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Chapter 573 The last hope for huge rebates! Let Yunwei work harder



As Sheffield's body fell into the wind and sand!





Seven days of wandering.

The brave resistance of the Rangers on the frontal battlefield, and the 141st Task Force wandering around the world's most dangerous areas performing impossible missions, the two intertwined and combined to compose this heart-stirring epic.

At this point, the story of Modern Warfare II comes to an end for the time being.

And with the death of Sheffield, the mastermind hiding in the dark!

Price and Soap also became wanted defectors around the world at this moment!

Next, they will embark on a journey to clear their grievances and fulfill their previous promises——

Bring Makarov, the culprit who started this modern war, to justice!


The wind and sand above the desert seemed to be lighter, and the oil refinery in front of me seemed to become clearer.

"Cough... cough cough..."

A cough sounded.

In Soap's blurred vision, Price, who had fallen not far away, slowly woke up.

He turned over and sat up with great effort, put the bonny hat on his head again against the wind and sand, and staggered towards the soap:

"Hold on, soap, we have to...find a way out of here..."


The words have not yet been spoken!

Buzz buzz——

As the sound of the propellers rotated, they saw a Little Bird helicopter passing through layers of sandstorms and slowly landing next to them.

Immediately afterwards, as the hatch opened, a man wearing a scarf walked out of the cockpit.

It is the ‘informant’ Nikolai who was rescued by Price and Soap in the previous generation!

Nikolai is always so reliable.

"I remember I said that there is no turning back this time..."

After helping Soap up, Price waved to Nikolai.

And Nikolai also walked over quickly and picked up Soap's other arm:

"Nothing different...but they'll keep hunting us."

"We need to find a place to settle down, Nikolai..."

"I know a place in northern India..."

With the three of them reunited!

The symphonic theme song of Modern Warfare, composed by master Hans Zimmer, is also gradually playing!

141 is wanted by the authorities!

Makarov is still at large!

The conspiracy spreading around the world continues!

Everything is all, and where it will go can only be revealed in Modern Warfare III...

As the bird takes off and gradually disappears in the endless sandstorm, the picture gradually dims. Accompanied by an epic soundtrack, the title of this milestone-level work is also back online——


[Melancholic Blues Studio Works]

【Golden Engine Production】

【Golden Wind】

【Presented to you】

["Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II"]


At this moment, players around the world stand up!

Undoubtedly the world's number one shooting game, this has created a monument!

From the second generation FPS concept to the launch of Modern Warfare II!

Five full years!

Golden Wind has proven its legendary nature with practical actions!

Gu Sheng used top-notch production to prove his unshakable status as the "Father of Motion FPS"!

The ultimate operation!

The ultimate picture!

The ultimate soundtrack!

The ultimate plot!

If "Titanfall" is the first step for Golden Wind to enter the international market, it is the first work of GW!

Then "Modern Warfare II" is an insurmountable peak of terror established by Golden Wind in the history of the game. It is a masterpiece that has been handed down from generation to generation written by GW personally!

A global sensation!

The sense of experience is higher and higher, the tight rhythm of one wave after another, coupled with the tense, exciting and immersive plot!

[...There is no doubt that this is the first shocking masterpiece that I have encountered so far in the industry that is difficult to describe in words. It is like a naturally invincible hexagonal warrior. It is not only perfect in every aspect, but even

It has reached an insurmountable point that makes other manufacturers look up to the mountain, so we finally decided to give up the regular media rating of "Modern Warfare II" and no longer use a simple ten-point system to rate the game...]

——SNG Media Rating: A masterpiece that transcends rating limits and a masterpiece that must be played in this lifetime

[Snowy mountain level, airport tragedy, aerial nuclear explosion, retaking the white house, ghost's death, the final knife... Unlike many other games, after playing "Modern Warfare II", you will find that you have a special interest in this game.

So many memory points, and these memory points are so profound that they will be unforgettable even after a long, long time...]

——SLGamers media rating: a textbook-level work, a soul-stirring epic

[...Perhaps to a certain extent, it is inevitable that GW has the most advanced technology in the world today, because only this legendary manufacturer can possess such technical power. After all, it is not easy to integrate so many cutting-edge technologies.

Things, and Golden Wind is based on this, allowing every technology to exert its maximum effect during the game...]

——Player’s Bonfire Rating: The perfect combination of games and technology, an undoubted “one-of-a-kind experience in the world”

[Stirring in the heart, it turns a thousand times, this is a legend written by legends, an epic forged by epics. If the release of "Titanfall" made the world know this manufacturer for the first time, then "Modern Warfare II"

"This is a grand announcement that they have reached the top of the global game..."

——Tiantian Youbao rating: The most dazzling pearl in the crown of world games, a masterpiece made by top-notch production.

Abolition of the ten-point system for all media!


As the story of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II" comes to an end, an unprecedented situation occurs——

All the mainstream game media in the world have unanimously canceled their own ten-point scoring standards!

Because this work has far exceeded the ten-point standard!

Whether it is the game itself or the industrial quality, the all-dimensional perfection has made it a "masterpiece template" recognized by global media!

