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Chapter 544 Total crushing! This is the end of my father’s story!


With the golden wind's LOGO popping up in front of you!

The story of Ethan Winters, the most ordinary yet greatest man in the history of the Resident Evil series, comes to an end!

Ordinary, tender, true and majestic.

Thriller, bizarre, twists and turns.

When this series of words intertwined and converged on Ethan!

The godhood of this husband and father was thus established, making countless players shed tears——!

‘My family has sand in their eyes’

'I really couldn't bear the last part. When I saw Ethan kneeling down holding the child with his troubled left hand, tears came to his eyes...'

'A good husband, a good father, a tragic ordinary citizen, a legendary biochemical monument'

‘Mortal body comparable to gods’

'Ethan is a real man! The most classy man in the history of biology! Awesome!'

"Family love makes people crazy, some people are crazy and obsessed with it, and some people are crazy and fearless"

'A masterpiece that rivals or even surpasses the fourth generation...'

‘GW used two biochemical films to create this most flesh-and-blood protagonist’

‘[Daddy will never let monsters in fairy tales hurt you]’

'Brother, stop talking, brother. I'm just a bad gamer. Do you think it's interesting that you keep torturing me? Don't torture me. I really can't stand it anymore...'

‘A macho man cries’

‘This fairy tale book is really magical in the end. I could hold it back at first, but I really couldn’t hold it in at the end of the fairy tale.’

‘It’s so awesome… from the first trailer to the ending at the end of the game…’

'The most shocking performance in this game for me is the one where Chris's team massacres a village. They are well-equipped and well-trained, chopping melons and vegetables. In comparison, my Ethan is indeed an ordinary citizen, so ordinary that it's shocking


"In a life of few gatherings and many separations, his wife and daughter are the only light in his gloomy and bumpy life."

‘The seventh generation saved his wife, the eighth generation saved his daughter, thank you GW for allowing Ethan’s light to be fixed in the most glorious moment’

‘We have played too many extraordinary people, but we are still moved by the persistence of ordinary people’

'Ethan is awesome, Sheng 8 is awesome...'



At this point, the Golden Wind version of Resident Evil can finally be declared a great success!

Although there were many media outlets who were not optimistic about Golden Wind taking over this IP after the two series of Biochemical 5/6 failed.

Although many players have been worried about the new character when they saw the new protagonist Ethan Winters.

[...But Golden Wind and its helmsman Gu Sheng, after all, used their own understanding of game design that is far ahead of the industry, and relied on the technological progress of industry alliances to present players with a tragic and thrilling, great and profound game.

s work,】

[There is no doubt that Resident Evil 7/8 is enough to make the name Ethan Winters forever remembered by the gaming circle]

[This is the story of an ordinary citizen, but it is also the epic story of a hero.]

["Everyone knows your story, a heroic father who struggled to find his daughter"]

[At this point, the Duke’s words have become reality, and your name will eventually become a heroic monument in the history of game development. 】

[——Tiantian Travel News "Resident Evil VIII: Village" travel review]

The reputation is booming and the ratings are excellent.

Countless players praised it, just like what the most praised game review said——

[One of the most touching and interesting works in history]

There is no doubt that Golden Wind’s ability to tell stories is unique in the world.

In addition, this generation of Resident Evil has obviously also been recognized by players for its exploration of game playability.

The four kings have one level and one gameplay. Each level has left a deep impression on the players.

Thriller, puzzle, battle, performance...

With an almost all-encompassing high-quality game design, Biochemical 8 truly meets the preferences of players from all walks of life and greatly improves its universality.

For a time, enthusiastic discussions among players were endless, and the barrages in major live broadcast rooms exploded.

And the next moment!

As the logo of Golden Wind gradually dimmed.

The pages of the fairy tale book are closed.

A young girl was sitting by the window of the bus, looking at the green shades flashing outside.

She had a pretty face, but she was wearing a military green trench coat that didn't match her look particularly well.

There is a slightly dim ring between the knuckles of the long and white index finger.

The car has arrived.

The girl got out of the car and walked straight to the cemetery in front of her.

In the solemn and quiet cemetery, the girl placed a beautiful bouquet of lilies in front of a tombstone.

There is a line of golden words carved on the tombstone——

【Ethan Winters】

[A good husband, a good father, a person who puts family before everything else]

"Hey dad, happy birthday."

Yes, the girl is none other than the grown-up Rose.

She is now healthy, strong and safe.

Her hair color is as beautiful as Mia's, and her eyes and mouth are as firm and deep as Ethan's.

"Sorry for not coming last week,"

"You also know that I have been too busy with my recent tests..."

