Chapter 739: My mother’s family is here

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 People say, "If you know how to cry in mourning, you will cry until all the guests are heartbroken. If you don't know how to cry in mourning, you will only hear howling." Crying in mourning is also an art. If you know how to cry, you can make thousands of people mourn. If you don't know how to cry, you just cry in vain.


With the development of the times, due to the living environment and cramped houses in big cities, it is impossible to hold funerals at home. People are sent to funeral parlors as soon as they pass away. Some even hold a farewell ceremony for relatives. Some even skip the farewell ceremony and are directly cremated.


Funerals in big cities have no sense of ceremony and do not reflect the awe of life and death.

Most elderly people in rural areas do not like to go to cities, especially places where they have always been buried. If they do not have to go to the city, the elderly will definitely not go to the big city. They pay attention to laying down their bodies in peace, and they also pay more attention to "ending their lives in peace".

The "main bedroom" used to end one's life does not refer to the bedroom, but to the main room of an old-style house, that is, the main room.

There is a difference between the main room and the current living room. The living room in modern buildings can be on one side or on the central axis of the house. The main room must be on the central axis of a house and is the frontmost part, that is, on the central axis.

The big room with the open door.

In the old tradition, when a person dies, the coffin must be placed in the main room. Depending on the direction of the house, the male is on the left and the female is on the right. The male coffin is on the left and the female coffin is on the right. If it is a north-south house, it is male to the east and female to the west.
In the traditional consciousness of the elderly, if a person dies in his own home and can rest in the main room, it means he has passed away. For example, in rural customs, if a person dies outside, he cannot be transported home and rest there, so it is not called the end of his life.

Therefore, what the elderly in rural areas look forward to most is to die at home and be able to take care of posthumous affairs at home. If the elderly at home becomes seriously ill and may die, the family will transport the elderly back home as soon as possible.

Transporting old people who know there is no hope of rescuing them home to die, not only their own relatives will not say that their children are unfilial, but also others will not say anything. After all, the customs are there, everyone wants to close their eyes at home, hoping to have children and grandchildren to support them.

I'm going to die crying, I don't want to be a lonely ghost who died outside.

It is a traditional custom to hang lattice in the main hall, and it is also a traditional custom to watch and mourn.

When an old man in the countryside passes away, if the children at home do not mourn, they will definitely be stabbed in the spine and cast aside. Even if they cannot cry, they will still have to howl for a while.

Therefore, when some old people are unkind and treat their children badly, and their children feel cold and unable to cry, they have no choice but to use chili water or cool oil or garlic paste around the eyes to stimulate the spring glands and make the eyes shed tears.

Of course, if an old man who was unkind and unethical, causing his children to be heartbroken, died, and their children could not cry, the public would be sharp-eyed and would not criticize them harshly. After all, tradition says that fathers are kind and sons are filial, and parents are unkind.

How can we make our children willing to be filial?

The Le family's aunt died young, and even her younger brother never saw her. Now that she can go home and stay, it is the greatest respect that Yueqing and the Le family girls have for her. If no one in the Le family mourns, no one in the village will either.

Poke the spine.

However, everyone did not expect that the Lejia girl cried and cried truly.

When other people cry in mourning, some are real and some are fake. Only a few people feel sad from the heart. Not only do they cry heartbrokenly, but they can also empathize with bystanders.

When the girl from the Le family cried in mourning, she burst into tears. She expressed her love and curses at the same time. Every word she said in her cry was clear and clear, so that people could hear her clearly.

She held the coffin there and wept bitterly. When she cried so deeply, everyone who heard her cried sadly and sighed sadly. When she cursed, the crowd was indignant. When she talked about the loss of her daughter, she was like a mother bird losing its young. She cried day and night, and her cry was like

The cuckoo cries for blood, and the sound is tears. Grandma Zhou, Grandma Zhou Man, and other villagers of the older generation felt the most sympathy and also cried in tears.

Women of the older generation are familiar with Chen Hongying, but now things have changed, their hearts are sad, and their tears are uncontrollable.

When some middle-aged women hear grief, they think of their parents or children, and are moved to tears.

Not to mention the elderly women in Plum Village, even most of the men in Plum Village were heartbroken. When Lehong Chen Hongying lost her daughter, she almost went crazy. She lost shape in just a few days, and they were shocked to see her.<


Zhou Qiufeng cried while trying to persuade her elders, and Sister-in-law Zhao and others also tried to persuade them with tears in their eyes.

When the girl from the Le family cried and complained that her uncle's relatives came back to see her aunt off, Chen Xin, Chen Jie and his wife threw themselves in front of the coffin and called "cousin".

The truth about Chi Bu Jian is that they cried out that they lost contact with their relatives in their hometown because they went to other places and were obstructed by villains. They don’t know the pain their aunts, cousins, and cousins ​​have suffered.

The Chen brothers don't know much about crying, but their daughters-in-law do. The girls from Xiangnan Province are very eloquent and can speak well. They are girls from ethnic minorities, and their funeral and wedding customs are similar to those in Jiudao.

