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Chapter 514 His story is coming to an end

"Brother...Emperor Ou..."

"...Cousin let the teapot explode to death..."

Hearing the sound coming from far away, in the cabin, A Yin, who was in shock, quickly got up and ran to the door.

The European Emperor is gone too.

Don't know why it's missing.

After entering the building, A Yin and Ou Huang walked smoothly, and even found a toy speaker worth 75 yuan with great luck.

But for some reason, Ou Huang said that he always felt like something was following them behind him.

If a person feels this way, it may be psychological, so there is no need to worry.

But the creepy thing is that A Yin also always felt that there was someone behind him.

However, it was too dark inside the building, and the visibility was only within one meter of the surrounding area, so the two had no choice but to stay closer and walk together.


Just when the two of them reached the entrance of an alley, A Yin accidentally scanned a large axle worth 45 yuan in the alley.

After saying "I'll move it", I walked in and didn't wait for it to be moved!

Leng Ran heard a scream coming from behind him!

"Brother! You dong——!"

The screams stopped abruptly!

And when A Yin turned back, in just two seconds, Ou Huang had disappeared.

Not only were the people missing, but even the bodies were gone.

In the dim light, only a trail of blood could be seen, stretching all the way into the deeper darkness of the corridor.

The dark building, the dark and cold environment, and the eerie atmosphere.

The companions who were walking together just now turned around and were no longer alive or dead.

Don’t talk about A Yin.

The Predator shivered even when he came.

A Yin ran all the way, and it was too late to take the big axis, so he escaped back to the spaceship.

The result just came back!

I heard Alin's voice in the distance, shouting that my cousin had been killed by the teapot.

"What's the situation——? A Lin! A Lin——!!!"

At this time of year, it was already dark, and the time had reached nine-thirty in the evening before I knew it.

It was pitch dark outside, and a freezing wind blew from time to time, making one's teeth ache from the cold.

A Yin ran two steps to the gangway at the stern of the ship and waved to A Lin who was running towards him carrying a Coke box:

"Hurry—! A Lin! Let's go! Emperor Ou is dead—!"

"My cousin is dead too——! Huh-huh-huh-"

Alin was out of breath running. Seeing the gangway in front of him, he staggered and tried to climb up:

"Go, go, go! My box is 45! Let's take off..."


Not finished yet!


Arin felt a muffled sound suddenly coming from behind him!



The boss who was standing on the gangway to greet him seemed to have been petrified and stood still.


A Lin thought A Yin was offline, so he tentatively whispered hello.

Then, I saw A Yin put his left hand on his hips and extended his index finger on his right hand, making a pointing motion to signal him to look behind him.

Arin turned around and looked behind him in confusion: "What...?"

A giant, as tall as two spaceships stacked up, stood behind him like a silent mountain, and a huge gloom enveloped him.



Next second!

Just listen to the deafening roar of the giant!

The huge claws suddenly grabbed Arin in his hand, raised it high and sent him into the mouth of the abyss!

Alin's screams were like those of a dog whose tail had been stepped on. It was shrill and frightening. Under the cold night, it resounded throughout the live broadcast room——


"Big Brother Tata Kai - chop his neck -!!!"


A cloud of blood mist exploded, filling the dark night.

At this moment, the live broadcast room has exploded——

'Good job hahahahahahaha...'

'Tata open! Big brother!'

'Tata is too careless in driving, hahahahaha... I laughed so hard...'

'If nothing else, the boss is in line with the soldier commander...'

‘Hey——! What are these words?’

‘‘Wolf Team’’

'The broken game is so exciting...'

'I didn't expect it to be so funny before I clicked on it...'

‘The memes are so dense, I could do four or five issues of video slicing just for this one sentence…’

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Why is this stupid game so evil..."

‘Outrageous and abstract’

'I'm going to vomit laughing'

'It's so effective, I feel like it's going to become a hit...'



As water friends say!

With its abstract painting style and bizarre extremes, "Deadly Company" soon became a super hit work that no one expected!

One week!

Global sales totaled 6.9 million units!

When the news came, Shen Miao was stunned!

She knew that Lao Gu and the others were playing this little game, and she even created a receipt in the system for this purpose.

