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Chapter 558 It looks a little bad

The opening CG has nothing to say, it just basically explains the background of the world.

As for the zombie theme, the story background has already formed a mature system.

An unknown pharmaceutical company developed a bioscientific drug, and then accidentally leaked it. Although the modern military force with weapons had the upper hand at the beginning, the air circulation method eventually brought the world to its knees, and the whole world

The population has dropped sharply, and only some survivors with innate antibodies and immunity to airborne transmission are still lingering in this world at the beginning of the catastrophe.

At this time, the catastrophe of mankind has just begun, and the order of the wasteland is still in chaos.

This is an era full of despair and danger, and it is also a new beginning of the post-human era.

In short, pick up all the tools and weapons available to you and try to survive in this apocalypse!

End with the opening CG!

Various values ​​in the game also appear in the dream heads-up display.

A value bar directly below is divided into two, representing his health and armor.

The series of numerical values ​​on the lower left shows his current living status data.

Fullness, water, physical strength, oxygen, infection value.

The five major items are distributed very reasonably.

After briefly understanding the functions of each UI, Dream checked his backpack again——

There is no doubt that it is empty.

Dream, who turned off the backpack UI, is obviously very satisfied with this setting:

"As expected, there is nothing. Let's look around to see if there is anything to loot."

Push the door out of the safe house.

At this moment, it is already dusk in the game world, and the blood-red setting sun uses its remaining light to outline shadows of varying shades on the lonely streets.

On the slightly narrow and secluded street, there were only three to five abandoned cars, and the whole street was lifeless.

Moreover, it seems that because I was born in the suburbs, the surrounding buildings are not dense and generally low.

The style of the entire visual game area is...


Yes, simple.

Low buildings, sparse layout, thin roads, and few abandoned cars.

Of course, no one can deny that such neighborhoods do exist in the world.

But the problem is, this is a game.

The suburban town that is now presented to the players seems to be somewhat different from the metropolis with high-rise buildings criss-crossing in the original trailer.

'Uh...that's it?'

When the water friends saw the surrounding scene, they were a little speechless——

'This building density...isn't it a bit too low...'

‘Feel like going from Vienna’s Musikverein to Baker Farm (doge)’

‘Hahahaha, Baker Farm is too hellish, what kind of purgatory start’

‘You’re in my father-in-law’s hometown, right?’

‘Isn’t this a bit different from the metropolis shown in the promotional video? There isn’t even a ten-story building?’

'Maybe it's a problem with the spawn point? After all, it's a very large sandbox design, so there are inevitably some remote areas...'

‘But this is a trial, why don’t you choose a more awesome scene to show off?’

‘Maybe there are too many things in Metropolis? It’s even related to the key progress of the game? It’s not easy to release it now?’

'It's not unreasonable...'

‘But this difference is somewhat disappointing’

‘Let’s try it out first, maybe the gameplay will be more attractive later’




The gap between the actual machine and the trailer made many players feel a little disappointed.

However, the game has just begun, and the players will not be beaten to death directly with a stick.

"Let's go around the neighborhood first..."

Dream also said.

Since he had nothing at the beginning, his top priority now was to find a handy weapon to defend himself.

Thinking about it, Dream set his sights on a tool store across the street not far away.

This place must have some good stuff.

An adze, chisel, axe, and saw are all weapons of self-defense in the apocalypse.

Thinking about it, Dream took steps and walked across the street to the tool store opposite.


Pushing open the store door, there was a tooth-aching friction sound, and the dim light of the evening brought a dim and fuzzy light to the dark shop.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Dream has a bit of black humor in it.

Even in the apocalypse, I didn't forget to be polite.

"Boss? Shopper?"

"Is anyone here? Someone to greet you..."


Before he finishes speaking!


Suddenly, in the dark little shop, there was a loud sound of the counter collapsing!

Immediately afterwards, I saw a black shadow suddenly emerge from behind the cashier counter on the right side of the store door, and it hit Dream's arm!


“A generous gift—Fake!!!”

Dream was shocked by the unexpected Jumpscare!

After a short scream, Dream, who fell to the ground, looked up!

He saw a zombie wearing a store clerk's costume, eating at him with its bloody mouth!


Bang! Bang!

Who is dream!

The operation of beating zombies with his bare hands was a routine for him. After a brief shock, Dream immediately reacted and punched the zombie on the spot, knocking the clerk staggering.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "turn-based" fight!