Le Ya's uncle's relatives started to cry, and Zhou Qiufeng went over to persuade her, crying at the same time. Then everyone cried together about her cousin/sister's misfortune, and scolded the villain who was obstructing and harming others.

There was crying for a while, and the women from the Zhou family also went over to cry with them.

Others hurriedly tried to persuade them, seeing that the cries and lamentations over there had formed a resonance and would not stop for a while. Cheng Wu forcefully punched the drums through his arms, beating the drums as densely as raindrops, and the sound was as loud as the sky.

When the sound of the drum subsides, Zhang Laosan begins to sing.

Zhang Laosan's first song was a lament for his family affection in an elegant tone, telling that he was deeply nurturing by his parents. He originally wanted to grow up and stand out with the kindness of his parents, but his luck was not in his favor. He encountered villains at a young age and his soul was destroyed.

Mourning in a foreign land, from now on the white hair is black. The parents miss their children in dreams, the children miss their relatives together in the underworld, the parents cry heartbrokenly for their daughters, and the children shed tears for their parents.

Zhang Laosan sang in the local dialect, with rhyme and rhythm, which made the listeners cry and the listeners sad.

The singer sang, and Sister-in-law Zhao and others helped the old people such as Lejia girl and Grandma Zhou to sit aside, and brought wet towels to wipe their faces.

Leshan wiped her sister's tears with her little hands, and there were two tears in her eyes.

Zhang Laosan sang to an emotional point, and Grandma Zhou, Grandma Zhou Man, Aunt Pa, Grandma Zhang San and others burst into tears again, and sang together one or two sentences while crying.

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Zhou Qiufeng, Zhou Wei, Sister-in-law Zhao and others tried to persuade the old man, but they cried again and again.

Grandpa Zhang San's first song made all the women present cry. Le Yun felt moved in her heart and carried her brother over, kowtowed three times, kowtowed to the drummer and several masters, and then kowtowed to the master.

They kowtowed and gave a big salute to the singer sitting on the ground.

For four years, the Chen family saw their cousins ​​go kowtow, and they followed suit and kowtowed to the teacher's team and singers.

Brothers and sisters of the Zhou family, Chen Xiaozhu and Chen Xiaohe also went to kowtow to express their gratitude.

Don’t blame others for being polite, especially when doing white things. No matter what the matter is, kowtow is the right thing to do. If you do something wrong and make the other party unhappy, kowtow a few times to ensure that the other party’s anger will disappear;

If you want to express your gratitude, you don’t need to say much, just kowtow, people will understand.

Yue Yun, who was born and raised in Plum Village, understands the mystery, so she doesn’t say anything and just kowtows!

She kowtows willingly, without hesitation, hard and sincerely, and every time she kowtows, her forehead touches the ground.

No one inside or outside the hall was unmoved.

The Lejia girl has a noble status and is a wealthy person that ordinary people can't dream of. She still abides by the customs and rules of her hometown when she returns to her hometown. She kowtows without any ambiguity. If she kowtows truly, she is a real ringer.

With her sincerity, who can sing without heart?

The singer was flattered, moved and politely helped the Le family sisters and a group of little boys up one by one, telling them not to be polite.

The singer said there was no need to be polite, but Le Yun was not careless at all. She went around in a circle and kowtowed to everyone, holding her brother in her arms and sitting aside with a group of followers. When Grandpa Zhang San finished singing a song, he hugged his brother again and again.

Go kowtow.

Zhang Laosan sang the first song, followed by the second one, expressing her sorrow in the tone of a Le family grandma. Although it was not as touching as Zhang Laosan's song, it was still sad to hear.

Le Yun hugged her younger brother and went to kowtow again. The Chen family has been meticulous for four years. If her cousin/cousin kowtows, they kowtow.

The people in the hall sang four songs. The village drum was paused, a team of teachers played music, and the singers began to sing.

No matter who is singing, after every song, Le Yun holds her brother and kowtows to thank her. Whenever someone offers incense to her aunt, she gives a thank you gift.

Each singer sang a song, and it was less than eleven o'clock. Village Chief Zhou set off a bunch of firecrackers and announced that the mourning was suspended. The person in charge of the church carried dozens of large woven bags from the warehouse and gave them to the people sitting with him.

Distribute snacks.

Children are willing to wait just for snacks.

The host gave out snacks, and the children were the happiest. They all found a place to sit and prepared bags with snacks. They were truly prepared.

Classmate Le invited Lan San to go shopping in the county town, and the amount of snacks collected was considerable. She originally expected that if she didn't finish it at night, she would pack the rest and give a snack to each family of those who helped with the work.

Because of sufficient preparation, even if there are nearly a thousand people, each snack is enough to share. Some snacks with slightly smaller portions are distributed in smaller quantities per person, such as a kind of wife cake. If there are few people, one person can share two snacks.

