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Chapter 73 I am a sliding shovel!

 Of course, the so-called Internet is not a place outside the law. One of them, A Yin, was caught by the supervisor, and the other three naturally did not escape.

About five minutes.

The four talents completed the rectification one after another and reunited in the game.

Fortunately, the game has just started, otherwise, the game will not be saved before reaching the next safe house, and you will have to start over.

Familiar with the road!

The group of people came to the corridor again.

"Jie Ni Ma zombies are also very unlucky,"

Taking the ax and quietly approaching the zombies again, A Yin couldn't help but feel happy. He weighed the fire ax:

“I’ll give you a good time this time, you——Fa Bao!”



The ax slashed horizontally, and the zombie's head took off on the spot.

A spurt of blood poured onto the roof in an instant!

Although he was prepared in his heart, when he saw this scene, A Yin couldn't help but growl: "Damn it, brother! This amount of blood loss is outrageous!"


Just listen to the roar of a zombie, coming from the corridor on the other side of the corner!

A Yin didn't even need to look at it to know that those 'Xiang Rigui' zombies were definitely going to chase the sun!

"cover me--!"

With a loud shout, A Yin ran away, left the corner of the corridor as fast as he could, and rushed towards the fire door!

Woo hoo hoo——!!!

The corpses exploded in the pot, and the furious roar seemed even more breathtaking and terrifying than the one in the demo at that time!

And with the roar, Wuyang Wuyang's zombies were seen again, rolling and crawling like mad dogs out of the cage, and rushing towards them to bite!

To know.

In Gu Sheng's previous life, there was actually a problem with the road to survival, and that was that due to the restrictions of the initial settings of the game, the maximum number of zombies refreshed in each wave would never exceed thirty.

Although Turtle Rock Studio has worked hard on sound effects, visual effects, zombie movements, and even background music as much as possible to increase the refresh frequency of the zombie tide as much as possible, it has improved this embarrassing problem to a certain extent.

However, the limit on the number of refreshes will ultimately affect the visual impact of the game.


In this world, Gu Sheng paid special attention to this point.

From the beginning, he set this Golden Wind version of Road to Survival to be comparable to "Train to Busan" and "World War Z".

Directly increase the upper limit of the number of zombies that can be refreshed in a single wave from thirty to three hundred!

In other words, if Gu Sheng is willing, he can even set up a wave of surprise troops from the sky somewhere to directly drop three hundred zombies on the player's face!

And in the corridor where A Yin is now, this technology comes into play.

More than fifty zombies spawn at the same time.

As soon as A Yin shows his head, the zombie tide will start directly without any refresh interval and start ejecting on the spot!

There is no doubt that this setting will undoubtedly make the game perform more smoothly.

At the same time, it also increases the oppression of the zombie tide to a higher level!

After all, there is a fundamental difference between thirty cavalrymen charging in turns and three hundred cavalrymen charging collectively from the perspective of visual effects!

The zombie wave is coming!

I don’t know why, but the three people standing at the fire door to respond always felt that the zombie tide in the official version was more terrifying than the demo version!

It was like a surging flood, about to swallow up A Yin who was running wildly!


Seeing this, Liuliu made a quick decision, loaded the pistol with a click, and pointed the muzzle directly at A Yin!

The other Sisters Zhou and Bobo also followed the same example, holding up their pistols with standard postures!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Captain Yin who was running for his life, and the hearts of the audience were raised!

Next second!

Just listen to the short and powerful shout of Liuliu!


Bang bang bang bang——

The muzzle of the gun flashed one after another, the gunshots sounded like exploding beans in the narrow corridor, and a dense storm of bullets swept over!

This moment is exactly like that moment.

It seemed that the tactics of the survival team were no different from before. The three of them still used A Yin as their target, raising their guns and shooting.

It seems that the only difference is that the three of them finally know how to hold the gun with both hands this time, and their shooting postures are more standardized.


Just when all the viewers thought that the classics of the past were about to reappear!


Suddenly, A Yin's body dwarfed, his knees fell to the ground, and he knelt down instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he drew his gun with his backhand, crouched under the fire net of three teammates, aimed at the chasing zombies, and pulled the trigger!


In the Golden Wind version of Road to Survival, Gu Sheng canceled the conflict setting between pistols and cold weapons in order to encourage players to experience as many weapons as possible!

Bang bang bang bang——!!!

In an instant, the gun line of four people formed an all-round fire network, covering the corridor!

