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Chapter 98 Hema Epic

 "Ride on my beloved motorcycle,"

"It's never stuck in traffic,"

"Ride on my beloved motorcycle..."


Only halfway through Tuanzi's magical children's song, I heard a clang.

The motorcycle driven by Lao Ma hit the tree without missing a beat, and the vehicle's health dropped significantly in an instant.

Tuanzi, who was almost thrown out, looked at the master with a look of resentment and helplessly sang the last line:

"Our car is going to explode~"

The barrage burst into laughter——

‘Duanzi is so interesting’

‘This little thing is quite funny, don’t let me feed you to death’

‘Seize the bamboo shoots hahahaha’

‘Vehicle Killer Teacher Ma’

‘‘This handbrake doesn’t work well’’

‘Enemy of Life’

‘I feel that since the broadcast started, Teacher Ma has eliminated vehicles more times than he has been beaten to death’

'You can defeat me, but you can never kill me'

‘The main thing is to prevent the opponent from getting KD’

'It feels like this car is going to die again...'



After some mobile shooting!

Amid the incompetent rage of the two 'wild kings', the master and the apprentice successfully took the small room area as their own.

After a search, the two of them were equipped with first- and second-level armor and helmets.

In his hand is a combination of a rifle and a spray gun, which can be used to attack from a distance or defend at a short distance.

As for accessories, they are simple grips and magnifiers.

I have to say that the addition of gun modification settings is really eye-catching.

Because it not only changes the appearance of the weapon, but also gives the game the concept of "weapon upgrade".

The moderate improvement in operability not only gives players a better experience, but is also another development for FPS games.

Even many game project teams currently under development, after seeing this innovation, held meetings overnight to discuss adding this modification system to their games.


Through some reconnaissance with the quadruple lens, Lao Ma confirmed that there was no enemy presence around the hill.

At this time, P City was not far in front of them, and there were vague gunshots in the city.



Hearing Lao Ma calling him, Tuanzi ran over in a hurry:

"What's wrong, master?"

"Now, I'm going to teach you how to be a master——"

Lao Ma said.

As soon as I heard that the master was going to teach me my real skills!

Tuanzi couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Okay, okay, master, tell me, I'm recording the screen."

Then I heard Lao Ma clear his throat:

"Look, in this situation, we have to block people coming out of P City. So, how should we set up our guns?"

"we should……"

Tuanzi thought for a while:

"Get down! Lie down in the grass so that the enemy can't see us!"

As he said that, Tuanzi immediately lay down, raised his rifle and aimed at P City, looking serious.

However, Lao Ma shook his head: "Hey, you see, this is the difference between you and the master."

"When you play more, you will find that, hey, a master will never lie down, he will usually move around here,"

While talking, Lao Ma also picked up the gun and walked back and forth on the hill, swaying from side to side from time to time. He looked like someone with ADHD, acting like a master:

"Because if you lie down and let a sniper see you, you will definitely die. One shot..."

Not finished yet!

The old horse felt as if he had stepped on something and stumbled.

When he looked down, he met a pair of surprised eyes.

Yes, while he was giving lectures with great interest, there was actually a person lying on the ground, and Lao Ma never saw him.

And it just so happened that this player was probably too focused on fighting against P City, and his ears were not working very well, so he didn't hear the noisy footsteps behind him at all.

It was only when the old horse stepped on him that the two of them reacted.

At this moment, the awkward black humor atmosphere reached its peak.

After half a second of silence, Lao Ma lowered his gun.

Da da da da da——

The unlucky guy lying on the ground turned into a box.

Lao Ma was silent for a long time, and then shrugged at Tuanzi: "You see, this is what happens when you lie down..."


Tuanzi was dumbfounded. He seemed to have learned something, but also seemed not to have learned anything.

Because it seems that the reason why the master can complete the teaching so perfectly is because he is blind.

The reason why the unlucky guy on the ground turned into a box is because he is deaf.

The clairvoyant meets the gentle ear.

This probability should still be very low.

However, out of respect for the master, Tuanzi still nodded and looked as if he was stunned:

"So that's it - the master is amazing!"

The barrage collapsed:

‘Why do you think you always cooperate with him?’

‘One dares to teach and the other dares to learn’

'You just say the teaching was unsuccessful, right?'


'I can't refute...'