Rose told Ethan what happened recently, as if Ethan had never left her.

Rose is the most perfect successor to the fungus master. She not only possesses terrifying power, but also possesses the memory of all fungus-infected bodies.

Including the Baker family, including the Four Heavenly Kings, including Miranda, including Evelin.

Of course, including his father Ethan.

Although she was still young and ignorant at the time.

However, the retention of her memory made it impossible for her to forget the heroic feats her father had done.

He is a hero.

Just like what the tombstone says.

He is the hero of the Winters family.

He is her hero, his mother's hero.

A hero who puts his family before his own life.

Just talking!


Outside the cemetery, a dark explosion-proof vehicle drove over and slowly stopped.

An agent wearing a black suit and sunglasses got out of the car.


Sensing the movement behind her, Rose sighed:

"Say Cao Cao. Cao Cao will be here soon. There is another mission. I have to go."

While talking.

While placing the lilies, Rose reluctantly touched her father's name and whispered:

"I love you, Dad."

Say it.

Rose stood up and walked to the explosion-proof vehicle.

The agent next to the car put on the headset and reported: "We found her, um...where else could she be..."

After the report, the agent nodded towards Rose who was walking towards him, and said hello in a joking manner:

"This is a bit of a tricky situation. It's your turn to step in, Evelin..."


The words have not yet been spoken!

The agent felt himself lightened!

Immediately afterwards, the whole person was dragged by the neck collar and slammed against the car door!

"Don't call me that name."


The agent also secretly cursed himself for being arrogant, and quickly raised his hands to signal Rose to relax:

"Just a little joke, Rose, just a joke..."

"My abilities will open your eyes," Rose's eyes flashed with danger: "Even Chris doesn't know."


Say it.

Rose let go of her hand, walked around to the other side of the explosion-proof vehicle, opened the door and got in.

In the agent's headset, a prompt from a sniper in the distance also sounded: "Already aiming, you can hit with one shot."

"No, I can handle it,"

The agent waved his hand to signal the sniper in the distance to take down his guard, shrugged and muttered:

"She is still a child after all."

After adjusting the tie at the collar, the agent turned around and opened the car door and got into the driver's seat.

He looked at Rose who was a little distracted and opened her mouth:

"You look a lot like him."

Hear the words.

Rose was stunned for a moment, then the corners of her mouth curled up slightly: "Of course I know..."


The explosion-proof truck started, kicked up layers of dust, and drove into the distance along the path outside the cemetery.

In the distance, there seemed to be a figure standing for a long time, looking at the explosion-proof vehicle until the vehicle disappeared into the horizon.

The picture also gradually dimmed.

After the LOGO of "Resident Evil VIII: Village", a line of beautiful squiggles brings the final conclusion to this ups and downs story of ordinary people——

【The father's story is now done】

[The father’s story ends here]


The curtain falls!

From "His story is about to end" to "My father's story is over", this romance unique to the game resonated with all players at this moment——

'Happy birthday, Ethan'

‘Rose is so pretty when she grows up’

‘My father-in-law is actually myself’

‘Little Rose was too careful about Ethan’s clothes and rings’

'Because of the shared memory of the fungus owner, little Rose can clearly know what Ethan has experienced along the way, and even has the memory of Ethan saving Mia before she was born.'

‘Maybe this is the romance of the golden wind’

‘I can only say that the old thief knows how to play games’

‘This is the ultimate perfect ending, right?’

‘Oh, but I still want Ethan’

'But for Ethan, this is the best ending'

‘Ethan is probably the top protagonist in the GW horror universe, second only to Miles’

'After all, the boss is a pioneering figure, but in terms of personality charm, Ethan is indeed not inferior to the justice reporter Miles'

‘I can only say that it was right for Shinji Sanshang to hand over the biochemical IP to GW’

'Hey - it would be great if Silent Hill was also in GW'

‘Ha, if the IP of Silent Hill is also in Xiao Huang’s hands, why would Silent Hill be like this?’

'Speaking of which, why is it that after the release of the latest film "Silent Hill: Ascension", there is no sound?'

'It can have the sound of a hammer. The quality of that series is really hard to describe. I even suspect that the script was written by AI.'

‘The key is that if the script is bad, then it is bad. As a drama-based work, the CG quality is too eye-catching. It’s hard to believe that this is the latest work to be released.’

‘There is absolutely no comparison, technology, story, gameplay, completeness...KMN has been completely crushed by GW’

'It's a pity'

'It's not bad, it's not a pity, after all, all the core members of the Takasugi group have switched jobs to GW, and -'

This chapter has been completed!
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