It’s like a scene from a promotional video!

Howling zombies rushed from the narrow corridor, splashing blood, and fell down one after another like wheat being harvested!

The three people next to the fire door looked like they were possessed by the God of War. The guns in their hands continued to explode, harvesting all the zombies one after another!


The elegant and handsome scene made the live broadcast room explode instantly!


'What the hell? I'm a sliding shovel!'

‘This is so handsome!’

'What was that action just now? Wo Ricao, is this a second-generation FPS?'

'So handsome! He doesn't even look like a boss!'

'Ah ah ah ah, I'll give you fifty! Let me do that one just now!'

‘Crabs without meat are so handsome!’

‘If I do this for a while, I will make it into a video. When I die, it will be engraved on a monument in the form of a QR code. Anyone who scans it can see me showing off.’

'Elegance! So elegant!'

'Good work should be rewarded!'

'So handsome...'

All of a sudden, gifts were everywhere in the live broadcast room, and planes and rockets were flying!


The reason why Gu Sheng calls this work a ‘MFGA’ work.

It's because he not only copied the gameplay settings of "Long 4 Dead", which was regarded as one of the greatest online shooting games in the world in its previous life!

On the basis of this classic IP, many classic elements of the second-generation FPS have been added!

Just like a sliding shovel!

This was the inspiration that Gu Sheng got in the conference room when he demonstrated the gun to the Lu Bian brothers.

I thought that since I was going to make a second-generation FPS, I would just do it more thoroughly.

As a result, sliding tackle, prone shooting, edge clinging, left and right side head tactical aiming, and some refinements of actions, these designs that had never appeared in the first generation of FPS, came into being.

Although from Gu Sheng's perspective, these actions were ordinary.

But for the somatosensory cabin market, which has only made breakthroughs in mass production technology in recent years, and is still using the game settings of the PC era.

Such an action upgrade is undoubtedly a stunning design innovation for the entire shooting game genre!

"Wuhu! So cool——!"

The last zombie following the zombie wave rushed in front of A Yin's face and was split in half with his axe.

Seeing corpses strewn across the field and a bloody corridor, the survival team couldn't help but burst into cheers!

"It's such a great feeling!"

A Yin weighed the fire ax in his hand and felt that he had fallen in love with the feeling of chopping melons and vegetables!

"It's so stress-relieving," Liuliu also breathed a sigh of relief and said sincerely: "It's exciting and refreshing. I came here to fight zombies during the last day of work. It was so..."

"Let's go, let's go!"

After sighing, Sister Zhou also stuffed the pistol back into her waist, pulled out the crowbar, and was eager to try:

"It was really fun to watch the boss just now, I want to play too."

Hearing this, everyone laughed, A Yin waved, and the group continued to move forward.

After passing through the corridor strewn with corpses and turning the corner filled with smoke, the four of them were blocked by a burning table in front of them.

Helpless, they had no choice but to open the door next to them and look for any other way out.

I have to say that the design of this game is very clever.

Although there are no map instructions at all, the obstacles in the scene are set up so that players will not go in the wrong direction even if there are no map instructions.

Opened the door.

A simple room decorated like a hotel appeared in front of everyone.

There are not many zombies inside, about three or five.

As the door opened, the nearest zombie was instantly alarmed, roared, opened its mouth and bit at A Yin!

"Go to uncle!"


A Yin reacted very quickly, swung the fire ax in his hand and hit the zombie's head.


The zombie's head rolled to the ground.

However, before A Yin could step forward and start killing people, he heard Sister Zhou shouting from behind:

"Don't move! Let me go!"

As he was talking, he saw Sister Zhou taking the lead, squeezing past A Yin, aiming at the zombies that rushed towards her, rounding out the crowbar and smashing it!


Blood flew everywhere and brain matter splattered!

There was just the right amount of damping and vibration feedback, making Sister Zhou feel like she had really hit something!

Sister Zhou’s eyes lit up at that moment!

"I'm blanch! This feels...so good..."

It is different from other FPS games on the market that have a light and cold weapon strike feel.

The special built-in force feedback system of "Legend of Survival" allows players to not only accept the visual impact, but also makes very detailed parameter optimization in terms of hitting feel.

Of course, this is also because cold weapons occupy a very important position in the road to survival.

If what Gu Sheng was doing this time was not the road to survival but Cai Liu, I guess he wouldn't have added a separate force feedback system for stabbing people with a knife.

