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Chapter 161 Veterans don't die, Dajing doesn't die!

"Little general?"

The crowd was immediately attracted by Zhao Cheng's angry shout and turned to look at Wang Yuluan.

Wang Yuluan was also stunned and glanced at Zhao Cheng. Zhao Cheng quickly whispered in his ear: "Don't panic, these people are from the Southern Zhou Dynasty. At the feet of the emperor, it is a good opportunity for you to show off your power."


The crowd separated, and the group of people came over. The leader looked to be less than thirty years old. Although he was wearing a wide shirt and shorts, the thin material looked very luxurious.

He remained silent and just looked at Wang Yuluan. A middle-aged man next to him shouted: "What little general dares to meddle in our business? Do you know who we are?"

Wang Yuluan was not an ignorant person. Looking at the clothes of this group of people, listening to this person's accent, and being reminded by Zhao Cheng, he immediately knew that the other person was indeed not from Jingguo, and sneered: "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man spread his hands to the people around him and said, "This is Prince He of Nan Zhou, the younger brother of our Emperor of Southern Zhou!"

At this time, at least several hundred people gathered on the street, and everyone was stunned.

The younger brother of the Southern Zhou Emperor!


Wang Yuluan's expression also froze for a moment, but his eyes became more solemn and he said: "What about the Prince of Southern Zhou Dynasty? This is Dajing!"

As he said that, he pointed at the old worker who was kicked to the ground and said: "You bully the old people in our Dajing country, how can you still be justified?!"

Just as the middle-aged man was about to speak, Zhou Jinghuan raised his hand to tell him to shut up. Instead, he took a step closer to Wang Yuluan and smiled contemptuously: "Then what do you want, little general?"

As the tenth brother of the Southern Zhou emperor, Zhou Jinghuan, who is only 28 years old, is the youngest prince of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, a few years older than the prince of the Southern Zhou Dynasty. The emperor and the queen mother loved him very much, and his nephews and nephews of similar age treated him very much.

Respect, he is used to being respected by others, but if his clothes are soiled by a lowly commoner like today, he will definitely be dragged out and chopped.

Just a kick and a curse was enough to give Dajing face!

"Hel this old man up."

Wang Yuluan didn't know what Zhou Jinghuan was thinking. After instructing Zhang Dalian to arrange for someone to help the old man up, he said sternly: "It's wrong to curse people, and it's even more wrong to hit people. I don't care what kind of prince you are, please apologize to this old man!"

"Apologise? Hahaha... what a big joke!"

Zhou Jinghuan shook his wide sleeves and said: "I was invited to the banquet by your emperor. I am an envoy from the Southern Zhou Dynasty. I am your distinguished guest from Dajing! You want the guests to apologize to your... little common people?"

Wang Yuluan shouted: "The emperor, ministers, and common people are all from my Dajing! You can't bully the Dajing people in my land of Dajing!"


"This little general said it well!!"

"It's not okay to bully me, Dajingren. I must apologize. I must apologize!!"

The people watching suddenly started shouting and subconsciously approached Zhou Jinghuan one by one.

Zhao Cheng also gave a secret thumbs up, thinking that with Wang Yuluan's blood, he didn't need to fan the flames anymore.

Zhou Jinghuan suppressed his smile and said, "What if I don't apologize?"

Wang Yuluan said in a deep voice: "You try?"

Hearing this, Zhang Dalian raised his hand, and a dozen guards brought behind him to pick him up surrounded Zhou Jinghuan and his party.

There were only about ten people in Zhou Jinghuan's party, and none of them were wearing weapons.

"You are so young and energetic. Do you know the consequences of treating me like this?"

Zhou Jinghuan sneered and said: "May I ask, which house is the little general a kid from?"

Before Wang Yuluan could speak, Zhao Cheng imitated Zhao Wu's doggy tone and said: "General Yanchuan's Mansion!"

"Yanchuan? You Changsui from Yanchuan is so arrogant..." Zhou Jinghuan suddenly froze in mid-sentence, then his face changed slightly, and he changed his words: "Yanchuan General's Mansion? Which Yanchuan General's Mansion??"

Zhao Cheng said leisurely: "There is only a general's mansion in Yanchuan..."

Zhou Jinghuan asked: "You and General Wei..."

Wang Yuluan said loudly: "General Wei Wang Ren is my father!!"


Everyone, including Zhou Jinghuan, took a deep breath.

There are only two Prime Minister's Palaces in Jingguo, but there are countless General's Palaces, but now if we want to ask about the most famous General's Palace, there is only the unique one of Yanchuan General's Palace!!

