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Chapter 58 Wu Sisi has started business

Sunlight shines through the window lattice.

Xiao Luomu walked into the room quickly, and the first thing he saw was Wu Sisi's back in the sun.

The woman was dressed in a long black dress, with her shoulders exposed. Although it was only a back view, her dress alone showed nobility. Even the little maid standing next to her was very well-dressed.

Xiao Luomu was also a well-known young master in Qingdong City, but just looking at this figure made him feel a little distracted for a moment.

After Wu Sisi heard the noise, she looked back.

At that moment, Xiao Luomu felt that his heart was suddenly grabbed by a hand.

"Mr. Xiao, An."

Wu Sisi smiled slightly. Although her dress and aura were full of nobility, Wu Sisi's behavior was very easy-going and humble.

Looking back, I smile with all my beauty, thousands of pinks and shades have no color.

Xiao Luomu stared at Wu Sisi blankly, holding his breath.

"Master, hello! My lady is talking to you!" The little maid stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Xiao Luomu's eyes.

"Ah..." Xiao Luomu finally came back to his senses.



A beauty in the world!!

The cold raised eyebrows and seductive eyes make people feel that the noble attire is wrapped in a body that is in urgent need of nourishment. After a long drought, all the coldness will turn into genial warmth.

Just like the sunshine under this window lattice.

Wu Sisi glared at the girl fondly and scolded: "Xiao Zhi, don't be rude!"

"This girl has nothing to do with it!"

Xiao Luomu waved his hand and said, "Sorry, I lost my temper!"

"Young master Xiao, there is no need to speak for her. My sister has been spoiled by me, so I can no longer spoil her." Although Wu Sisi said this, there was no blame in her expression or tone.

"This...is your sister?"

"Although they are not born to the same parents, they are no different from biological sisters." Wu Sisi saw Xiao Luomu's thoughts, smiled, and said: "Master Xiao, you think Xiaozhi is my maid, right?"

"Indeed." Xiao Luomu confessed.

"Xiao Zhi is my sister and my deputy in business."

"Excuse my clumsiness, I was too abrupt!"

Xiao Luomu bowed and said, "The girl said she is from Dongji Trading Company. May I ask her your name?"

"Wu Sisi."

"Dong Twelve, who is this girl's boss Dong?"

"That's my adopted brother."


Xiao Luomu was shocked.

Sure enough, the big soap maker is here!

Wu Sisi asked: "Why does Mr. Xiao look so surprised?"

Xiao Luomu thought for a moment, decided to tell the truth, and told Wu Sisi about his meeting with Dong Twelve at Dongji Trading Company today.

"It turns out that you and my sworn brother have already met." Wu Sisi nodded and said, "It's better this way. It saves us the time of being polite to each other. Mr. Xiao, I came to you just to reform the soap sales."

Xiao Luomu became more and more surprised and asked: "To be honest, before I came back, I had sent someone to find out about you. But I never thought that you would come to me!"

"Master Xiao should have thought of it, you are from the Xiao family!"

Wu Sisi looked at Xiao Luomu with a smile that was mixed with admiration and admiration, but it was not shown in an unreserved manner. She kept some distance and was a little reserved.

These are all business skills that Zheng Hongxiu has been trained on. Although Wu Sisi has not yet started business and has not practiced with real customers, looking at Xiao Luomu's reaction at this time, it is known that Sisi's solid basic skills are reassuring.

But having said that, Wu Sisi has started business in disguise.

"I don't know about other merchants in Qingdong City, but the Xiao family's pink makeup, dark makeup, and rouge in Qingdong are the best sellers in the eastern part of Jingguo!"

"Since I have decided to reform the soap sales, it is not a small matter, but a fundamental solution to the problem."

Wu Sisi suppressed her smile and said seriously: "The soap market in Yanchuan City is already mature. Whether it is my sworn brother or another person, the change will not be too big. As long as the management is strict and the price is controlled, the sales volume will never increase.

Decline. So I no longer want to waste my energy on Yanchuan City, but I want to increase soap production and open up the entire eastern market!"

"To open up the eastern market, the best partner is of course the Xiao family."

Wu Sisi smiled and said: "Mr. Xiao, do you think you should have thought of it earlier?"

Xiao Luomu understood Wu Sisi's logic, but he was relatively clear-headed and did not make judgments entirely based on emotion in business matters.

He pulled out a chair and asked Wu Sisi to sit down, and said: "Since I also want to do the soap business, I have to examine the market. The price and demand for this soap mean that only the upper class and wealthy people are destined to be customers. Wu

Why didn’t the boss choose Changsui, the prosperous western capital, but the eastern region where economic development is weak?”

Hearing this, Wu Sisi's eyes flashed with surprise.

Because Zhao Cheng told her that Xiao Luomu looked no different from other dudes, but he was actually a relatively calm-minded businessman. When the matter came to this point, he would most likely ask such a question.

At that time, Wu Sisi confidently said that after Xiao Luomu was fascinated by her, all problems would be forgotten.

But Zhao Cheng was still right.

"I have been running the soap business in Yanchuan for more than four years, but I have always controlled the output and never expanded the market. Even when people from the Changsui Palace came, I avoided seeing them. Many people said that I was stuck in my ways, and others

They say I'm timid, but actually they're right, but not entirely right."

Wu Sisi adjusted her sitting posture and repeated what Zhao Cheng taught her.

"Obviously the soap is selling so well and there is no problem with the quality. I just need to increase production and expand the market. Although there is a possibility of failure, there is a high probability that I can make more money. I don't do this because I want to first

Use Yanchuan City as a pilot project to help people develop the habit of using daily necessities."

"Daily necessities?" Xiao Luomu asked.

Wu Sisi nodded and said: "After people get used to using soap, they cannot live without it in their daily lives. It is a daily necessities, and it is just one of the daily necessities. When the pilot is mature, I will launch a new soap in Yanchuan City

For daily necessities, eastern cities will also follow suit."

"When I launch more daily necessities and the market becomes bigger, the price will naturally come down, so I will choose small profits but quick turnover. In order to quickly open the market, it is worth sacrificing profits. In this way, our customer base will change

, after it has spread to the middle and lower classes, Changsui, the western capital, has no advantage over the eastern cities."

Xiao Luomu heard the key point of the words, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he became more and more surprised by Wu Sisi's perception.

Although I knew that this woman was not a flower vase, I still didn’t expect that her layout was far-reaching and far-reaching, far superior to countless men!

"In addition, in the long run, although the economy of the eastern part of Jingguo is currently lagging behind that of the western capital, there are many coastal cities in the eastern part. Water can make money and live people. This is a truth that we businessmen understand. Wait until the day of the imperial court

Now that policies favorable to maritime affairs have been promulgated, is it still difficult for the eastern region to develop rapidly?"

"What's more, even if the court has no policy, if some powerful businessmen appear in coastal cities, it can also promote the overall economic strength of the eastern region."

"Such a powerful businessman...for example, your Xiao family, for example...I, Wu Sisi!"

"By the time the economy in eastern Jingguo develops, we have already established a firm foothold and are intertwined and spread out. At that time, the imperial court will definitely take advantage of the trend to increase the speed of development in the east. We will take advantage of the east wind to ride on the momentum.

It’s really making a lot of money!”


Xiao Luomu's brain seemed to explode, and he was in awe of Wu Sisi.

There was only one thought in his mind that was short of words,

This woman is amazing!

This chapter has been completed!
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