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Chapter 507 Why did you provoke him?

"Fucking retarded!"

Looking at the reports and uproarious discussions.


Itosuke couldn't help but burst into anger, slapped the tablet on the table, and cursed repeatedly!


Cornick is a complete idiot!

It's a shame that he still trusted this stupid pig so much, thinking that Yunwei was authoritative and professional in the field of acquisitions, and his judgment on Huanmeng's acquisition would not be wrong.

Besides, Cornick was so confident before.

It is also "the simple mentality of a moth in the paradise of capital", and "investors will always arrogantly believe that they are the only one who can succeed."

What he said was clear-cut and he told himself "no need to worry at all" because "as long as the acquirer has nothing to do with the game industry, there is no need to worry."

The results of it!

What now!

That Polish company is owned by fucking Golden Wind!

I obviously felt something strange, but I was still affected by Cornick's arrogant judgment!

"It's simply...a arrogant and arrogant drowning pig who only succeeds and fails, and only knows how to eat!"

Itosuke's blood pressure was about to explode, and he was so angry that he even used Hawkwood's description of the eating god Eldridge in "Dark Souls".

As for Cornick, it seems that he fits Eldridge's setting of a mess.


Itosuke sat on his boss's chair, breathing heavily.

Today, the rise of the golden wind is unstoppable.

He was not afraid of what kind of sanctions the Golden Wind would impose on them, Comella, after taking down the fantasy, and would treat others the same way they did.

After all, Camera also has its own self-developed engine.

Over the years, although they have also used Fantasy 5 and Phoenix engines to make games, overall, their self-developed engines still account for more.

It can be said that more than 70% of Comella's works still use their own engines.

The engine technology is relatively mature, and overall the quality is high.

Moreover, it is the same as Aurora Gamer’s self-developed engine.

Their Comora's [Amaterasu self-developed engine], in addition to ensuring basic 3S-level standards in terms of screen rendering, AI intelligence, input and output, etc., also has its own very unique technology -

【Neural Safety Valve】Technology.

As we all know!

The operation of the somatosensory cabin requires the connection of neurons, which is a kind of "brain-computer" technology.

Although this technology brings an unprecedented gaming immersion experience, it also brings higher health risks.


Looking around the world, in the current somatosensory cabin market, no matter the size of the brand, the quality, or the effect.

There is one point that global somatosensory cabin manufacturers cannot avoid no matter what.

That is "input and output security".

All somatosensory cabin brands around the world must undergo rigorous safety testing and be equipped with "real-time health monitoring" and "forced disconnection" functions.

And this technology is known as the "Somatosensory Cabin Seat Belt"!

It was pioneered by Comella.

This is what Itosuke calls the [Neural Safety Valve] technology.

As the world's first somatosensory cabin manufacturer equipped with neural safety valve technology, they have been improving the protection of their products for users' lives and health in the past ten years.

Today, the Camela somatosensory cabin has been updated for four generations.

The latest fourth-generation Komela somatosensory cabin KMN-4 released at the beginning of the year takes [safety valve technology] to the extreme, giving users more room for independent adjustment.

Now, in KMN-4, the somatosensory cabin can not only pass necessary scans, but also customize the health critical point according to each player's own physical condition.

On the basis of this health critical point, players can also be given the ability to adjust the disconnection level independently.

Not only will the range of people for whom the somatosensory cabin is suitable be further expanded, but more people with respiratory, photosensitivity, heart and other problems can also safely experience the somatosensory cabin.

It also takes care of many players with fragile minds, so that when they experience games such as extreme sports, extreme racing, extreme horror and other types of games, the neural connections can be popped out earlier, making the experience more gentle and comfortable.

To put it bluntly, it is to make the somatosensory cabin have a wider audience, be more universal, and be safer and more stable.

This is the biggest advantage of Camera’s [Amaterasu self-developed engine].

It is also the fundamental guarantee that the Kemela KMN series of somatosensory cabins will be trouble-free for ten years.

But the problem is!!!

With Golden Wind taking over the former industry leader Fantasy, now, their Comela only relies on this [Input and Output Stable and Secure] technology, there is no way to compete with Golden Wind!

Do you want to see what technology the golden engine has now?

[Physical Calculation], No. 1 in the world!

[Artificial Intelligence], No. 1 in the world!

[Screen Rendering], No. 1 in the world!

[Augmented Reality], the first in the world!

Two self-researches and two acquisitions, all of which are recognized by the industry as the only cutting-edge T0-level technology in the world!

In addition, they cooperated with Aurora Games to develop an upgraded "enhanced panoramic stereo" effect!

[Sound Performance], it also continues the global T0 level of Aurora Games, and is the well-deserved "sound effect devil" in the game industry in the world today!

Five modules! The only one in the world!

hard to imagine.

Just nine months ago, Golden Wind, and even the entire Chinese game industry, were unable to come up with a game production engine that could be put on the market.

Why do you think you have to provoke him?

Ito was furious and scolded Cornick secretly.

The situation was not so bad originally!

Although Golden Wind is extremely powerful, its game ideas are also endless, and almost every time it releases a game, it causes a sensation.

