to Gulongding is not easy.

Many snake-men who failed to pursue the ancient dragon's power blocked the way. They were either cunning and quick, or tall and mighty.

But this is no longer a problem for you two brothers.

Then two boys dancing hip-hop appeared on top of Gulong.

Your wolf swordsmanship is elegant and sharp, and you have a tacit understanding of the light and shadow of your swords.

Maybe it's because of your outstanding dancing skills, or maybe it's because it really hurts to hit someone with Frank's sword.

In short, after you have eliminated the last two snakemen back to back, looking at Gulongding, no one dares to fight you anymore.

"This is the pinnacle of Gulongding..."

Cangshan Mountain is like a flood, and the setting sun is like a fire.

Under the dusk, the top of the ancient dragon is shrouded in clouds and mist, and in the distant sky, there is an ancient dragon as big as a mountain, facing each other in the distance.

The frustrated brother took the lead to walk to the sarcophagus at the top, sat on the ground, and assumed the posture of "stepping on the path of the ancient dragon".

And beside him, there is a place specially reserved for you.

Calm and calm.

You sat down and assumed the posture of embarking on the path of the ancient dragon.

Looking back on this journey, I have a lot of feelings.

As for Brother Cangxin, as someone who has been with you since the beginning of the road to spreading fire until now, you seem to have many, many things you want to say to him.

Hey, did you know that after you left the sacrificial site, I met many, many people and experienced many, many stories——

Do you still remember Brother Thief, the guy who always wears a hood in the corner of the sacrificial site?

As early as when Lothric raised the wall, he asked me to find his fiancée.

But unfortunately, I only found the token of love between him and his fiancée in a body bag in the Immortal Settlement.

He thanked me very much and from then on, he often went out to help me search for good things.

I know that for him, looting is just a reason.

But walking in this world where people are constantly losing their memories and souls, if you want to take steps, there must be a reason, right?

So he died in Lothric's great library during his last robbery.

I brought his ashes back and buried them with his fiancée.

There is also a knight who always wears an onion helmet.

He was a lovely knight who was bold, enthusiastic, yet sleepy. I helped him hunt demons, and he treated me to warm beer and elemental soup.

Later I found out that he was actually a close friend of the second salary king, Giant King Youmu.

Since the fire of sin in the City of Sin will make people lose their minds, just like being contaminated by the abyss, so a long time ago, Youm made a big sword named [Storm Controller] and gave it to Onion, so that Onion can take it with him.

Holding this big sword, he killed him as promised when he lost his mind.

In order to fulfill our promise, Brother Onion and I went to the Capital of Crime together, and perfectly fulfilled our promise between close friends.

Then for the last time, he slept in the capital of sin forever.

Of course, there are many, many more people besides this.

Such as the hero Guda who missed the fire transmission because he was late in the fireless sacrificial site, the pilgrim Yuel of Lundall, Anri and her silent knight Horace, and the spell teacher Comicus of Onuma.

Oh, by the way, there is also a bad guy, the bald Patch who almost killed me in a giant manure pit.

I met many people and encountered many things along the way.

In this twilight and desolate world, people will always live for one mission or another.

And when the mission is completed, the journey we have walked side by side with them will also come to an end.

Life is always full of partings.

I didn't listen to Ludos's words and gave the Fireproof Girl's Eyes found in the Fireless Sacrifice to the Fireproof Girl.

According to her, the extinguishing of the flame will mean the arrival of the deep sea age.

But the arrival of the deep sea era does not mean the eternal end of the world.

In the endless and long deep sea era, there will always be an opportunity. At one time, a small initial fire will appear again in the endless darkness, lighting up the world again like reincarnation.

But before that, just complete your mission and live up to this life, right?

You spoke nonchalantly and calmly.

Until a piece of [Glory Dragon Body Stone] containing the power of the ancient dragon appeared out of thin air in his hand.

It is said that only by combining the dragon body stone and the dragon head stone can the holder inherit the true power of the ancient dragon.

At this moment, the Dragon Body Stone is in your hands.

Looking at the empty spot where Brother Cangxin just meditated, you know——

Perhaps this journey is from the first entry into the sacrificial site to the top of the ancient dragon.

It's time for you and Brother Cangxin to say goodbye.

Returning to the sacrificial site, the blacksmith uncle will hand over a piece of Wolf Blood Sword Grass to you - this is the undead team's way of expressing their determination.

The location is, of course, the Fortress of France.

This is the place where the undead team holds fast, and it is also the place where the undead team is buried.

Maybe he doesn't know why you came to Gulongding, or how you should decide on the ending of this world.

But there is no doubt that in Brother Cangxin’s heart, you have been his role model and direction from the moment you set foot on the Immortal Settlement.

He is his partner and the last comrade in the world.

However, your ambitions are different.

As a former escapee, he wanted to make up for his past as an escapee. As an undead team member, he stood in the Farang Fortress, inherited the mission of the undead team, and used the power of the ancient dragon to resist the invasion of the abyss.

But your ambition is obviously far from this. You want to go to the final place of all heroes - the initial furnace.

Your meeting is a result of fate, and your fate is also inevitable.

In the Farang Fortress, there can only be one person who finally walks out with a complete Brilliant Dragon Stone.

If he wins, then he will continue to fulfill the oath of the French Immortal Team, here day after day, year after year, forever monitoring the abyss until complete death.

And if you win...

In the Fortress of France, smoke was billowing and fire was dim.

Standing on the blood-stained ancient stone bricks, Hawkwood puts the pointed war helmet on his head and looks at you with a pair of sharp and firm eyes——

If victory belongs to you, then this dragon stone in my hand is my last gift to you to express my respect for you.

Use the power of this ancient dragon to complete your mission. It will definitely help you in the final place of heroes in the initial furnace.

You defeated all the members of the Frank Immortal Team, so you will definitely be able to defeat the Abyss on our behalf.

As for me?

I will die under the smoke of the wolf, next to all my comrades, and in the French Fortress that we swore to protect with our lives.

This is my destination.

This is my glory.

In the dim light, Hawkwood raised his left fist and touched it on his right shoulder, which was holding up the sword of Fran.

The last etiquette of the undead team.

Salute to you, Ashes.


It's time to say goodbye forever.

This chapter has been completed!
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