But I didn't expect it to lose money.

After all, although this game is cheap, only 10 dollars, the cost is also cheap, less than 7 million.


Although I don’t expect you to lose money, the sales volume of your crappy game is terrifying!

Nearly 7 million units in a single week?!

To know!

The last time their game sold over 7 million units in a single week was called Plants vs. Zombies.

It was a game released on both mobile and PC. With its huge device base, it created an industry legend.

But now, it is really surprising that such a game, which was released solely on the somatosensory cabin, has such terrible sales.

In this regard, Gu Sheng’s explanation is——

[The unique mechanism of this game makes it both playable and enjoyable]

And such characteristics first gave it the ability to become popular among game anchors.

I believe that as long as you are a game anchor, you can go from domestic to foreign, from a small anchor to a big anchor.

If you want to retain as many viewers as possible, create traffic, and program effectiveness are essential.

Why did Sekiro and Dark Souls dominate domestic and foreign live streaming platforms for many weeks in a row, even though they were not popular in terms of genre?

One of the fundamental reasons is the "suffering" attribute of these two games, which brings about the effect of live broadcast programs.

Who doesn’t like to watch anchors suffer and break their defenses?


Full of all kinds of surprises, with almost every step taken on uncertainty, fatal company explosions can almost be said to be the inevitable result of industry choices.

As my cousin said: The program effects of this crappy game are too dense.

And on this basis!

Compared with games such as Sekiro Dark Souls, Fatal Company has an additional attribute of being "simple and easy to use".

Compared with the game experience of soul games, "watching others suffer makes you laugh, and you suffer and cry".

The look and feel of Deadly Company's live broadcast is completely the same as the experience of buying and playing on your own.

The various unexpected situations encountered by the anchors that you see in the live broadcast can also be experienced during your own gameplay.

The effect is even more explosive than the live broadcast by the anchors.

It can be said that Fatal Company is a game that excels in program effects.

Whoever plays has the show.

after all--

[...its strange monsters and environment settings make the entire game process full of various uncertainties]

In this regard, Xu Xiaolin, editor-in-chief of Tiantianyoubao game review, analyzed and commented in the review column -

[Compared with conventional games where the design focus is on the protagonist, the playability of "Deadly Company" mainly comes from the various strange and hostile creatures in the game with different mechanisms.]

[There are giant dogs that follow sound attacks, there are hoarding bugs that pick up items, there are black ones that follow and wait for opportunities to attack, there are spring heads that can only slow down their actions by looking at them, and there are even red ones that can only be seen by the player being chased.

Little girl in clothes...]

[When many monsters with different mechanisms appear randomly in the pitch-black darkness, the unexpectedness and chaos of the game become obvious.]

[Yes, "Deadly Company" has never been a simple game,]

[Under the surface of its ‘simple’ rough game design is Golden Wind’s understanding of gameplay that transcends the times.]

[And this is just a project developed by just three people in just half a month during Golden Wind’s spare time during the Dongjin Game Festival project.]

[Perhaps to some extent, the production difficulty of "Deadly Company" is far less than that of 3S-level masterpieces such as "Dark Soul" and "Call of Duty"]

[However, the ingenuity and wonderful ideas of its game design are a flash of inspiration that is difficult to replicate again.]

[Tiantian Travel News rating: 9.9/10]

[Comment: Great skill but not craftsmanship, a simple but not crude work of ingenuity]

Opening minute is nine point nine!

A work that cost only 7 million dollars to produce!

But it was treated as a column review by the editor-in-chief of Tiantian Travel News, and received a score of 9.9/10!

To know!

In the past four years, although Golden Wind has frequently produced masterpieces, there are still only a handful of works that can achieve such amazing scores!

Take a look at the previous games produced by Golden Wind that scored 9.9 - APEX, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare!

Whichever one comes out is a masterpiece with an investment of hundreds of millions!

And among these "half-step masterpieces", "Deadly Company" ranks among them with an investment of only 7 million!

The popularity brought about by such an open score is no less than the heated discussion caused by "To the Moon" with a million investment to become a "perfect score masterpiece"!