"Oh my God! This is actually the son of General Wang Yan!!"

"General Wei's son, no wonder he is so bloody. A tiger father has no dog son!!"

"Little General Wang is really of great temperament!" Someone pointed at Zhao Cheng and said, "Look at the entourage around the little General, they are all talented people!!"

The onlookers were excited, and Wang Yuluan was also very excited.

This is the first time,


To be able to state my father's name so proudly and confidently!

I am the son of Wang Ren!

I am the junior general of General Yanchuan's Mansion!

At this moment, Wang Yuluan raised his head and looked at the sky, silently saying in his heart: "Brother, have you seen it? Our father...he has made a career!!!"

"Hahahahaha, it turns out he is General Wei's son, disrespectful!"

Zhou Jinghuan smiled again on his face. This technique of switching expressions was very skillful. He cupped his fists and said: "The protagonist of this Dajing state banquet is your father. We also came to congratulate General Wei, and we actually met here! Also!

Why are you making such a fuss? Didn't the flood wash away the Dragon King Temple?"

"Who are you and your own people?"

After enjoying the love of the people and Zhou Jinghuan's show of weakness, Wang Yuluan became more stubborn and asked: "Are you going to apologize?"

Zhou Jinghuan was a little embarrassed. As soon as he took a step forward towards Wang Yuluan, the guards of the General's Mansion around him immediately took a step towards him.

He stopped and said softly: "Little General, if General Wei were here, he would not do this."

"I'm just asking you if you want to apologize, why are you talking so much nonsense?!"

Zhao Cheng raised his fist and shouted: "The general is asking you a question, do you want to apologize?!"

Zhou Jinghuan slowly lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Does it have to be like this?"

He looked at the old worker and said, "This is just a pariah..."

"Bastard!!" Zhao Cheng said angrily: "You, a foreigner, dare to call the people of Dajing a pariah?"

With that said, Zhao Cheng walked up to the old worker, lifted up his already frayed clothes, pointed at the wounds on his abdomen and said: "Old man, I have seen these wounds of yours, these... shouldn't be

Work-related injury?"

The old worker nodded to Zhao Cheng, then clasped his fists towards Wang Yuluan who was not far away, and said, "Sir, if the injuries sustained during the battle are not work-related injuries, then these things like mine are not."


Zhao Cheng's expression condensed and he said: "The old man is a soldier of Dajing!"

When Wang Yuluan ordered people to help the old worker up, Zhao Cheng noticed the wounds on his abdomen, which were obviously knife wounds and gunshot wounds.

Zhao Cheng just asked tentatively, but he didn't expect that this old worker was really a veteran.

Zhao Huan treats the veterans very well, which can be seen from his kindness to the veterans who retired from the Dragon Lancers.

Zhao Huan once said: As long as the old soldiers die, Dajing will not be destroyed!

This sentence deeply stayed in Zhao Cheng's heart, and it can be regarded as the family tradition of Youxiang Mansion.

So now that things have developed, Zhao Cheng's emotions are no longer just fake.

"It used to be..." The old worker glanced at the Southern Zhou people and said: "When I was young, I fought against Ye Dan, fought against pirates, and... also fought against Southern Zhou!"

As he spoke, he lifted up his clothes, pointed to the wound on his abdomen, and said with trembling lips: "This one was left in Mobei, this one was left in Yunjing, this one was left in Yunmeng... If you calculate it this way,

I suffered more losses at the hands of the Southern Zhou people, and I got kicked by the Southern Zhou people again today..."

"Old man!"

Zhao Cheng held the old worker's hand tightly and said in awe: "A soldier for a while, a soldier for life! You were a soldier of Dajing once, and you are a soldier of Dajing now!"

"When we were children, it was you who shed your blood and sacrificed for us. Now that we have grown up, it is up to us to protect you!!"

Zhao Cheng clasped his fists at Wang Yuluan and said, "Young general, insulting our Dajing soldiers is trampling on the country's prestige. This person should not be spared lightly!"

The crowd suddenly became excited.

"Yes, don't forgive me lightly!!"

"This is unreasonable. What kind of dog dares to come to Chang Sui and act wild!!"

"I must apologize to the old man!!"

Hearing this, Wang Yuluan stepped in front of Zhou Jinghuan, and the tip of his nose almost touched his forehead. When he spoke, his saliva splashed on his face, and he roared: "Apologise! You must kneel down and apologize!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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