Seeing that his disciple understood it quickly, Lao Ma also waved his hand: "Go and lick the bag and see what good equipment he has."


Tuanzi likes to lick buns the most.

That feeling of gain made her feel extremely satisfied.

Although she also knew that with her level of strength, even if she switched to level 3 armor and level 3 head, she might not be able to beat a single-armor single-head master head-on.

However, that feeling of being fully armed makes people feel rich and at ease.

Moving forward, Tuanzi happily arrived at the Shunfeng Er Box.

Opening the box, the UI appeared in front of her.


From this look, this person is really quite rich.

Level 2 pack, level 3 armor, level 2 weapon, drink bandage medical pack, smoke grenade flash grenade, and a fully equipped M416.

In addition, there is a special object——

"Yeah? What's this?"

Hearing Tuanzi's surprised voice, Teacher Ma looked back.

Suddenly, Xiaotuanzi was holding a military green sniper rifle in his hand.

The barrage was filled with exclamations—

'Holy shit! Heavy sniping!'

'Isn't this AWP?'

‘No, this is AWM, military type, larger in size and power than AWP’

‘This is an airdrop gun! I’m going to blanch it! This Shunfeng Ear is actually so fat!’

‘This is the first time I saw an airdrop gun in Teacher Ma’s live broadcast room’

‘Not to mention airdrop guns, we didn’t even see airdrop boxes in Teacher Ma’s live broadcast room’

"This big sniper is so powerful. They fought hard to grab one of Eggplant, and the level 3 head shot in seconds."

‘So fierce?!’

'Damn it, Teacher Ma, wouldn't you just stop anyone coming out of City P?'


Teacher Ma has actually never seen anything like this before. After all, none of his previous single games lasted more than ten minutes.

I have never seen what an airdrop gun looks like.

Fortunately, barrage friends are well-informed.

Ever since, Lao Ma started to learn and sell it: "This is a good thing. This is an airdrop gun. I guess this little boss picked it up before. He should have been using this gun just now."


After hearing the master's introduction, Tuanzi's admiration became even greater:

"Then master gives it to you, this is powerful, you come and use it!"

The apprentice's filial piety greatly benefited Lao Ma, but he waved his hand: "You go ahead and use the trick I just taught you."


After hearing the master's instructions, Tuanzi nodded solemnly.

Then, he picked up the AWM and put it on his shoulder, closed one eye, and used the sight to detect the movements of P City.

The feet are dancing in small steps, twisting the body left and right, peeking back and forth, the rhythm is very strong:

"Ah dudu, dudu, hey!"

"Dudu, dudu, oh!"

"I'll set up a sniper and watch you. No one in P City can escape,"

"My master, the Prairie Viper, will turn you into stupid geese,"

"Su hey, Su hey, Su hey—"

Lao Ma was watching and laughing from behind. He really couldn't understand why the popularity of the live broadcast room was so bleak for a dumpling who was so capable of doing things.

But fortunately, this time, she has herself to guide her, so her future live broadcast career will probably be much easier.

It can be considered as giving a rose.

The old horse couldn't help laughing, and the water friends were also amused by the lively and active dumplings.

In today’s live broadcast industry, it’s rare to see such a neurotic anchor with broad thinking.

For a moment, the "dancing" emoticon appeared neatly on the barrage, and the atmosphere was joyful.


This is the time of joy!



A gunshot came from P City, interrupting everyone's dance.

Almost no warning.

In the blink of an eye!

Tuanzi, who was jumping around just now, was crawling on the ground in an instant.


"What the hell is this?!"

Tuanzi was shocked.

But before she could finish her words!


Another shot!

The dumpling that fell to the ground instantly turned into a small box.

The old horse’s pupils shrank suddenly!

Someone stood on the roof of the building on the outer edge of P and fired cold shots!

The next second, there was a swish sound, and the old horse fell down in the grass with lightning speed!

His reaction was so fast that the barrage couldn't help but raise a question mark!

'Why did you lie down?'

‘[A master will never lie down]’

'Good boy, the cat teaches the tiger, right? Do you still have a trick up your sleeve?'

'That's bad, old horse! You teach people to jump left and right to be a living target, and you lie down to hide yourself, right?'

‘Tuanzi: I really believed you’

‘When the old horse lies down, teaching reaches its peak’

'Live Broadcast Immortal, are you kidding me?'

‘He understands the effects of the program so well’



Snap! Whoosh! Snap! Poof!