Or three, if there are more people, change it to one per person.

Children’s favorite chili strips, hot dogs, and Lux ​​bars are all available.

When the children got their favorite spicy strips, eight out of ten immediately tore off the seal and gnawed on one. The spicy strips were so spicy that they still couldn't put it down and ate them with gusto.

Lan San, the handyman, is like a brick, moving it wherever it is needed. He also helps distribute snacks. He didn't understand why he had to buy so many snacks at first, until after the meal, men, women and children who had not come to Lejia for dinner also came. At first glance, it was dark.

heads, I have to sigh with emotion that little Lolita has foresight,

Also because Lan San and Mr. Li cleared out the ready-to-eat snack stocks in two supermarkets, and also swept out the stocks of several store assistants. The amount of snacks was staggering, and it only took two hours to get the snacks.

There were many types and quantities of snacks. Everyone got a big pack of snacks, including four bottles/box of bottled milk and small bottled milk, two cans of eight-treasure porridge, four packs of instant noodles, bags of plums, and ready-to-eat snacks.

Dried fish, etc., as well as hot dogs, the bags are heavy.

After the snacks were distributed, the children who went to Lejia to play were exhausted and exhausted, so they went home in groups.

Most of the parents of children are on the same side as their children. When the cubs go home, the adults will naturally go home too.

As a result, waves of men, women, old and young, each holding a snack bag, left Lejia one after another, and the crowd dispersed like a tide.

Villagers from several neighboring villages further away also left in groups.

Before they went home, they sent a representative to talk to Village Chief Zhou, saying that they would have to come later to take Leya up the mountain tomorrow, or they might not be able to come to take Leya out tomorrow because of something else.

This means that if you don’t come to Lejia for breakfast tomorrow/or don’t come tomorrow, don’t include them, otherwise the kitchen staff will include them when making the budget and cook a lot more tables for breakfast/lunch, that is,

Tired people also waste food.

Village Chief Zhou wrote down each village one by one who specifically said he would not come to Lejia for dinner tomorrow morning.

Representatives from the township hospital and school also said goodbye to Village Chief Zhou when the villagers had dispersed. They also specifically said that due to work reasons, they probably would not be able to send Leya up the mountain tomorrow, and they expressed their deep apologies.

Village Chief Zhou thanked him and made a memo.

As the villagers dispersed, only a limited number of people stayed at Le's house to stay up late. Tables were set up in the kitchen for midnight dinner. When the diners sat down, there were a total of twenty-eight tables. Some people wanted to sell livestock and were waiting for Liu.

Lu and others went to their house to kill pigs and also stayed for a meal.

The women helped to clear the tables for the guests who had eaten in the middle of the night. There were young and middle-aged people from several houses who knew that Brother Zhou, Liu Lu and others were going to kill pigs and buy chickens and geese. Those with cars would drive or follow them to help.

Village Chief Zhou noted down the names of people who were willing to help. People who are willing to help are kind-hearted people, and the owner cannot neglect them. All they have to do is give a thank-you gift after the work is done.

The people who went shopping on a starry night set off. The women washed the dishes and sorted out the finished dishes. When they were done, some people went home to relax for a while, and some stayed to accompany their families to watch the funeral.

Generally speaking, teachers don't stay up late. The teachers who came to Lejia didn't even go to rest. They all stayed with the master's family to watch the night.

There were many singers accompanying the host's family at the vigil, and five tables were seated. After eating and resting for nearly an hour, Cheng Wu banged the drum, and the singers started the evening performance of singing filial songs.

They will embrace the rest of the night, that is, they will sing songs in the middle of the night and not let the mourning hall be left alone.

Leshan was still growing, so it was not advisable to stay up late. Leyun clicked on his younger brother's sleeping point, hugged him, took his cousins ​​to kowtow to the singers, and then handed his younger brother to Mr. Yi to be sent to the south.

Sleeping on the third floor.

The four little brothers of the Chen family, including Chen Xiaozhu, Chen Xiaohe, Zhou Tianhong, Zhou Tianlan and Cao Qingyue, also refused to go to bed and followed the whole process.

Cao Bingyue was still a child, and Leyun also clicked on her sleeping point, and Cao Qingyue sent her to sleep at Grandma Zhou's house. Grandma Cao, Aunt Zhang San, and other elderly people were all staying at Le's house to stay up all night.

Naturally, Mr. Yan did not go to bed and was chatting with his masters in the main hall of the North Tower of Lejia.

Le Yun went to the temporary large kitchen in the backyard and the south building kitchen to check it out. She took tools and dismantled the window of the refrigerator room in the north building facing the backyard. She climbed into the refrigerator room through the window and moved 30 boxes of ingredients to the south building kitchen for later use.<


She was moving things, Zhou Qiufeng and her cousins ​​​​were packing some things in the warehouse, Le's father and cousins ​​were guarding the mourning hall, and when a singer sang a song, the three of them went to kowtow to express their gratitude.

This chapter has been completed!
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