But in the final analysis, they can't eat a fat man in one bite.

As long as the body is here, slowly consuming and looking for opportunities, you can always find the flaw of the golden wind.

It’s just Cornick!

If you don't make any mistakes, you will kill them directly!

This is just great!

It directly forced the golden wind from the ancient human body into Tiga!

Now, the Dongjin Game Festival is about to start in just over three months!

Thinking about it with your knees, you know that Golden Wind will definitely not miss this opportunity!

You Yunwei just gave away your good technology and walked away.

And me?

Neon Dongjin is my home court!

What the hell am I going to fight against the Golden Wind?

Think of this!

Itosuke couldn't help but feel a headache.

Every time he comes to this moment, he can't help but recall his cooperation with Golden Wind when Kagemasa Kamikoshi was in charge of Comella...

"...If we didn't break up at that time, would we be able to use this unprecedentedly powerful golden engine now?"

at the same time.

One of the [Peak Studios], in the office of the director of Takasugi Studio.

Nishikawa Jiro, director of Nishikawa Studio, another major studio of one of the Three Imperial Houses, picked up the clear green tea with a long tea flavor in front of him and took a sip:

"Hmm - good tea."

"West Lake Longjing,"

Gao Shanxun also picked up the master's cup, took a sip, and exhaled leisurely:

"Moritani-san specially sent it from China. Mingqian tea is very precious."

Hear the words.

Nishikawa Jiro laughed and joked:

"Then I have to thank Takasugi-san for your warm hospitality. After all, looking at this huge Comora, Takasugi-san is the only one who can taste the tea specially sent from China by Moritani."

After saying that, the two of them also laughed.

"Oh, by the way, speaking of which, it has been more than two years since Mr. Moritani left for China."

Xichuan Road:

"Are you still used to it there? Are you enjoying your life there?"

"Haha, habit?"

Hearing this, Gao Shan laughed out loud, waved his hands and joked:

"His Chinese is almost better than his Neon,"

"In addition, Golden Wind's treatment is well-known in the industry... uh... outrageous,"

"Now our General Manager Moritani is the Vice President of Golden Wind and the Managing Director of the Board of Directors. He is not just a source of nourishment,"

"I had a video chat with him a few days ago, and he looked like he was ten years younger."


Gao Shan made a slightly envious sound, shook his head and took another sip of the fragrant and sweet Mingqian Longjing.


Nishikawa Jiro, who heard Takasugi's words, sighed softly:

"At the beginning, I was quite worried about Moritani-san's choice, but I didn't expect that it was us who were going downhill..."

Time is also destiny.

Nishikawa Jiro smiled bitterly and lamented the elusiveness of fate.

That's right.

Nowadays, the situation in their Nishikawa Studio is becoming increasingly pessimistic.

Since Itosuke took office as the chairman of the board of directors, Nakamura Masaichi, who had made great contributions to him, was naturally supported as the president.

And this way!

The ecological balance of their three peak studios has naturally been broken.

What was the original operating model of "Yu Sanjia"?

There are three independent large-scale studios, each of which is managed and controlled by the chief director, who is responsible to the managing director, who is in turn connected to the president or the board of directors.

The layers are rigorous and clear.

Under President Kamikoshi Keimasa is Moritani Tetsuya, the managing director of game affairs, and under Moritani Tetsuya are the three top studios.

Although to some extent, due to personal relationships, directors like Yamamoto Tsuna would sometimes secretly leapfrog directly to the president, Kamikoshi Keimasa.

But on the surface, in the articles of association, and in the company's daily affairs and discussion meetings, Moritani, as the managing director, can still easily handle a chief director like Yamamoto Tsuna.

But it's different now.

Masaichi Nakamura is the president.

And who was he before becoming president?

He is the chief director of "Nakamura Studio".

Although the nominal director of Nakamura Studio is no longer Masaichi Nakamura.

But everyone knows that today, in addition to serving as president, Nakamura Masiichi also serves as the chief director of Nakamura Studio.

And in this way, the original ecological balance is directly destroyed.

More than 80% of Comella's important resources flow to Nakamura Studio.

After all, the president is the director, and the director is the president. Tetsuya Moritani's original position - managing director - is now just a passerby, and it's the same as having it or not.

Even to a certain extent, today's Comora is actually owned by Nakamura Studio.

The "Three Peak Studios" have long existed in name only.

If you don’t believe it, do you think since Nakamura Masaichi became the president, how many people in the industry will mention the title of "Gosanjia"?

Today's Takasugi Studio and Nishikawa Studio's resource treatment is no different from that of ordinary studios, except that they are slightly larger.

"Hehe, hi..."

Hearing this, Gao Shanxun also smiled bitterly and joked:

"Who prevented us from becoming the president? Otherwise, the head of the Yusan Family would be ours, wouldn't it?"

"Hey hey hey——"

Hearing this, Xi Chuan shrank his neck and waved his hands quickly:

"Head of the Three Royal Family, whoever wants to come can come, I will not be happy to accept it."

"This title...tsk tsk...isn't very auspicious..."

However, just as the two were chatting passionately.


Suddenly, there was a knock on the office door.

This chapter has been completed!
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