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Chapter 504 My heart and conduct are as clear as a mirror, and all my actions are righteous.


The method of directly cutting the price in half worked!

Originally, Shen Miaomiao did not think that "GTFO" could bring her profit, so she had not paid much attention to its sales.

If it hadn't been for the concentrated negative news about Huanmeng today, which caught her attention and brought her attention back to the process of "hostile takeover of Huanmeng".

She probably wouldn't even think of checking her bank card to see how much money she has in her little vault.


You don’t know this by looking at it!

There is a surprise at first glance!

Not so long ago!

In her private treasury, there was an extra foreign exchange transfer of 300 million U.S. dollars!

You must know that this bank card was specially prepared by her for the system. Since the system started to bring her rebates, the only source of income on this bank card is system rebates.

That is to say!

Some time ago, the only project that allowed the system to settle documents and provide rebates was "GTFO"!

Think of this.

An idea flashed in Shen Miaomiao's mind and she retrieved the "GTFO" historical documents that had been settled -

[Main project: GTFO]

[Project investment amount: 152 million U.S. dollars]

[Project settlement time: 7 days (+0 days)]

[Project rebate rate: 10 times (+0 times)]

[Current revenue: $122 million]

[Project loss amount: 30 million U.S. dollars]

[Project rebate amount: 300 million U.S. dollars]

as expected!

It’s GTFO’s loss!

I have to say, this document is really wonderful!

First of all, because this project theoretically does not add any new technology.

Therefore, there is no restriction that "according to system regulations, if the host invests in an established project through the manager, the rebate rate will be reduced to 1/5".

It’s just a normal master document, with ten times the rebate!


Its release price is too low. The price of 40 dollars per copy is actually far lower than the theoretical average selling price of a work costing 150 million dollars.

If the pricing was decided by Shen Miaomiao, then this document would not be established at all.

Because the system's pricing range is calculated based on the average regular selling price of the work's cost amount.

In other words, the current price of most Golden Wind games on the market—$60 per copy—is already the lowest price in the system pricing range.

If it is lower, the system will not recognize it and the document will not be established.

But the problem is!

The decision-maker for this pricing adjustment was Gu Sheng, the “manager” who made the decision based on his subjective will.

The authority of the "manager" is higher than the system rules.

In this way, this special price document can be established.

In fact, now, when Shen Miaomiao thought about it, the system was really rogue.

It has its own pricing range, which cannot be changed by the system holder, but can be modified and adjusted by the manager.

In other words, if the system holder and the person in charge can collude and do whatever they want, in less than half a year, they can become the richest man in the world, and even be as rich as the country in a true sense.

It is precisely with this in mind that the system has customized the rule that "this system cannot be known and understood by outsiders in any form, otherwise it will self-destruct immediately".

In a true sense, it allows system holders to "fight against the sky, the earth, and people", all with "endless fun".

As for this "endless joy", Shen Miaomiao, who was still in the accumulation stage a few years ago, did not feel it at all.

Until now, quantitative changes have produced qualitative changes, parting the clouds and seeing the sun.

Shen Miaomiao finally experienced the joy of having sex.

Maybe that’s what Goldfinger is like.

Shen Miaomiao thought happily.

Using the system also requires frustration and hardship.

There will never be anyone who gets the system at the beginning, gets success right from the start, and then never misses unlimited kills.

If that's the case, this person is too stupid, and he is simply the protagonist of a mindless novel.


Shen Miaomiao waved her hands.

Such a person does not exist.

After all, I am the destined daughter of the system, hahahahaha!

Originally, she had 2.7 billion knives in her small treasury!

Plus the 300 million dollars now!

Today, the total assets of "Miaomiao Little Treasury" have reached unprecedented heights!

Three billion dollars!

Thank you Lao Gu! Thank you GTFO! Thank you Yunwei who does not know how to live or die and the partners who help us!

Of course, those who need to be most grateful are China Entertainment Television and Minister Li!

What? You ask me why I want to thank China Entertainment Television and Minister Li?

Then why do you think the wave of negative public opinion against Huanmeng erupted in just one or two days, directly knocking down Huanmeng's market value by a full 20% in 24 hours?

Shen Miaomiao didn't move, Gu Sheng didn't move, Golden Wind didn't move, even Yi You and Xun Teng were waiting for the command.

Huanmeng's negative public opinion suddenly broke out.

And the momentum is so overwhelming.

It's like seizing the opportunity to do whatever it takes.

Guess who else hates fantasy so much?

Shen Miaomiao smiled vaguely.

It cannot be said.

It can't be said...

The next day!

Golden Wind Conference Room!

All the executives are here!

Shen Miaomiao was sitting in the front seat, wearing a light brown suit. She changed her sweet and cute style from the past, looking neat and capable, and her aura was three points stronger.

