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Chapter 69 You are a son during the day, but you will be revealed at night!

"I! I, I, I..."

"What am I?" Wu Sisi wore a floor-length dress, showing her nobility. When she rushed in front of Su Ye, she was even more domineering and said sternly: "You keep saying you love me and want to be good with me, but you do this behind your back.

Such a dirty thing!"

Not allowing Su Ye to explain, Wu Sisi looked at Xiaozhi, frowned and said: "Xiaozhi, I feel sorry for you in vain! What's going on?!"

Xiaozhi climbed down from the bed and wrapped her chest in the quilt, with tears in her eyes.

"Sister...I, I..."

"Why are you crying! Say it quickly!!"

"Last night you and Mr. Su drank until late at night. You both drank too much, so you asked me to put Mr. Su on the bed, and you left first."

"After you left, I just helped Mr. Su to bed, and Mr. Su... tore my clothes to pieces!"

"Then! Then I was given by him..."

"You bastard!" Wu Sisi took action decisively, slapped Su Ye on the face, and said angrily: "Come here, tie him up!"

This slap woke Su Ye up, and he quickly said: "We'll talk about it later, and I'll give you an explanation. Now I'm going to attend the ceremony for the ordination!"

"I won't hold you back! I'll take you there!!"

Three poles in the sun.


"Don't rush, don't rush, just line up in order!"

"I can understand your anxiety, but everyone must also be considerate and considerate of the four masters. They never stopped working, and they worked hard too!"

"The masters are all noble people who regard money as dirt, but now they are accepting this filthy money for you. You must be considerate of the masters and be more conscious..."

"Brother in front of me, what are you doing? I'm talking about you. How could you jump in line?"

The man explained: "I didn't cut in line. This is my wife. I'm cutting in here..."

"That's not okay! This is a public place, and you have to go home wherever you interfere!" Zhao Cheng upheld justice sternly and maintained order at the scene.

As Zhao Cheng controls the rhythm, everyone seems to have forgotten that today's theme is not selling letters, but Su Ye's ceremony!

A full hour has passed, where are the Suye people?

But despite this, the onlookers who were not fans of the masters were not in a hurry to leave, they all wanted to see what was going on with Su Ye.

Zhao Cheng still shouted vigorously: "You are so lucky. Mr. Su may have realized your sincerity in asking for words and deliberately delayed the time for you!"


"Isn't this your appointment? What are you ashamed of? Come over quickly!"

"Look, everyone is waiting for you!"

When Zhao Cheng was shouting, he saw Wu Sisi and a group of people walking towards this side with Su Ye.

Looking at Su Ye's appearance, her clothes are disheveled and her clothes are tied up, it looks like she has been raped!

"Master Su is here, stop writing!"

Zhao Cheng shouted sharply, and quickly came to Wu Sisi amidst sighs, and asked: "Boss Wu, why is this?"

"Isn't today Mr. Su's ordination ceremony? I sent him to you!"

Wu Sisi glared in the direction of Su Wansan and said angrily: "The Su family is really full of talents! This Su Ye had sex after drinking and molested my sister last night!"


Hearing this, many people were shocked. Su Ye has not come for a long time. Is this the reason?

He slept with a girl after drinking??

Xiaozhi had already put on a coat and was crying, looking frightened.

Wu Sisi glanced at Xiaozhi with regret and said: "For a young man like Su Ye, sleeping with a girl is not a big deal, but he kept telling me during the day that he only loves me in his heart and will get rid of Lu Shilang's family for me.

His daughter, I almost believed him!"

"You are a young man during the day, but you reveal your true colors at night!"

"Disgusting!!" Regardless of everyone watching, Wu Sisi slapped Su Ye with her backhand.

Su Ye complained endlessly, shouting: "I don't remember! I really don't remember!!"

The speaker has a heart, and the listener also has a heart. Mr. Lu and his daughter, who had been waiting in the crowd for a long time, were suddenly confused.

"Alas!" Zhao Cheng beat his chest and feet, and said sadly: "Master Su, if we call you the little coquettish master, you can't be so coquettish!"

