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Chapter 512 Wolf Nature!!!

Looking at the comments from friends on the barrage, A Yin finally gave up the analysis.

He really couldn't figure out what Golden Wind meant by releasing such a small game at such a critical moment.

He didn't care at all about the public opinion, and was completely prepared to use his technology to crush Comora at the video game festival.

I still don’t care about Comella at all, and I don’t care about the menacing old opponent at all.

Can't tell the difference.

He really couldn't tell the difference.

However, as an anchor, there is no need for Ayin to bother himself too much.

It just so happens that I have almost experienced all the works that I should experience recently.

"Then... give it a try? Wait until I bring two of you over!"

A Yin purchased the game directly.

The game is quite cheap, only ten dollars, which is quite suitable for this size.

Soon Ayin recruited three people in his CSTG team.

"What kind of game? Is it from GW? I just woke up. I just turned on my phone and saw the old man sending me a message. What game?"

In the voice channel, my cousin's voice appeared.

"It seems to be a new multiplayer cooperative mini-game. It looks similar to Haunted Mania. Cousin, please sign up. The boss and I have already formed a team."

Arin heard his cousin's voice and urged him to get online quickly.

At this moment, the last person in the team also arrived:

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm Ou Huang, the boss, wait for me, wait for me, wait for me, I'm coming, I'm coming..."

Just five minutes!

A team of four is assembled!

A Yin, cousin, A Lin, Ou Huang.

After all, it was a game released suddenly by Golden Wind, so this time, A Yin did not have time to greet Brother Liuliu and others in advance.

Besides, this is not a major release of Golden Wind, so there is no need to recruit too many anchors to make the program effective.

Not long!

The four of them gather together and the game begins.

After all, the game is still small, and coupled with Yiyou's always good and smooth server connection, it can be started in seconds, and it can be completed in one go.

"I wiped it hahaha, we are really rough..."

As soon as he entered the game, before he understood the theme of the game, Ayin was amused by the abstract modeling of the game characters.

Wearing an orange jumpsuit like a sanitation worker, with a black breathing mask on his head, the whole person even looks like an abstract person from "Who's the Dad?"

Trying to follow the neural prompts given by the motion assistance system, Ayin raised his arms, twisted his body, swung his hands, and danced a simple and funny dance.

Seeing this, the other three people also followed suit.

Four people gathered in a circle, as if playing a large-scale game of you and me, dancing with magical and abstract dance steps.

"Hahahahahahaha...what kind of stupid game is this..."

My cousin was the first to laugh uncontrollably:

"We are like four fucking mentally ill children."

For a time, there was a joyful atmosphere in the live broadcast room——

‘What a magical dance’

‘Ever since Golden Wind upgraded their action assistance system, I haven’t seen them use it in the right place.’

'Too abstract'

‘This modeling feels like a dream about who is the father’

'After all, it was made by three people, so what kind of bicycle do you need?'

'laughing to death...'

‘Let’s dance when you’re nervous’

‘It’s so abstract that you can tell it’s a Golden Wind game just by looking at the dance moves…’


After some friendly "playing friends", the four of them became a little familiar with the game.

The game is actually very simple.

Currently, they are in the cabin of a spaceship belonging to the "company".

The cabin layout is simple.

There are several displays on the bow, the largest of which shows their position, similar to a personal GPS positioning.

Next to the main screen, there are two monitoring monitors, showing the scene near the spacecraft.

As for the top display screen, it is marked with two numbers——

Current income: 0

Target income: 134

The purpose of the game is on this revenue display——

They need to go to various planets within a limited time of three days, recycle various valuable waste products, and complete the KPI set by the "company".

Otherwise, you will be fired miserably.

"Oh - I understand, I understand -"

The game goal setting is not complicated, and my cousin quickly understood:

"Interstellar rag picker achieves company KPI."

The goal of the game couldn't be simpler.


If you are an experienced butter player!

Then you will definitely not take it lightly just because the goal of this game is simple!

The goal of Phobia is also very simple - go to a haunted house and use the tools in your hand to identify the type of ghost.

But that's it.

The goal is simple, but that doesn’t mean the difficulty of the game isn’t worth mentioning!

"It's a scam!"

A Lin couldn't help but speak cautiously:

"This game is definitely not as simple as it looks. Pay attention, pay attention. I think there must be something fishy in it."

Just talking!


Suddenly, the four of them felt the spacecraft shake!


Immediately afterwards, the hatch at the rear of the spacecraft opened, and an earth-yellow planet with a strong wasteland smell appeared outside the door.

And as the spaceship docks!

A Yin also cleared his throat and quickly entered A Yin's three hundred and sixty line state:

"Ahem! Say a few words, say a few words!"

"This... first of all, the company entrusts us with such a difficult task of interstellar waste collection, it must be out of absolute trust in our team!"