As gunshots continued to sound in the distance, stray bullets continued to fall around the old horse, stirring up patches of weeds and soil!

Tuanzi also reacted at this moment, exclaiming in the team voice in the form of a box:

"It's a sniper rifle! There is also a sniper rifle on the opposite side! Master! Pick up my big sniper quickly!"

As Tuanzi exclaimed, Lao Ma also crawled to her box!

He said in a deep voice: "Don't panic, disciple, let's wait and see what the master will do next."

"Yeah!" Tuanzi believed in Lao Ma very much: "Master, come on! Let me see your first-person perspective!"

In the game, the dead player can watch the first-person view of his teammates.

Therefore, Tuanzi shifted his perspective to Lao Ma with a learning attitude.

I heard Lao Ma say: "On the battlefield, the more critical the moment, the more calm you must be."

"You can't say that you panic when the other side shoots. It's useless to panic. You know, you have to learn to think calmly!"

"Oh——" Tuanzi was taught: "Then what should we think about now?"

"Put yourself in someone else's shoes,"

Professor Lao Ma said:

"What do you think, if you were the other person, what would you most like me to do now?"


After pondering for a moment, Tuanzi replied:

"I hope you won't move so I can aim and kill you smoothly."

"Hey! The answer is correct! Very progress!"

Teacher Ma highly praised:

"So, what are we going to do next? By the way, we have to do the opposite!"

While talking, Lao Ma also crawled to the dumpling box, took out the shared AWM from the box, and pulled the bolt!


"Watch your apprentice carefully, and watch your master's next operation!"


I saw Teacher Ma rolling on the spot!

While dodging the opponent's shots, Maoyao climbed up from the ground.

He jumped out with a quick step and rode directly onto the smoking Wanzi!

Immediately after twisting the accelerator, Wanzi dragged the billowing smoke and rushed directly down the hillside!

The barrage was in an uproar!

'Holy crap! I understand! Teacher Ma is using offense instead of defense! Take the initiative and disrupt the opponent's rhythm!'

'That man is on the roof, Teacher Ma is going to get in his face!'

‘Holy shit, holy shit, these flicks are kind of cool’

'The other side's shots were all empty, it looks like they are panicking!'

'Holy shit! Teacher Ma's behavior is so cool!'

‘This wave of reverse thinking has that flavor’

‘Golden Lecturer!’


As the audience was amazed one after another!

The smoky beast has also rushed down the hillside crookedly, heading straight towards the low wall outside the housing area!

Lao Ma was completely confident of winning. After deflecting a few bullets from the opponent again, his pride was evident:

"Hey - little boss - should I do this with you?"

"I didn't hit a single shot, so I asked you if you were panicked?"


Just listen to the team's voice, Teacher Ma looks majestic and shouts loudly!

"Watch your disciple!"

"Next, it's time to show off the instant sniper!"

The words have not yet been spoken!


The smoking car hit the low fence, and the flames on the front of the car instantly ignited.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud explosion——


A small mushroom cloud rose over Wanzi and rolled into the sky.

And in the mushroom cloud, a figure flew out, drew an arc in the air, and fell to the ground with a crash and died.

[You detonated the vehicle and killed yourself]


a long time!

A barrage slowly floated through the barrage:

'Did you offend Cybertron in your last life?'

The next second, the live broadcast room burst into laughter!

'Unexpected ways to die have increased again!'

'Hahahahahahaha, you ask me to act and I can't even perform it!'

'Stop feeding me, Teacher Ma, stop feeding me, I really can't eat anymore...'

‘‘Instant Car’’

‘If the somatosensory cabin platform hadn’t been hooked up, I would have had to fix it for Teacher Ma’

‘There’s nothing stopping him from letting the vehicle kill him’

‘That’s outrageous’

‘Gold Medal Chef’

‘It’s such a spectacular night, there are all kinds of ways to die’

'I would like to call it - "The Epic of Hema"'


This night!

Lao Ma teamed up with Tuanzi and fought until two o'clock in the morning!

After the two sides said good night to each other and ended the broadcast, Tuanzi also got out of the somatosensory cabin and stretched greatly!

Then, come to the computer:

"Ouch - I'm so tired. Let's see how today's live broadcast data is -"

The next second.

A scream exploded in Tuanzi's boudoir!



This chapter has been completed!
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