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Chapter 566 The explosive return! I think this is your gun, sir

[This building has a long history, but there are many dark deeds in it]

[It was originally a castle, the kind with a cellar, and the overall strength of the building is very high]

[The impregnable strength has allowed it to survive one cold winter after another, but the residents inside... are not so lucky]

[In the past century, countless people who were regarded as thorns in the Warsaw government but could not be removed were sent in]

[Since Makarov wants No. 627’s life]

[Then we must rescue No. 627]

As the gritty voice of ‘Soap’ McTavish falls!

The mission briefing gradually faded away, and pew sitting on the helicopter opened his eyes!

A vast expanse of white snow.

The cold air in Siberia freezes everything here.

The snow-covered coastline is desolate, and the mountains are blocked by heavy snow.

Thick layers of ice float on the winding sea surface, as if they have frozen the surging waves.

In the distance, a pitch-black building looked like a giant monster, sitting on an isolated island surrounded by blizzards, emitting an icy aura.

Suppressed by the aerial firepower of fighter jets, groups of armed helicopters carried them and flew towards this cold ancient fortress.

【Bravely enter the deadly island】

【Day 5 07:42:57】

[Sergeant ‘Little Strong’ Gary Sanderson]

【Task Force 141】

【Warsaw Gulag Prison】

Yes, as the war on the front line becomes tense.

Task Force 141 also launched a new round of special operations after successfully evacuating the slums of Rio de Janeiro.

They broke through the offshore drilling platform checkpoint 60 miles away and successfully broke into Warsaw.

Because according to the arms dealer's confession, right here, in their target Gulag prison, is a prisoner whom Makarov hates most, number 627.

Although they don't know who 627 is, they don't know what 627 did to make Makarov hate him so much.

But there is no doubt that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If they want to find Makarov and stop this world war that is about to spread around the world, 627 is their only breakthrough at the moment.

"Fire! Fire! Break in!"

Ta-ta! Boom-boom-boom--!

As the ear-piercing gunshots and the thrilling machine gun explosions rang out, pew's mind was drawn back to the scene of the action!

The Gulag Prison is indeed one of the most heavily guarded prisons in Warsaw. Although it is located in a remote location, its firepower is extremely fierce!

"And there are fucking anti-aircraft cannons???"

The first time pew came back to his senses, he saw a group of enemy soldiers wearing snow-colored combat uniforms on the prison wall, hurriedly pulling open the tarpaulin on the city wall.

And what was covered under the tarpaulin was actually a prevention and control machine gun.


pew's eyes widened.

I know your Gulag is heavily guarded, but are you too damn strict?

"Kill their control points! We have to fly in!"

In the headset, the ghostly voice of the deputy commander sounded.

"It's taking aim! It's taking aim!"

In fact, there is no need for ghost command, the sight of the MK14 precision marksman rifle in pew's hand is already aimed at the defense and control gun emplacement.

Boring! Boring! Boring! Boring!

For a moment, the entire Gulag prison was filled with gunshots!

The helicopter group strafed, the enemy's counterattack in the Gulag, and even the bombing support from General Sheffield in the distance!


Just when pew had just finished dealing with the two enemy soldiers next to the empty cannon, a missile grazed their fuselage and hit the prison wall hard!

Such a dangerous attack really sent chills down one's spine. He even wiped his hands with soap and shouted in the intercom:

"Sheffield! Call the fighter jets to cease fire! The bombing point is too close to friendly forces!"

A moment later, Sheffield's cold voice came from the intercom: "I will help you buy some more time, but a mere Gulag prisoner is of no consequence to the Air Force."


Hearing this, 141 deputy commander Ghost couldn't help but snorted:

"Damn Americans... I thought they were good people!"

"Okay ghost,"

Hearing this, Commander-in-Chief Soap also waved his hand, saying that Sheffield's behavior has always been like this, and then issued an intrusion order on all channels:

"Land at target location! Enter the Gulag! Quick! Quick! Quick!"


In chaos!

The only two remaining helicopters fell into the towering walls of the Gulag prison!

Xiaoqiang, played by pew, also picked up a rifle and followed the two big brothers Soap and Ghost to launch a front-on rescue operation against Prisoner 627!

Amidst the hail of bullets!

The three of them maintained a tacit tactical posture, with Soap leading the way, Xiao Qiang, played by the player, providing firepower in the middle, while Ghost put his hand on Xiao Qiang's shoulder as a cover.

As a new character added to the plot of this game, Ghost doesn't talk much. He always wears a skull mask on his face and looks like a ruthless person who doesn't talk much.

During the battle, the ghost always plays the role of the team's protective umbrella. Whether in the slums of Rio de Janeiro or today's Gulag prison, the ghost will always stand silently at the back of the team, providing the team with

Rear security.

It can even be said that, although theoretically speaking, players are more familiar with the soap of the first generation.