What’s even more amazing is that in response to the bizarre comments made by various mainstream media, a number of friends in the industry also said that this evaluation is undisputed——!

“As a designer, this game really makes me more and more desperate the more I play it... (frustrated)”

"Indeed, it was so damn shocking that my friends in the planning department even cried because of it."

"The plot of this game is really touching"

"No, no, no, it's not because of the plot, he feels that he won't be able to play this kind of game until his death... (laughing and crying)"

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha it's so real..."

"A layman will see the fun, but an expert will be dumbfounded."

"It's too outrageous. Really, it's simply a benchmark in the industry. Just look at it. From now on, I dare not say that 100%, at least more than 80%, of shooting games must have the shadow of Call of Duty..."

"The upstairs is so essential. Once this thing comes out, it is almost equivalent to capping FPS and even role-playing games."

"It's not surprising that the media don't give a ten-point rating. This thing really cannot be rated. If we give it a ten-point rating, there will no longer be a full-scoring work."

"It is no exaggeration to say that even GW itself would be hard-pressed to come up with a comparable work."

"Stop talking, bro. A producer friend of mine said that the body was a little uncomfortable. It's not me. It's nothing to me. It's just that my friend can't stand it. Stop talking. Please don't say woo woo.


"Sam is an old thief who has lost his conscience and left no way to survive. People in the industry are having trouble making a living and colleagues are complaining (dog head)"

"Hahahahahahahaha outrageous..."


A sensation in the industry! The media is in an uproar! Players are excited!

Since the overall process of "Modern Warfare II" is not particularly long, with the official announcement of the game, the discussion about this game reached an unprecedented peak almost overnight!

No one can compete with the huge global gaming community!

And in the midst of this sensational situation!

Shen Miaomiao also felt that the pain in her back seemed to be getting worse!

What an unprecedented and shocking super spiral back stab!!!

When I touched my back, there was blood all over my back! Is this the power of the ‘masterpiece’ backstab dagger?

It hurts! It hurts so much!

The next day, Shen Miaomiao, who was sitting on her boss's chair, felt that her breathing was not smooth!

Abolish the ten-point system for all media?

99.87% of players rated it highly?

Moreover, if we don’t agree with each other, wouldn’t our colleagues be enemies?

Why are all the colleagues bowing their arrogant heads with dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction at this moment, and bowing to the jeans of Gu Sheng, a thief?

You guys stand up!

My rebate! My rebate!

Fifty times the rebate, a total of 30 billion dollars!

Don't be anxious to kneel down now. With these 30 billion swords, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to kneel down in the future!

Even if you don’t get the full three hundred, at least you can leave me a third. Whatever the loss is, you can give me back five hundred!


Waste! What a bunch of waste!

Regarding this, Shen Miaomiao beat her chest and sighed repeatedly!


This is an investment of 600 million that I managed to get together with great difficulty!

Never give up like this!

Nowadays, it is no longer possible to rely on these stinky fish and rotten shrimps.

Shen Miaomiao finally understood——

Today's Golden Wind is no longer the fledgling company it was back then, restricted by others in all aspects, passive in every aspect, and could only rely on the quality of its games to make a sound.

As time goes by, the group continues to develop and grow. Now they have a huge amount of IP, master core technology, sufficient funds and a large number of talents. They can be regarded as a global T0-level comprehensive game manufacturer.

Not to mention ordinary manufacturers, even those international manufacturers that were once giants to them have now become Lao Gu's licking dogs, such as Aurora Games.

And instead of becoming the "hard bone" of the licking dog, it has become the dead soul of Lao Gu, such as Comella.

It's obviously not possible to count on these guys.

Now, she wants to suppress "Modern Warfare II" and realize her last hope of huge rebates!

Without him!

Only one factory!


After all, looking at the global game market, the only one with the qualifications and potential to compete with "Modern Warfare II" is Yunwei's "Eve of Catastrophe"!


Although "Modern Warfare II" is almost unrivaled in this season and has penetrated the global game market.

But Shen Miaomiao knew that things were not completely without improvement.

You must know that "Modern Warfare II" is currently on sale exclusively on the fourth generation of Polar Bear for a limited time, while "Before the Cataclysm" is on sale on the Yunwei somatosensory cabin.

That is to say!

Today, the buying craze for "Modern Warfare II" has actually not reached its peak, and there is still hope for huge rebates!

Many players who are looking forward to "Eve of Catastrophe" are still in a wait-and-see mode for the time being.

After all, if the quality of "Before the Holocaust" is better than that of "Modern Warfare II", then this work, which is called a "next-generation 4S-level game", will become the mainstream of the gaming circle in the future.

Those waiting-and-seeing players can wait until "Modern Warfare II" has passed its limited-time exclusivity before purchasing it. Maybe there will be discounts by then.

Although in this way, they will miss the ultimate physical experience under the protection of the [Golden Ring], but the quality of the game is here, even just experiencing the plot is already worth the money for the players.

Think of this!

Shen Miaomiao seemed to be suddenly inspired!

She had to think of a way to make Yunwei work harder...

This chapter has been completed!
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