Sister Zhou was greatly surprised by the brand new combat experience. She picked up the crowbar and rushed towards the remaining three zombies!

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Leave these to me! Make me happy!"

The barrage is numb!

'What a terrible line...'

‘I can only say that she is indeed Sister Zhou’

'It's too abstract...'

‘It is recommended that the super management change the live broadcast room to 18+’

‘For a moment I couldn’t tell who was the zombie’

'One cannot...at least should not...'


Ding! Dang! Boom!

As three crisp knocking sounds were heard, and blood splattered, three zombies fell to the ground!

And as the last zombie was thrown away by a crowbar and the bathroom door was opened, the group of people also discovered a strange thing on the sink in the bathroom.

It was a cylindrical container about the size of a mineral water bottle, made of glass and filled with green liquid.

There is a biohazard label on the bottle, which is written in incomprehensible English.

The bottle cap is white and seems to be impossible to unscrew, and the entire bottle is completely sealed.

"what is this?"

Sister Zhou at the front picked up the small green bottle and shook it.


Just when she turned around and wanted to hand the bottle to A Yin for inspection!



A roar sounded!

The zombie who was knocked away by her was not dead, but his lower body was paralyzed. He was lying on the ground, howling and waving his arms in a manic manner!

Sister Zhou was so frightened that she screamed and took a few steps back!

At the same time, he didn’t hold the small green bottle firmly in his hand and just took it out!


Sister Zhou screamed and stretched out her hand to reach it, but after all, her arm was a little short, and her fingertips could barely touch the small green bottle.


The little green bottle flew into the air.


Seeing this, Bobo next to him also let out a soft cry and stretched out his hand to grab it, but he missed it a little. His finger slipped and knocked out the small green bottle.


The sudden change of direction of the small green bottle also caught Liuliu off guard. He saw it flying towards him and subconsciously reached out to catch it, but in the end he was half a beat too slow and failed to catch the bottle.


Under everyone's gaze, the little green bottle flew straight towards A Yin.


Obviously, the several changes in the direction of the little green bottle caught A Yin by surprise.

Let alone a game anchor, even if Buffon comes, he may not be able to make predictions.

Ever since.


Solid, just right!

The little green bottle was impartial and stuck on A Yin's face, causing it to burst instantly!


The splashing green liquid instantly made A Yin's vision blurry.

"Damn——! What the hell is this?"

A Yin was shocked!

Isn’t this extremely unfortunate?

Does that thing have a biochemical symbol on it?

Is it corrosive? Or infectious?

A Yin quickly wiped his face and shook his hands!

However, after waiting for a while, I didn't find anything wrong.

My blood volume is still a healthy 100 drops, and this game doesn't seem to have any infection value set.

It was obviously a biochemical weapon that hit his face, but apart from slightly blurring his vision, it had no effect at all.

For a moment, A Yin was a little confused: "It seems... there is no problem...?"

But the words have not yet been spoken!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, there was a violent banging on the door in the room across the corridor.

The four people looked at each other in confusion.

Immediately afterwards.

Rumbling footsteps seemed to be heard from all directions around them.

It seemed like something was coming towards them quickly, in huge numbers.

"Tsk, hiss——"

A Yin couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

He seemed to have guessed the result, but he was unwilling to face it.

If you guessed correctly, the effect of this thing should be to attract a tide of zombies.

Patting his wet clothes stained with liquid, he pointed at the three people opposite who were speechless and full of apologies.

A Yin gritted his teeth, but gave out a helpless smile:

"Haha...you guys are riding horses..."

Next second!


The door across the corridor suddenly exploded!

A special infected person with a foot taller than the door frame and an extremely enlarged right arm rushed out like a bull!

And behind it, there are countless zombie armies!


The speed of the special zombies was so fast that A Yin didn’t even have a chance to scream!

After slamming A Yin into the wall, he waved his huge right hand and grabbed him suddenly!

A Yin's two calves were firmly grasped in its hands!

Then, like the Hulk beating Loki, Special Forced grabbed A Yin’s legs, swung them round and then smashed them to the ground!

Captain Yin’s last words that everyone heard in the team’s voice were—

"I don't want to play any fucking games with you three anymore——!!!"

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of close contact between the flesh and the floor!

Bang! Bang! Bang!——

PS: Let’s start with one chapter, and we’ll update it during the day. It’s the last day for double monthly tickets! Thank you very much!

This chapter has been completed!
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