But in fact, in the course of each action, what the players saw the most was the ghost's skull mask.

Because no matter how tense the situation is, as long as Xiaoqiang turns his head and looks around, he will definitely see the ghosts fighting side by side within seven steps.


With the tacit cooperation of the three of them!

Pushing forward, the three of them soon arrived at the core of the Gulag Prison - the underground prison.

Since there was no detailed intelligence support, they could only use the clumsiest method to check each prison floor along the spiraling downwards.

At this time, the prison was already in chaos.

Defending enemy troops, escaped prisoners, and intruding special operations teams.

The three forces are chaotically intertwined.

Throughout the huge underground prison, gunshots were heard everywhere, and roars and screams continued to sound.

"This way! This way! Keep walking!"

Gunfire is going on!

Soap's commanding roar continued to sound.

At this moment, pew's whole body was tense.


Immersive fierce firefights and chaotic stray bullets strike from almost all directions.

And the fight in the shower room was even more memorable.

It's not because of how subtle this scene is.

The reason why the memory is profound is simply because——

"It's too hard!!!!"

pew wailed in the live broadcast room:

"Please, please let me go, I'm not a pro, I want to switch to easy difficulty -!"

Hearing this, the live broadcast room was also filled with laughter——

'Who said you were an FPS master before? The nightmare difficulty level of Biochemical 78 really boosted your confidence!'

'Hahahahaha it turns out that biochemistry is still role-playing in the final analysis, and it is far from the intensity of real FPS...'

"This level is really difficult. The bathroom itself is not big, and there are three shield brothers."

'But this picture would definitely be fun if played with multiple people. The design is well balanced and there are various high and low bunkers.'

'Don't say it! Don't say it!'

‘Actually, if you study it carefully, many of the maps of these two generations of COD are very interesting. Some are long and deep with many bunkers, and some are small areas with many buildings.’

"I feel that the map of the Crossfire level is good. In the first generation, tanks and tanks collaborated to advance the level."

‘Are slums bad? I like the style of slums’

‘Anyway, 80% of the time this Gulag bathroom will be used by many people’

'Ah... I want to play with multiple players... so many guns...'

‘The next generation is coming, and it is said that it will be released together with Modern Warfare III’

'I want to become a COD master!'

‘Hahahahahaha reserve Pro brother’

'Please, all pro brothers, please be gentle when the time comes...'



With water friends talking about it!

In the Gulag prison, pew also followed Soap through the shower room and along the sewer.

According to the ghost's thermal monitoring, in the deepest part of the prison, in the felony prison at the bottom of the Gulag, there are two heartbeat sensors that are constantly sending out signals.

Judging from the fact that they did not find 627 along the way, if 627 is not dead, then one of the two heartbeat signals must be the person they are looking for in this operation.

Who is the one?

Who is this prisoner that Makarov hates so much that he is even imprisoned in the deepest part of the Gulag?

Bang! Bang!

As Soap attached the two pieces of explosives to the wall, the three people from 141 looked at each other and nodded.

The heartbeat is on the other side of the wall.

As long as the explosives are detonated, the true appearance of prisoner 627 can be seen.

pew took a deep breath, moved out of the impact range of the blasting explosives, and pressed against the wall.

On the other side, Soap was also ready, holding 1911 in hand, and nodded to him:

"Three! Two! One!"


Detonate wall-breaking explosives with soap!

A moment!

Time has stagnated, and the classic blasting bullet time fills the visual experience!

Everything fell into a delayed stagnation...

The bursting fire spread and expanded...

Splashing gravel scattered in all directions...

Amid the billowing smoke, Pew slowly raised the muzzle of his gun...

An enemy soldier with a chain around his neck was waving his limbs and struggling...

Prisoner 627, who used shackles to lock the enemy's neck, quickly broke the enemy's neck with quick eyesight and quick hands, and then...


An electric moment!

pew didn't even have time to raise his gun!

627’s movements are so sharp and swift!

The moment he twisted and entangled the enemy's neck, he followed up with an old punch and beat the pew to pieces!

There was no time to react, but in the blink of an eye, the gun in his hand was snatched away by this terrifying prisoner with a beard and agility and swiftness!


With the muzzle of No. 627 pressed against pew's head!

"Don't move! Put down the gun!"

Holding a 1911 soap gun and shouting loudly, he warned the prisoners not to act rashly!

Hear this!

Just listen to 627's tone, which is full of surprise and astonishment:


And now!

The identity of the mysterious prisoner No. 627, who even Makarov felt hated and feared, was finally revealed!

Soap was stunned for half a second!

Then he put down his alert posture and even handed over the 1911 in his hand:

"I think this is your gun...Captain Price!"


The next moment, the live broadcast room exploded!——

PS: I’m going to have my lumbar spine checked this afternoon, so I’ll update it today.

This chapter has been completed!
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