"Then we must live up to the company's trust!"

"Wolf nature! We must become a wolf team full of fighting spirit!"

"As we all know! A successful team must have a wolf that is good at fighting, a tiger that controls the mountain, a loyal dog, and a far-sighted eagle!"


Hear the boss’ roll call!

My cousin also responded quickly: "Here! Brother!"

A Yin put her hands on her hips and pointed at her cousin: "What are you!"

"Report to the elder brother!" The cousin stood at attention and said in a loud voice: "I am a bucket for rice!"

"Then I'm the black sheep!" Alin responded positively.

"I am the stick that stirs shit!" Ou Huang even performed an abstract dance.

"...Okay, okay, okay, really like an elite team,"

A Yin was speechless and applauded:

"Then I'm just a jobber on the wall. If I can complete the KPI, I'll be really lucky..."

Seeing this, the barrage naturally burst into laughter——

‘It must be CSTG that has programs’

‘Your team is really blessed in our company...’

'"professional team"'

'The stick that stirs shit is too rough...'

‘No wonder you were assigned the task of picking up rags’

‘True to the name’

‘Redefining [Wolf Nature]’

‘Kekexili Internet celebrity wolf, right?’

'There's a bit of a show...'



With the team building completed, a group of four people finally set foot on this desolate planet.


It is worth mentioning that although it seems that the overall production level of this game is very rough, both the modeling and the composition are quite abstract.

But its sound shaping continues the top performance of the golden engine, and its performance is extremely powerful.

A Yin and others discovered that this game does not have "real-time team voice".

The game's sound system completely imitates real-life sound effects.

The farther the distance between the two people, the quieter the sound. If it is too far, you may even need to yell.

In a true sense, "communication basically relies on roaring".

And this immersive experience naturally gives players a refreshing and alternative sense of immersion.

"Brother! Brother, please walk slower! We can't catch up!"

On the wilderness filled with yellow sand, there are jagged rocks and overgrown branches and shrubs.

My cousin ran at the back, trying hard to catch up with the three people in front, shouting as he ran.

I saw that the leader A Yin was full of energy, running through the bushes and rocks, as if he had endless energy, running towards the [Main Entrance] mark on the head-up display, his voice sounded far away


"There's no time to explain——! Hurry up and pick up the rags——!"

"Keep up with our team speed!"

"Wolf nature——! It must be full of..."




Ou Huang, who was originally following A Yin, stopped!

But in front of him was a lush bush.

And just now.

The moment the boss entered the bush, the sound disappeared.


Ou Huang felt a cold breeze on the back of his neck:

"Big brother...big brother...? Big-brother-!!!"

No one responded.

At this moment, Alin and his cousin also rushed over following the sound.

"What's the situation? Where's my stupid brother?"

asked my cousin.

"I can't come!" Ou Huang looked confused and pointed at the bushes with his hands on his hips: "Brother, there will be no sound when he goes in!"


My cousin, with his head full of questions, peered into the bushes and walked inside:

"Brother? Old man? A Yin? Are you..."


A moment!

A Lin and Ou Huang, who stayed where they were, exploded!

My cousin’s voice is gone too!

"No! Damn it! Cousin——! Boss——!"

A Lin’s face was numb:

"Don't make trouble! This is a bit scary! You two should respond in response! Hey -! Are you two still there -?"

No one answered.

Two big living people!

Just in the blink of an eye!


For a moment, A Lin and Ou Huang couldn't help but look at each other!

Then they danced a clapping dance.

"What...what should we do?"

Arin twisted his body rhythmically.

"How about I go in and take a look?"

Ou Huang also waved his hands:

"Let's do this. I'll go in for ten seconds. If you don't see me coming out within ten seconds, run away."

"Okay!" Alin nodded!


Ou Huang stopped dancing and nodded solemnly:

"Wolf nature!"

"Wolf nature!"

A-Lin also nodded, his face equally solemn:

"Tata open! Heart - give it to me!"

Say it!

Then Ou Huang turned around and disappeared into the bushes:

"Tata, let's go! Boss - cousin - I'm here to find you..."

It didn't take ten seconds.

Alin's screams, accompanied by panicked footsteps, resounded across the wilderness:

"Fuck you, I***!**! I won't play any more!**! Dog** games are so *evil! I*ll die! I won't play! I won't play anymore.

I want to go back to the spaceship! I don’t want to play anymore, I want to go back to——"


Just as Alin's panicked steps were about to reach the ramp of the spacecraft!



I saw blazing flames shooting out from the bottom of the spacecraft.

Alin's desperate pupils reflected the closed hatch and the retreating spaceship.

The roar of grief resounded across the desolate planet:

“Hey——!!!I haven’t gotten in the car yet——!!!Come back——!!!”

And the water friends who have witnessed everything.

At this moment, I was already laughing!

This chapter has been completed!
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