Even for a period of time afterwards, players almost forgot that Golden Wind was going to participate in the Dongjin Game Festival.

The entire gaming circle is abuzz with discussions about "Deadly Company", and live broadcast slices from various anchors are flying all over the place.


It’s October 15th!

There is only one month left before the opening of the Dongjin Game Festival!

Comella released the first trailer of "Silent Hill: Ascension", which is also the official trailer of "the world's first interactive streaming somatosensory game"!

"...A short carnival is just an analgesic with limited efficacy. The real test cannot be controlled by a trivial game worth less than 10 million yuan..."

"It's time to get back to the point, GoldenWind..."

Neon Dongjin.

Comella Headquarters.

As Nakamura Masaichi waved his hand confidently.

The official trailer for "Silent Hill: Ascension" was released, kicking off the fateful showdown.


Light shadow.

A desolate town.

A lonely figure walking alone through the dark and long streets.

In the unsettling town, a woman holds her child in her hand and walks in a hurry, looking back from time to time.

【May I have your name?】

In the voice-over, someone asked the woman, and the tone was full of indifference and routine.

It seemed more like an interrogation than a question.

【Astrid Johnson】

[Okay, first question—did you kill your son?]

Accompanied by thick fog and heavy and eerie music.

The footsteps of the woman and child gradually disappeared into the thick fog.

A haze fell from the sky, and the classic Silent Hill fly ash filled the deep fog...

'Wow...it feels like Silent Hill...'

As the official trailer was released, the players who came to watch the news started discussing in the barrage——

‘This heavy fog and dust feels like Silent Hill 1’

‘It’s not so much Silent Hill 1 as it is derived from PT’

‘Indeed, this setting was taken from Sam’s PT project, and Comela used it in two consecutive films’

'But having said that, actually looking at it now, the quality of Silent Hill 1 is pretty good, at least better than that reboot'

‘If you want to compare it like this, then it is true’

‘There’s nothing I can do about it. Back then, Silent Hill 1 was competing against PT and Escape. These two games are now T0-level horror games. Silent Hill didn’t lose unfairly.’

'Why don't you tell me how abstract the plot of Silent Hill 1 is, and how many people were fed by the process of clearing the murderer?'

‘I hope the plot of this film can be like a human being and stop making such abstract plots’

'At least the opening of this trailer... seems to be something like that?'

'It's hard to say, let's take a look...'


At this moment, the logos such as [KOMINA] and [Nakamura Studio] faded away from the screen.

The angle of the camera also slowly descends from a room similar to a chapel.

A Latina woman wearing a polka-dot shirt said in a nervous and apologetic voice:

【I obviously did everything right】

[Follow every word and the position of every knife in the book...]

[But...but what I saw...is a brand new...something we have never seen before...something that cannot be understood...]

And as the woman's voice fell!

The pace of the entire promotional video also suddenly accelerated!

A huge twisted black shadow passed by the window, leaving a dark shadow.

The monster, covered in iron wire, staggered out of the fire.

Faceless black monsters wander around the farm, and headless dogs shuttle through the gloomy dense forests.

[Dream] [Mezzanine] [Plague] [Source]...

One after another, obscure words were spoken in different people's mouths, intertwined together.


A blond woman and her daughter hugged each other in the thick fog: "I believe there is nothing in your body..."

Then the perspective changed, and the picture returned to the boy from the beginning of the promotional video:

"Then what if I have..."

【Silent Hill: Ascension】

【November 15th】

【Coming soon】


The trailer ends here.

But the chill left to the players lingers for a long time.

It’s not that this promotional video is scary, frightening, or terrifying.

But after KOMINA's LOGO came out, the tone of the entire promotional video made players deeply uneasy——

'There is an... ominous premonition...'

'The beginning of the story was quite interesting, but when the perspective changed, it felt a bit strange?'

'Do you know why it's strange? Because -'

'Hahahahahahahaha! This emoticon is so expressive!'

'Oh! Yes, yes! Indeed! There are too many normal people here! It feels like a company team building was in Silent Hill! The original feeling of loneliness and horror is gone!'


‘Maybe it’s because of the two-line narrative. It seems that there is one narrative on the mother and son’s side, and another narrative on the church’s side.’