It can be felt that the action settings of this game are relatively simple. With the help of action assist, the only attack actions that Dream can complete with bare hands are "left and right uppercuts" and "forward kicks".

There isn’t even a flying punch in PUBG.

Fortunately, the zombies’ mobility matches this simple action system——

After being attacked, the zombie remains frozen for a long time, which is enough for the player to follow up and hit the zombie with a set of combos.


Under the almost unilateral "crushing", the zombies quickly fell under Dream's iron fist.


Dream, whose stamina gauge was depleted, was breathing heavily, as if his body had been hollowed out.

The fans in the live broadcast room who were watching were joking -

‘It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a simple and crude action. The straightforward straight punch action is full of pure desire to kill. It’s really a hearty and bloody battle! (Dog Head)’

'You should really thank the dog-headed expression, otherwise I would have put you in enemy clothes and buried you'

'No? This battle? Ah? It makes me full of questions...'

‘Not even as fancy as Teacher Ma’s five lightning whip moves’

'This action design is too simple...even crude, right?'

‘Yes, you must have the level of movement of a wolf’


'Sekiro's action level? Do you know what you are talking about? Sekiro's action level is still the benchmark for ARPGs, okay?'

‘Sekiro’s action level is indeed excessive, but the action design of Eve of Catastrophe… is even more excessive, in another direction’

‘I’ll put it bluntly, even the boxing fights in APEX and FPS games are more impactful than this one’

'Why do I have an ominous premonition?'

'What? Do you have it? I just saw Dream enter the game and I already felt something bad...'

‘This empty-handed fighting… is somewhat abstract.’

‘I probably thought that most players would not be able to be empty-handed in the future, so I didn’t do it well’

‘Indeed, shooting is still the main focus after all, but if this aspect can be improved, it would be best to enrich it’


Following the discussion among players!

Here, Dream's physical strength has finally recovered and his breathing has calmed down.

"Phew - something's not good -"

After regaining his composure, Dream looked at his condition.

Due to the sudden attack by zombies just now, he was bitten.

Without the bonus of armor, the blood volume dropped by about one-tenth.

Moreover, according to the game settings, being bitten by a zombie will cause infection.

Although his infection value is only 5% now, if antibiotics cannot be found in time to contain and treat it, the infection value will rise all the way, eventually leading to corpse transformation. Even if this character is completely cured, all those who have not had time to store them in a fixed shelter will

All resources will be cleared.

So overall, this game is quite hardcore.

This is one of the reasons why Dream prefers it.

"Let's find a weapon to use first, and then see if we can find a pharmacy and search for some antibiotics and the like."

With that said, Dream walked into the tool store and came to the messy shelves.

The scene was very messy. It was obvious that someone must have "visited" before. The goods were scattered everywhere, and even a row of shelves fell to the ground.

Dream is not surprised.

Because judging from the several promotional videos released by Yunwei before, under the catastrophe of the apocalypse, people go to super malls and go down to small grocery stores.

Almost all places where supplies can be looted are basically in this messy state.

What the players have to do is to dig out usable supplies from this mess.

Thinking about it, Dream also walked through the mess, trying to lift up the collapsed shelves, rummaging through the trash and picking up rags.


Just when he was leaning over to flip through the shelves!

An unexpected situation occurred——

The shelves actually lit up with outlines.

That's right.

The collapsed shelves lit up their outlines.

Then, Dream clearly felt an invisible and thin wall of air, firmly blocking his fingers that wanted to flip through the shelves.



The UI storage compartment interface that one party automatically explored suddenly appeared in his UI!




Dream didn't even react for a moment, but only let out three short exclamations full of confusion.

At the top of the UI interface that suddenly popped up, the words "Shelves (Searching...)" were written clearly.

And in the neat grid below, items appeared one after another——

[Ham][Tape][Universal Glue][Nails x7][Expansion Bolts x5]


Deathly silence!

For a moment, Dream’s live broadcast room was completely silent!

And the picture in front of him seemed to be stuck, completely frozen in this moment!

Who am I? Where am I? What do I see?

A moment!

Three major questions came to Dream's mind!

The huge shock and disbelief caused his brain to shut down instantly!

This is...the looting format of "Before the Holocaust"???

This chapter has been completed!
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