"You!" Zhao Cheng pointed at Su Ye and added fuel to the fire: "How can you eat the food in the bowl and look at the food in the pot? Even if you betray Miss Lu, you actually want to kill Boss Wu and the sisters! You

This appetite is too big!"

At the end, Zhao Cheng turned sideways, shook his head, and said quietly: "How many Filia Chen do you want?"

This casual sentence lifted the spirits of many people.

Filia Chen!

Listening to the tone of the young prime minister, are you complaining for Filia Chen?

He killed someone else's father and then complained about someone else's injustice?

What is this for?

“Separate things from invading things and forcing them to come late, which can overcome long-term sorrows.

Looking back at the five lakes where I enjoyed my happiness, I lost my heart.

The frightened geese are missing, the wind is blowing, the cold clouds are forming formations, and the snow is falling.

If you don't get drunk in front of me, you can be crazy."

At this time, Mr. Pu, who was reciting "The Period of Negativity", walked slowly towards him, with a coquettish step and a resentful look, and there were tears in his eyes!

"This is "The Period of Negativity" that I wrote because of my emotions after listening to Filia Chen's story. I couldn't help myself."

As he spoke, Mr. Pu unfolded a painting in his hand.

"This is a painting by Miss Filia Chen, called "The Heartless Man"."

"This painting not only shows the pain of being abandoned, but also the pitiful situation of the heroine after being slandered and slandered!"

"Filia Chen, that poor woman!"

"Su Ye!" Mr. Pu pointed at Su Ye and said sternly: "That's the hateful and heartless man in the painting!"


Like a thunderstorm exploding in Taizuping, no one expected that Mr. Pu would stage such a play!

When he came to praise Su Ye, it turned out that he came prepared!

Not only that, as soon as Mr. Pu finished speaking, Daxia Jin came out with a stack of drawing paper and said sternly: "I, Mr. Jin, hate the most dishonest and dishonest people in my life, as well as those who talk and talk! But I pay attention to the facts in my words and deeds.

Don’t just listen to one side of the story!”

"So when I first heard about Filia Chen, I was just a little skeptical. But today, you Su Ye was caught and raped in bed, and you have no defense!"

Daxia Jin passed the drawing paper in his hand and said: "This is a drawing by Filia Chen himself. It describes everything between him and Su Ye. The lines above are written by me."

Everyone passed it around one by one, looking at the drawings one by one, and quickly figured out the whole story.

From the beginning to the end, Filia Chen did not know the identity of her father. She was not a Southern Zhou spy at all!

From the beginning to the end, Su Ye did not abandon Filia Chen because of Chen Yuxian, but he hooked up with another woman!

From beginning to end, Filia Chen is the victim!

Zhao Cheng chose this method of illustrations and text, but he didn't expect it to be so easily accepted by the public.

It seems that everyone accepts comics!

Zhao Cheng had another idea in his mind.

"No!!" Su Ye finally roared hysterically. Although he failed to break free from the restraints, he rushed to the middle of the field.

What was originally his confederation meeting suddenly turned into a criticism meeting. He didn't understand why it turned out like this.

not understand!

He shouted angrily, somewhat confusedly: "Filia Chen is the Southern Zhou spy! Lu Xiaoxin and I really love each other! I don't remember last night, I must have been framed!"

"Dare to do it but don't admit it! It's hopeless!!" Jin Daxia waved his sleeves fiercely and turned around.

"Filia Chen is not a Southern Zhou spy!"

At this time, a deep voice sounded.

Everyone looked around and saw Deng Fugui and Chai Xin walking out.

Deng Fugui said solemnly: "This conclusion was reported to the Western Capital after an investigation by the Criminal Department of the Eastern Capital, and it is a conclusion recognized by the imperial court!"

"Su Ye, are you questioning this minister's ability to handle cases? Or are you questioning the imperial court?!"

Hearing this, Su Wansan's expression changed drastically!

This chapter has been completed!
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