‘But there are too many people, men, women, old and young, black and white, even Latinos and Asians... (awkward laugh)’

‘Don’t ask, asking is the right thing to do’

‘Maybe it will bring a different effect? ​​After all, this Silent Hill is called an innovative work, and it seems that Camera’s ambitions are quite big.’

‘That’s true, it’s hard to say, after all, the works released by Golden Wind this time are also a bit abstract, and they are not realistic 3S’

‘Indeed, this time the Golden Wind and Comella are fighting, it feels like a man is trying to win a general’

'One is a company team building Silent Hill, the other is an adult fairy tale cartoon, both are a bit abstract...'

"So it's not very optimistic, okay."

at the same time.

Neon anchor Yingshu’s live broadcast room.

Hideki, who had just watched the trailer of "Ascension", grinned awkwardly:

"If we follow the usual script, Golden Wind will use games of the level of "Escape" or "Bionicle" to participate in the exhibition,"

"Then I can just open the champagne,"

"Comella can't play a little bit,"

"But the current situation... uh..."

Yingshu opened his mouth.

After thinking for a long time, he reluctantly said:

"At least the Golden Wind promotional video...is a little more subtle, right?"

As a standard "yellow blow"!

Hideki racked his brains, but it seemed that he could only find a place for Golden Wind's "Phantom of the Village" based on the level of detail.

As soon as this statement came out, it naturally caused a rhythm with ulterior motives in the live broadcast room——

‘Don’t brag about it, okay? GW’s exhibition works this time are just for fun, and they are obviously a piece of cake. If the anchor can’t wash them, don’t wash them hard.’

‘It looks like it’s better to ascend to heaven. The Phantom of the Village is obviously a childish fairy tale that pretends to be sophisticated. I don’t know what the anchor is talking about’

‘If you can’t blow it, don’t blow it’

‘Huang Chui is too clever this time, he can’t even find an angle when he blows.’

‘Because the main focus of Golden Wind’s exhibition this time is Tuo. They are proud of their cutting-edge technology and want to challenge the market’s tolerance.’

‘To put it bluntly, I didn’t take Comella seriously. After all, no one can avoid underestimating the enemy after becoming bigger and stronger.’

‘The situation has reversed, now GW is the evil dragon, I hope Comella can fight back hard against GW’

‘Let the pornographic brags stop for a while and don’t continue to let people like anchors who find angles to brag like this.’

"If I were a host, I would just pretend to be dead and ignore Comella's promotional videos. I would feel more at ease with my bragging like this."


For a time, the entire live broadcast room was filled with attacks on Hideki and ruthless ridicule of Golden Wind.

It also proves Hideki's status as "Neon's No. 1 somatosensory game anchor" from the side.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people squatting in his live broadcast room, just waiting for loopholes in his language to start a wave of this kind of rhythm.

"Uh...ah, this...I..."

Facing the explosive barrage, Hideki was at a loss for words for a moment.

No angle!

It is true that Comella's promotional video for "Ascension" has a rather ominous flavor.

But it is undeniable that since Golden Wind released the promotional video of "Phantom of the Village" two months ago, Huang's reviews have not been good either!

It was during this period that the "half-step to becoming a god" in the small game "Deadly Company" slightly diverted the attention of players and restored Golden Wind's reputation a little.

But once we return to the focus of the "Dongjin Game Festival"!

Players' attention will still return to the topic of "Golden Wind Arrogant Play Ticket"!

Two full months of public opinion fermentation and Golden Wind's silence have already made this topic the default objective fact for millions of players in the gaming industry!

That is to say!


What matters is the rhythm!

Even though Hideki is a staunch "Golden Wind believer", he can't find a reason to fight back.

Hideki scratched his head. He was really at a loss what to do about this large-scale rhythm, even a little hesitant.

But just when he was about to explain a few words!

Ding dong——!


In the lower right corner of Hideki’s live broadcast, an official tweet suddenly popped up to remind——

【"Golden Wind V" has released new content!】

[Please click to view the text——]

[Golden Wind V: His story comes to a close... (His story is about to end...)]

This chapter has been completed!
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