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Chapter 103 Soldiers are tricky, don't waste any opportunity!

Seeing Zhao Cheng's calm and confident look, Xiao Luofeng was stunned.

Before, he was shocked by the fighting power of Yang Taozhi and Zhou Chuan brothers and sisters, but now he was shocked by Zhao Cheng's determination.

If even figures like the Seven Generals of the Yangmen are willing to be the vanguard, then the head coach of the Southern Zhou Army must be a big shot.

How could Zhao Cheng, a playboy, be so calm and composed when being targeted by such a big shot and such a troop?

Is this a dandy?

If it had been any other dude, he would have been so frightened that he would have made a fuss and wanted to go home, right?

Seeing Xiao Luofeng's blank look, Zhao Cheng asked: "Xiao Shouwei, haven't you figured it out yet?"

Xiao Luofeng did not answer immediately, but calmed down and tried to calm down.

The Seven Generals of the Sheep Gate...

Going deep into Lingshan...

Sneak attack on the mountain...

Xiao Luofeng's eyes lit up, he raised his head suddenly and said, "You can't go down the mountain now!"

Seeing everyone's thinking expressions, Zhao Wu picked his scalp, wondering what was going on in their minds.

Xiao Luofeng continued: "Our whereabouts should have been exposed by the scouts who escaped in the afternoon. If the Southern Zhou Army is really plotting something big, they should look down on a hundred of us. When going deep into enemy territory, you should be as low-key as possible. No

It is necessary to take the risk of exposure to clear us."

"Unless! The person I sent to Qingdong City to report the news was caught, and the Southern Zhou Army knew that we discovered their true identity, so they would not let us leave Lingshan alive!"

"Having one of the seven generals of the Yangmen lead a sneak attack team to deal with a mere hundred of us shows their determination to kill us!"

"In this case, someone will definitely be arranged to meet us on our way down the mountain!"

"So if we go down the mountain now, we will get into their bags and we will definitely die!!!"

Following Xiao Luofeng's analysis, Xiao Luomu became more frightened and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground.

Zhao Cheng smiled slightly at Xiao Luofeng, nodded and said: "This is Xiao Shouwei's level!"

"Then what should we do?" Xiao Luofeng asked Zhao Cheng subconsciously.

Zhao Cheng said: "You are the leader here."

Xiao Luofeng waved his hand, showing his ability to bend and stretch, and said: "We don't distinguish between these! Whoever has a good idea, just listen to him!"

Zhao Cheng stood up slowly. Seeing that he was slightly tipsy, Zhao Wu hurried over to help him.

"I can't say I'm a good idea, but there are a few suggestions that I think we can try."

Xiao Luofeng cupped his fists and said, "Please enlighten me!"

"It's time to rest tonight and recharge your batteries. You may not have time to rest until tomorrow."

"Throw the body of that sheep-like seventh general down the mountain and let the Southern Zhou army see it. Let them realize that we are not that easy to mess with. We may have arranged an ambush or something, so they will not send the entire army easily.

Go up the mountain and pay.”

"We are just a small group of people. Even though my sister and Zhou Chuan are here, if hundreds of people come up to the mountain to fuck us, we will definitely not be able to stop them."

"At the same time, Lieutenant Xiao, please send someone down the mountain to report the news."

Xiao Luofeng said quickly: "The one we sent last time was arrested, so we may not succeed this time!"

"Listen to me."

Zhao Cheng walked forward, pulled up the curtain, looked at the tent where the women and children lived, and said: "If my estimate is correct, when the Southern Zhou Army found out that the man they sent was dead, their first reaction was to seal the mountain.

.When the time comes, you shout to their coach and ask them to let innocent women and children go."

Xiao Luofeng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Zhao Cheng would still be thinking about those women and children at this time.

"But they are Southern Zhou people after all. They don't care about the life or death of our Dajing women and children, do they?"

"But they are human beings after all!" Zhao Cheng said seriously: "You have to try!"


"If they don't agree, then we will have no choice but to run up the mountain and look for another way out. But since we are short of food and water, it is probably difficult to persevere."

"But if they agree, you can send three messengers down the mountain while you are handing over to report the situation in Lingshan and ask for reinforcements as soon as possible!"

Xiao Luofeng nodded, saluted Zhao Cheng, and said, "Take your orders!"

