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Chapter 1172: Don’t forget your original intention!

Xu Qing couldn't help but feel a little stunned when he saw Xiao Ye's high-spirited look.

Others may have their edges smoothed by life and lose their dreams.

Just like himself, he changed from all kinds of people to all kinds of people.

Only Xiao Ye, his dream has not changed in any way from beginning to end.

Women are not important, and the throne is even less important.

Beating your son is the most important thing!

Whatever is missing in childhood, when you grow up and have the ability, you will get it at all costs.

It was obvious that he lacked a son to beat during his childhood.

His biggest dream now is to spank his son again and again for a month.

Xu Qing is ashamed of himself for being such a person who can stick to his true intentions without any interference from the outside world!

This is the true spirit of not forgetting your original intention!

After being away for half his life, he came back as the same boy who dreamed of beating his son!

The current state of Chu will be able to have two capital cities in about half a year, officially starting the dual capital city system.

When the time comes, one will be destroyed and there will still be another.

By then, Xiao Ye's harem can be expanded to at least a dozen beautiful women of all kinds, so Zheng Waner can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and her burden can finally be shared.

However, from Xu Qing's point of view, the dual capital city system proposed by the wise king is quite in line with the current national conditions.

In the past, the vast northern grasslands were the biggest threat to the Chu State, so the Chu State naturally placed its capital closer to the grasslands. In this way, the court could quickly and easily mobilize border troops to resist the grasslands.

Now that the grassland has become part of the Chu State, the threat from the grassland has suddenly become much smaller, and the Chu State has begun to develop in the direction of multi-ethnic integration.

Since the grassland is not a threat, it is naturally inappropriate for the capital to be located near the grassland.

There is no battle to fight there. All we need to do is leave a team in the capital to monitor the grassland movements. When the Chu State becomes rich, we can then wipe out the disobedient Wanyan tribe.

King Xian didn't want this at the beginning. Who knew that he would run out of money just because he was doing it? If he gives King Xian another one million taels, King Xian will definitely let Wanyanbu know what cruelty means.

The wise king was too embarrassed to say to Xu Qing, we are just poor so we don't fight, not because we support the invaders but respect ourselves.

After all, poverty is a very shameful thing, especially for a country.

Of course, he did have the idea of ​​​​nurturing the bandits to respect themselves and leaving an opponent, but who knew that this bandit would not live up to his expectations at all. Judging from the current development of firearms, in a few days, Wanyan Department may be beaten by the firearms troops.

Crush it back and forth a dozen times...

Why are you raising such a useless Kou?

Then simply don’t raise it anymore...

From now on, I will watch Yan Bu's performance after finishing Yan Bu.

Now that the grassland is no longer a threat, where will the threat become next?

Of course, they are Zhou Guo and Zhao Guo, two good brothers who are still in the honeymoon stage.

Although Xu Qing is here now, the three countries are somewhat related to each other, and each of them still has its own development direction. It is impossible to fall out in a short time, but it will be difficult to say after a long time!

As the saying goes, if the world is united for a long time, it will be divided and united for a long time. The Central Plains has been divided and united for many years, and it will definitely move towards unification.

The State of Chu does not want to be the one eliminated, and it is a culture-loving and martial artist, so it naturally needs the ability to quickly mobilize its troops before the two countries have bad intentions!

Therefore, the main imperial court naturally had to be located close to Zhou and Zhao.

This dual-capital system has already been imitated by the Zhou Dynasty.

Soon Zhao will take over the Western Regions. The Western Regions they just won will not be stable, and it is very likely that Zhou will continue to move westward in the future to see what the living environment of the blond and blue-eyed Xi Lai Hu people is like.


What made Li Xun even more dissatisfied was that the characters and language they used were different from those in the Central Plains, and they even had to bring someone to translate during the meeting.

Not to mention those people, even the Western Regions have a bunch of different types of writing, and some small countries have no writing at all and can only use pictures to record events.

Can you imagine the scene when these small countries in the Western Regions sent tribute memorials?

Xiaowan Kingdom, a pair of golden scepters.

Loulan Kingdom, a glazed statue.

These tribute gift lists submitted to the Ministry of Rites for statistics are all normal.

Copeland Country...???Why is there a stick figure drawn on this gift list?

What exactly did they pay tribute to?

And this is not an isolated case, many small countries in the Western Region did this back then.

This was one of the reasons why Li Xun couldn't wait to destroy them.

Alas, it was too troublesome. Li Xun understood deeply why Emperor Qin had to write the same document and follow the same track after unifying the six kingdoms.

As an emperor, I have so many things to do every day. You can't ask me to learn seven languages ​​after approving a memorial, right?

If you dare to force me to learn a foreign language, I will force you to write Chinese.

It is really necessary to unify the Western Regions and the West of the Western Regions!

In order to achieve great aspirations in the future, it is normal to leave a court team with slightly higher authority to adapt to changes in the Western Regions.

Calculating the time, Li Xun should have almost conquered the Western Regions. After all, Zhou State's national power was several levels higher than that of the Western Regions after having second-generation firearms.

The baby game is completely effortless to fight.

Of course, King Xian once again expressed strong protest against Li Xun's way of copying homework.

The Shuangdu system was obviously his own idea!

After all, I am also your uncle!

You, Li Xun, can't catch a sheep while shedding wool, can you?!

This chapter has been completed!
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