"Everyone is here, let's have a meeting,"

As he said that, he glanced at Chu Qingzhou next to him, nodded and waved:

"Secretary Chu."

This moment!

Chu Qingzhou was even a little dazed!

Looking at Shen Miaomiao who was sitting in the front seat, there was a bit more respect in her eyes, as if she was seeing her old club.

For so many years, she has always taken care of Miaomiao like a little sister.

After all, Mr. Shen sent her here in the first place so that she could take good care of Miaomiao.

But in fact, the so-called "knowing a daughter is better than her father", Miaomiao really did not "live up" to Mr. Shen's worries, focusing on a willful and bold escape.

But now...

Looking at Miaomiao who "combed her hair like an adult and put on a handsome suit", Chu Qingzhou really felt the changes in Miaomiao over the years.

From a person who only knows how to show off, the greatest ideal in life is to show off to the end.

Now he is in charge of Golden Wind, and has been successful in industrial projects with Pengcheng Real Estate.

Although among them, Gu Sheng, as the "man behind" Shen Miaomiao, led most of the policies and changes.

But it has to be said that Shen Miaomiao today is no longer the same as Amen in the past.

"Yes, Mr. Shen."

She had never called Shen Miaomiao like this.

In private she would call her Miao Miao, and at work she would call her Mr. Shen.

One is a personal name of intimacy, and the other is the need for work.

But Mr. Xiao Shen is the most recognized and sincere title for her as a personal secretary.


Chu Qingzhou took a deep breath, straightened his back, turned to the conference table, put on the most professional expression, and said:

"I believe that in the past two days, everyone has also seen the negative news about the American Dream Engine Technology Company, as well as the news that its stock price and market value have plummeted,"

"From 20 billion to nearly 10 billion,"

"The fall of Fantasy means our great success in breaking through the blockade,"

"The market value that has dropped to freezing point means the beginning of our comprehensive counterattack against Vivendi United Group,"

"Now, under the influence of negative news, Fantasy VI's reputation has plummeted, and investors have completely lost confidence,"

"And this is precisely the best time to demonstrate our demeanor as a great country, our national confidence, and our corporate responsibility,"

"Industrial progress requires joint development,"

"Economic expansion requires us to put aside our prejudices and turn enemies into friends to make progress together,"

"As the world's top game engine development company, the progress of Fantasy VI should not be written off,"

"And we, as a major enterprise with a global focus, naturally have an obligation to set a responsible example,"

"I declare that after a full resolution of the senior board of directors,"

"The [Supportive Acquisition] plan for the 'American Fantasy Engine Technology Company' is now open..."


Round of applause!

From Oe on the mainland to Moritani, from Eun Sato to Connor.

Everyone clapped their hands and applauded enthusiastically in celebration.

This is no routine applause.

This is applause from the heart, a sincere applause!

Awesome - awesome -

Our “senior directors” are so awesome!

Laba Garlic can really say such words with his eyes wide open!

Especially the foreign executives led by Moritani!

The admiration in my heart has reached its peak, and I am simply falling to the ground!

【Supportive Acquisition】

Dig grass! This word! Absolutely amazing!

To be able to replace "hostile takeover" with such an imaginative beautification term, God knows how high the political consciousness of the Laba Suan couple sitting at the top is!

We are not using crude capital methods to brutally plunder our defeated generals!


Take responsibility!


We are affirming Huanmeng’s attitude towards technological innovation!

Encourage dreamy industrial progress!

Save an industry leader that once led the progress of the industry and is now in crisis!

This is a contribution to the global game industry and a way to keep the fire for the advancement of game technology!

Do I call this malicious?


Big mistake!

This is a "noble act"! Dance the "flag of justice"! Wave the "teacher of justice"!

[My heart and my conduct are as clear as a clear mirror, and all my deeds are righteous]

And next!

What Golden Wind has to do is, under the leadership of Chairman Xiao Shen and Shen Miaomiao, to start frantically acquiring and controlling the shares held by small and medium investors who have now withdrawn due to loss of confidence!

As long as it can acquire more than 30% of Huanmeng's equity, then according to regulations, Golden Wind will immediately issue an "acquisition offer" for Huanmeng!

After that, Yiyou and Xunteng were brought into the group!

If the three parties jointly hold 34% of the shares, they will have veto control rights, which will fundamentally affect all business decisions of Fantasy Company.

By then, all the technologies of Fantasy VI will be completely controlled by the Golden Wind.

The "reality augmented" technology that has been troubling them will also become one of the seven "golden puzzles" and be embedded in the golden engine.

Wait until then.

Five of the seven golden puzzle items will be under their control.

The golden engine will also become the world's top "joint game engine", no one else!

So now!

It’s time to pay off the debt!


This chapter has been completed!
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