Zhao Cheng quickly suppressed Xiao Luofeng's hand and said softly: "Don't dare, I'm just suggesting, you still have to make the decision."

Xiao Luofeng came close to Zhao Cheng's ear and said in a softer voice: "Although the right prime minister is a civil servant, he has actually experienced hundreds of battles and a life of military service, and he is as good as the champion king. The young prime minister has the same blood as him.

His blood is indeed that of an ordinary dandy."

"Extraordinary dude." Zhao Cheng couldn't laugh or cry: "Your compliment is so damn exciting!"

Under the mausoleum mountain.

Looking at the body lying flat on the ground, Yang Qingzhi bowed deeply.

All the surrounding officers followed suit.

"Zhao Cheng has experts by his side."

Seeing Yang Qingzhi speak, Yang Le, one of the seven generals of the Yangmen, said: "It's also possible that they set up an ambush."

"Is Zhao Cheng that smart?"

"Don't forget, little governor, he was the first to see our identity." Yang Le reminded: "Besides, Xiao Luofeng is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although his family is extremely wealthy, he does not rely on his family's wealth to take shortcuts.

He was shot and killed from the Jing army."

Yang Le took a step forward, his brows and eyes narrowed, as if he was remembering.

"In the battle outside Yunjing City a few years ago, Xiao Luofeng was just a centurion at the time. He led a hundred men to surprise our army's flank and defeated five hundred men on our flank."

"This man...I am deeply impressed by him. He most likely guessed that we wanted to clear them up."

Yang Qingzhi returned to the chair and sat down. A tabby cat jumped on his lap.

He petted the cat and after thinking for a while, he said: "Seal the mountain first! Not even a mouse is allowed to go!"

At noon.

The messenger ran to Yang Qingzhi and shouted: "Report——"

"Reporting to the young governor, Xiao Luofeng sent a message down the mountain, saying that they rescued a group of women and children who were captured by bandits and asked to let the women and children go down the mountain!"

"Joke!!" Xiong Bin said angrily: "They killed our people and asked us to let their people go?"

Yang Qingzhi raised his hand to suppress Xiong Bin's anger and asked, "Just women and children?"

"That's what they said."

Seeing Yang Qingzhi thinking, Xiong Bin shouted: "Little Governor! They are enemies!!"

Yang Qingzhi petted the cat and said: "Our enemies are the Jingguo soldiers, not innocent women and children."

Yang Lechao glanced at Xiong Bin and said: "The war will not harm the people. The general knows that the young governor is as generous as the sea. But when they come out like this, be careful of fraud."

Yang Qingzhi did not answer directly, but asked: "Do you still remember that when the bandits were taken away, not even a woman was seen in the village?"

"But the villagers at the foot of the mountain said that women and children were often arrested."

Yang Le understood and said: "The little governor means that the women and children we didn't find were found by Xiao Luofeng and the others."

"It should be so. The woman and child must have been hidden in a dark place by the bandits. If we hadn't been walking in a hurry at that time, we should have been able to find it."

Yang Qingzhi did not want to spend too much time discussing the matter and ordered: "I agree to their condition, but the handover must wait until the evening."


"Little Governor!!" Xiong Bin was still dissatisfied.

"General Xiong, do you want to avenge General Ma?" Yang Qingzhi suddenly asked.

Xiong Bin nodded heavily, his eyes a little red, and said: "If Ma Jian hadn't also asked for a fight, then I would have died! I must avenge Ma Jian for him!"


Yang Qingzhi's expression darkened and he said: "During the handover in the evening, take some elites and sneak up the mountain from the south to see what's going on with them. If there is a chance, complete the mission that General Ma has not completed!"

Xiong Bin was overjoyed and quickly clasped his fists and said, "Yes!"

"General Yang."


"You have the same mission as General Xiong. You go up the mountain to the north!"

"The last general takes command!"

Xiong Bin became excited and said: "It turns out that the young governor has such an arrangement!!"

Yang Le smiled and said: "This time General Xiong and I are attacking simultaneously. Ma Jian can be avenged! Zhao Cheng can be captured!!"

"It's true to let those women and children go."

Yang Qingzhi looked at the towering mountains in front of him, his eyes as clear as water, and said: "But soldiers are tricky, so you can't waste the opportunity if you have it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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