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Chapter 516 Where the Blade Might is is where I am!

Dongcheng Street in Yanchuan City is lively and bustling, with vendors selling goods on both sides and an endless stream of pedestrians.

Zhao Hu walked in front, and Zhao Cheng and... Deng Yanjiao, who was holding his arm with both hands, walked behind. Zhao Cheng had a lifeless expression and was no longer in the mood to relax in the club.

What made Zhao Cheng even more miserable was that Deng Yanjiao wanted to hug her and carry her on her back. Zhao Hu could not do these things for her. Zhao Cheng had never felt that walking on the street was so tiring.

Among the passers-by, some who knew Zhao Cheng and some who didn't, they all looked at him in great surprise.

For those of you who don’t know each other, you can’t tell the difference between Zhao Cheng and Deng Yanjiao. Are they lovers... or father and daughter?

They are father and daughter, so they are a bit too close.

It's a lover, but this guy is so shameless to find such a young one!

But those who knew Zhao Cheng didn't dare to say anything, but they sighed in their hearts that the taste of the young prime minister is getting more and more sophisticated!

So Zhao Cheng gradually realized that the distance between Zhao Hu and him, who was walking in front, was getting farther and farther...

"Zhao Hu, what are you doing? Stay closer to me."

"Master, don't be so nervous. It was you who said that Yanchuan City is very peaceful now and no one dares to hurt you."

"But what is your duty? You have to protect me!"

"Don't worry, you are still within the range of my sword's power."

"No, I want you to stay closer to me."

"Then can you put Miss Deng down first?"


Zhao Cheng shouted: "Zhao Hu, you have changed! Your face has become thinner!"

Zhao Hu actually turned around and smiled at Zhao Cheng, saying: "A Tao agrees to be with me, I have to take her face into consideration."

"Dog thief!" Zhao Cheng cursed angrily.

At this time, Zhao Hu suddenly stopped, his expression tightened, and he clenched the broken knife in his hand.

The street was busy and crowded with pedestrians. An old man in his fifties stopped in front of him, holding a cane and breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry, young man, I'm sorry...my legs and feet are inconvenient..."

Zhao Hu looked at the old man's legs and saw that one was higher and the other was lower, showing that he was indeed disabled. He said, "Then hurry up and leave. I'll wait for you."

"No, no, no." The old man waved his hand and gasped: "I have to stop and take a rest. Could you please go around it?"

Zhao Cheng said from behind: "Let's go, if we stop now, everyone behind us will have to stop."

Zhao Hu thought for a moment, nodded to the old man, and walked around while wiping his shoulder.

The old man suddenly raised his lowered head, hugged Zhao Hu's body suddenly, pressed the handle of the broken knife with his abdomen, and shouted: "Do it!"

In an instant, five people suddenly appeared from the surrounding pedestrians, and at the same time, they displayed their weapons and attacked Zhao Cheng.

"Master, be careful!"

Zhao Hu reacted very quickly, shouted sharply, used his inner strength to shake the old man away, and then slashed twice on the spot.

Both swords struck in the direction of Zhao Cheng through the air.

One knife was on the left side of Zhao Cheng, and the other was on the right side.

Zhao Cheng stirred up the power of two swords from left and right, forcing the five assassins to retreat.

Zhao Cheng quickly picked up Deng Yanjiao again and shouted, "I told you to stay closer to me!"

Zhao Hu quickly came to Zhao Cheng and said: "It's okay, Master, where the power of the sword is, I am!"

Zhao Cheng yelled: "You are so fucking in love that your speaking style has changed!"

Clang Clang Clang!!!

The assassins were forced to retreat but did not escape, and immediately surrounded and killed them. Zhao Hu moved around Zhao Cheng, blocking the assassins with one against five.

The crowded pedestrians suddenly dispersed, but they still gathered in the distance to watch the excitement.

"Master, these five people are all top-notch masters. You stay close behind me and don't run around!"

"Are they all top-notch experts? Who is so generous?"

Zhao Cheng was confused. With his current control over Yanchuan City, even if someone wanted to kill him, he would not choose to do it in Yanchuan City.

Unless it's very urgent.

But if he thought carefully about his enemies, Zuo Xiangfu? Yang Family Army, they wouldn't use such a stupid trick!

The old man seemed to be incompetent in martial arts. He stood not far away and said, "Someone must have gone to the Prime Minister's Mansion to report the news. You don't have much time left. Kill them quickly!"

Hearing this, Zhao Cheng looked towards the old man, and while cooperating with Zhao Hu's cover, he said to the old man: "Where did this unknown person come from?"

"The unknown person?" The old man sneered: "Yes, I am the unknown person, but today it is me, the unknown person, who killed you, the famous little prime minister!"

"Zhao Cheng, I have been planning hard for two years and spent all my wealth to hire these assassins. You will definitely die today!"

"If you don't take action, you won't have a chance, hurry up!!!"

The old man shouted again, which confused Zhao Hu and Zhao Cheng. Didn't they already take action?

What else should I go to?

Fighting is an ever-changing thing. Before Zhao Cheng could understand the old man's words, Zhao Hu's scalp all over his body began to feel numb.

A fatal murderous intention suddenly rose in his heart.

He quickly crossed his sword to block a black dart, and then saw a man holding a ring knife falling from the sky!

Zhao Hu raised his inner strength to the maximum in an instant, shook the five people around him away, and tried his best to resist the sword falling from the sky.

He and Zhao Cheng both understood.

There are not five assassins, but six!

It was this last person that the old man called out.

And the person who appeared at the end was obviously the strongest!


The two knives overlapped and stirred up a strong air current. Zhao Cheng and the assassins were knocked back several steps.

Only Zhao Hu and the sixth assassin were left in the smoke.

After the smoke dissipated, Zhao Cheng and the assassin looked at each other's faces, and their expressions gradually changed.

Zhao Hu turned his back to Zhao Cheng at this time and could not let Zhao Cheng see his expression. Otherwise, Zhao Cheng would be very surprised because he had never seen Zhao Hu's expression so shocked.

Zhao Hu shouted: "Wu Shijiu!"

The assassin also shouted: "One!"

Although many years have passed, that memory is still unforgettable in Zhao Hu's mind, especially the code name "一" that is not even a name.

And this 'Wu Shijiu' was the kid who showed off his muscles in front of Zhao Hu and wanted Zhao Hu to choose him as a team member.

The winner of their batch was ‘Three’. Zhao Hu didn’t understand why ‘Wu Shijiu’ was still alive, but he knew that those children who were still alive today were the most powerful assassins in the world.

He must use all his strength without reservation and not give 'Wu Shijiu' any chance!

Zhao Hu raised the broken knife with both hands, and the power of the knife enveloped him as if it were substantial.

‘Wu Shijiu’ also made a chopping gesture, ready to fight Zhao Hu head-on.

Two broken knives!

Zhao Hu is confident that as long as he uses his full strength to strike the two broken swords, no one in the world can beat him with his sword!

‘Wu Shijiu’ did fight with him, but it was just a sword fight with his broken sword.

However, ‘Wu Shijiu’’s hands were released from the ring knife, and then he slipped past Zhao Hu and ran towards Zhao Cheng.

Zhao Hu was stunned. He looked at the figure passing by him out of the corner of his eye and sighed to himself!

‘Wu Shijiu’ is not willing to fight with swords at all, his target is only Zhao Cheng!!

Fell into a trap!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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