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Chapter 482 Zhao Wu's Name 1

The victory of ‘1’ does not mean the end of life in the grotto.

One three years passed, and another three years came.

The second group of children entered the grotto one after another.

Of course, ‘1’ doesn’t know whether these children are the second batch, perhaps the third batch, the fifth batch, or even the tenth batch?

Because these children have been rearranged, there is also a 1 among them.

But this one was not so lucky and died within three months.

It's exhausting.

‘1’ thought: “It seems that the number 1 does not bring me good luck.”

It didn’t take long for ‘1’ to be assigned tasks by the mountain master. Most of them were disguised as children to kill people.

‘1’ thinks it’s ridiculous that he is obviously a child, but he still pretends to be one.

But he didn't dare to show his disrespect for the mountain owner.

The mountain master is still so powerful, he is the only adult in the entire grotto, but the situation has never gotten out of control.

He seems to have no need for subordinates and can solve everything by himself.

The mountain owner always has a way to 'pacify' these children.

Two years have passed and these children have also ushered in the last year that will determine their fate.

But their fighting was obviously more brutal than the previous batch, because there was still a year to go, but only nine children were left.

The mountain owner seemed to want to get the final result as quickly as possible, so he flexibly adjusted the plan, called '1' back to join them, and divided them into two teams to perform the tasks respectively.

The mountain owner appointed ‘1’ as the captain and asked him to choose his four team members.

The five people who were not selected form a team, and the mountain owner will appoint another captain among them.

All nine children looked at '1' with sincere eyes, hoping that '1' would choose them.

They know that '1' is the winner among the previous batch of children and is a veteran who has been performing tasks for two years. With '1' taking the task with him, the success rate and survival rate are much higher.

These nine children include five boys and four girls.

'1' didn't even look at the faces of the four girls, although the four girls looked at him with admiration.

It's not that he underestimates these girls, it's that whenever he sees these girls, he will think of the girl who wanted to bite off his neck but was broken by him.

Then his eyes fell on the faces of the five boys.

Choose four from five.

‘1’ first selected the three strongest ones with the toughest eyes.

There are still 'three' and 'wu Shijiu' left.

‘Wu Shijiu’ is obviously stronger. He seems to know the selection criteria of ‘1’ and deliberately shows off his muscles.

‘Three’ looked at ‘1’ with a sincere look, and there were even tears in his eyes, looking like a coward.

‘1’ gave the last spot to ‘Three’.

This result was beyond everyone's expectations, only the mountain owner was laughing.

The mountain owner made the unsuccessful ‘Wu Shijiu’ the captain and assigned him and ‘1’ their respective tasks.

The mission of the team '1' is to ambush on the mountainside on the back of Montenegro. A caravan will pass by in the next two days. Kill the caravan, take their belongings back to the cave, and reward them on a head-to-head basis.

When they heard that they were just massacring the caravan, the children were relieved, but '1''s instinct told him that the task could not be that simple.

When did the old man, Lord of the Mountain, ever be gentle?

Two days later, the caravan showed up. There were forty or fifty people, indeed pulling several carriages loaded with goods.

When the caravan arrived at the ambush site, five children 'disguised' as children running away from home and walked over to beg for food.

But when the people from the caravan brought them food and water, the children quickly observed and analyzed the situation of the caravan, and then launched an attack on the caravan unprepared.

The caravan was caught off guard. After a few people fell, the rest immediately drew their sabers from under the carriage floor.

Seeing the sudden momentum of these people, '1', who had killed countless people, knew that they were definitely not businessmen.

"Damn it! After hunting eagles all my life, an eagle pecked its eye! Catch these little bastards and stew them!"

Later '1' found out that this team was not a caravan after all, but horse thieves disguised as a caravan and went to Montenegro to seize the stone mine.

The mission of ‘Wu Shijiu’ and the others is to kill all the family members of these horse thieves according to the address given by the mountain owner.

The mission of the team "Wu Shijiu" is to reward people based on their head count.

The person chosen by '1' thinks he is lucky, but he does not know that there is a high probability that he will die.

‘1’ So I learned why the mountain owner is called the mountain owner, because not only does the grotto belong to him, but the entire Black Mountain also belongs to him, including the stone mine.

Five children were no match for fifty horse thieves. Under the command of '1', the five children broke out separately. In the end, three children fell in the process of breaking through. '1' and '3' broke through the encirclement.

But there were still horse thieves in hot pursuit, and ‘San’ was caught up by two horse thieves.

Both '1' and '3' were injured, especially '3', whose strength was far inferior to '1', and was no longer a match for these two horse thieves.

The horse thief smiled cruelly and said: "The boss said he wanted to stew these little bastards, but it's a pity that the three are dead and not fresh enough. Fortunately, we caught one alive!"

‘San’ knelt down on his knees and looked at the two horse thieves with tears in his eyes.

A child under ten years old looks like he is begging for mercy. As long as he is not a hard-hearted person, his heart will soften.

Horse thieves will not be soft-hearted, but they will relax their vigilance.

The two thieves dismounted and walked up to San, touching San's face like they were teasing women.

"Children are children, they are so tender! Do you want to live? Be my slave from now on, and I will beg the boss to spare you!" the horse thief said with a smile.

‘San’ nodded fiercely, and then kowtowed to the horse thief.

The horse thief laughed wildly, but his laughter stopped abruptly.

‘San’ held the knife and drove it into the horse thief’s throat.

Just when 'San' drew his sword and was about to kill the second horse thief, the horse thief reacted, kicked 'San' to the ground, raised his saber and chopped it down.


Suddenly a black light flashed through, and ‘San’ stared blankly at the horse thief in front of him, watching helplessly as the horse thief’s body split open, a line of blood extended from the left side of the neck to the right waist, and the upper body gradually slipped off.

Cut in two.

Blood splashed all over 'San'. He wiped the blood on his face, opened his eyes, and saw '1' behind the horse thief.

'1' came over, stretched out his hand towards 'Three', and said: "I can save your life, I can pull you up, but whether you choose to leave or go back, you decide for yourself."

'San' didn't think much and said: "I'll follow you."

The two of them walked away from the horse thief for a while, came to a waterfall and began to wash away the blood and dirt on their bodies.

When children are training for rock climbing, they can see this waterfall as long as they climb higher. However, most children do not have the opportunity to see the waterfall.

They only knew that the waterfall was beautiful and very high. They could not see the bottom of the waterfall, as if there was an abyss below.

‘1’ walked to the waterfall and let the water wash over his body, looking very happy.

He asked: "Have you decided whether to leave or stay?"

‘Three’ walked behind ‘1’ and took the initiative to rub his back and said, “If you could really leave, you would have left long ago.”

‘1’ said: “You are very smart.”

'San' said: "Your sword skills are so powerful."

'1' said: "This is the only reward from the mountain master to me."

'San' said: "I want it too."

'1' shook his head and said: "The mountain master said that the two broken swords will only be passed on to me. The winners of your group should be rewarded with other techniques."

"That's really a pity..."

‘Three’ sighed, and an astonishing force suddenly burst out from his hand, pushing ‘1’ down.

This chapter has been completed!
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