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Chapter 121 from one to one hundred thirty-two

After hearing Xu Qing's words, Su County Magistrate was so frightened that he picked up the "Copyright Law" next to him and flipped through it. There were more than 100 violations at one time. Could it be that the new law of the imperial court was made for one person from the Liu Family Bookstore?

The Liu Family Bookstore on the side looked at Xu Qing with a change of eyes. A few days ago, he felt that Xu Qing had given in to his Liu Family Bookstore, so he put down his body and went to his own bookstore to buy books, and even asked him to pay attention to his diet.


He never expected that today Xu Qing would sue his Liu Family Bookstore to court with a complaint!

Moreover, what did he just say? "Copyright Law"? What is the "Copyright Law"?

Does Da Chu have this law?

On the desk, Magistrate Su checked the crimes of the Liu Family Bookstore stated in the pleading written by Xu Qing with every legal stripe in the Copyright Law. The scary thing is that all these laws are consistent.


However, the Liu Family Bookstore was listed for all the crimes stated in Xu Qing's pleading.

After all, the Liu Family Bookstore has been arrogantly displaying everything on the outside, even the books it publishes are placed on the bookshelf in the first row after entering the door. It is difficult for no one to see this evidence!

The legal provisions in the "Copyright Law" are not very severe in terms of punishment. The punishment in many provisions is only one to five times the compensation of the infringer's money, and some are just being imprisoned for a period of time, without the death penalty.

There is no physical punishment.

It can be said to be humanized to the extreme.

However, no matter how humane the legal provisions are, they cannot stop the Liu family bookstore that violates so many legal provisions!

More than a hundred of them!

After all the calculations, the Xu family had to pay tens of thousands of taels of silver and stay in jail for six or seven years...

And this is only the money they have to pay to Qingxue Bookstore, they haven’t even started counting the money they copied from other bookstores!

The shopkeeper of the Liu family couldn't help but slumped to the ground as he listened to the sentence of Magistrate Su in the court. He couldn't afford to pay the money to the Liu family bookstore, even if he bought the shopkeeper Liu, he couldn't afford it!

He tremblingly stretched out his hand and pointed at Xu Qing who was standing aside: "You! You!"

Xu Qing looked at Shopkeeper Liu with a smile and said, "Shopkeeper Liu, have you ever heard of this sentence?"

Shopkeeper Liu looked at him blankly: "What are you talking about?"

Xu Qingdao: "When someone gives you a thumbs up, he may not necessarily be praising you, but may also be targeting you."

Although shopkeeper Liu didn't understand how giving a thumbs up meant aiming, what he could understand at this moment was that the reason Xu Qing suddenly became so kind a few days ago was because he had expected what would happen to their Liu family bookstore today.


At this time, Shopkeeper Liu suddenly looked at Magistrate Su and tried to make the final argument: "Sir, please don't bully this villain because he doesn't know the law. I read "Da Chu Ling Ling" a few days ago and there is no copyright law at all!"

Su County Magistrate was shocked and said: "How outrageous! Did you have the final say? This copyright law is a newly added law by the imperial court! It is now posted on the notice board at the entrance of the county government office! You have violated the law.

Fa is still shamelessly quibbling here, be careful I will punish you for the crime of roaring in court!"

Shopkeeper Liu's face turned extremely pale, and he murmured: "I don't know, I don't know. I don't know that there is a new law... I have always obeyed the law, sir!"

Xu Qing turned his head and looked at Shopkeeper Liu and said: "Shopkeeper Liu, the law is the bottom line of morality. Has observing the law become something extremely glorious and worthy of being flaunted? If you practice virtue and harmony deeply on weekdays, even if it is

No matter how strict Da Chu's laws are, you won't end up breaking hundreds of laws, right?"

In troubled times, the Central Plains is divided into three parts. The world is not very peaceful. There will be no so-called adaptation period for the new laws promulgated by the imperial court.

The people were not used to it, so they arrested a few people who broke the law and killed the chickens to scare the monkeys. The rest of the people naturally avoided it like the plague and did not dare to cross it in the slightest.

The imperial court of this era never considered whether the law was humane, otherwise how could the nine clans be linked together?

Humanized management will only exist in a country where the people are the masters, but will not appear in an empire ruled by a king!

Magistrate Su waved his hand mercilessly at Shopkeeper Liu: "Put this man in jail and withdraw from prison!"

After retreating

Magistrate Su and Xu Qing came to the backyard of the county government office

County Magistrate Su looked at Xu Qing and asked in confusion: "When did you write this petition? It contains so clear records about the crimes of the Liu Family Book Store one by one? And the order corresponds to the new law of the court. As a father at this time

I all wonder if you wrote this new law for the imperial court. Can you remember so much after just one glance? How many times have you read it?"

Xu Qing scratched his head and said, "My son-in-law has a photographic memory. If you don't believe me, you can ask my wife. She has always known."

Magistrate Su County was very surprised when he heard Xu Qing say the words "photographic memory" and said: "You! What did you say? You can have photographic memory?!"

Xu Qing nodded, as if he was talking about something trivial: "My son-in-law has always had a photographic memory."

Magistrate Su punched the wall nearby: "What a waste! What a waste! If my father had the ability to remember photographs, he would have been among the top three in the imperial examination! Hey, there is no need to take the imperial examination.

What a shame!”

Xu Qing patted Magistrate Su on the shoulder and said, "You are not envious."

Magistrate Su shook off Xu Qing's hand and hummed: "Are you envious of your father?!"

"Then what are you doing?"

"Father, this is jealousy!"

Look, this jealousy is not even concealed!

It's no wonder Magistrate Su isn't jealous. If he had a photographic memory back then, how could he be forced into marriage by a Xu family now?

If he had a photographic memory, maybe he could still be a capital official at this time, instead of being promoted as he is now, and his promotion is still far away, let alone how long he will have to live under the threat of the Xu family.

He originally thought that marrying off his daughter would be good for both parties, and would also give the Xu family a step down, so that the two families would not be too ugly. Who would have thought that the Xu family was so petty, because this matter had to be dealt with by the Su family.

make life difficult for.

But at this time, Liang Zi had already formed a knot, and Magistrate Su would not kowtow to the Xu family and beg for forgiveness, nor would he try to sacrifice his daughter's happiness in exchange for the Xu family's understanding.

Fortunately, the Xu family did not dare to go too far because of the Zhou Xianwei incident. As long as the Xu family did not catch anything wrong, nothing would happen to the Su family.

The Liu Family Bookstore handled the matter very quickly. Not only was the store closed, the books were confiscated, and even the shopkeeper was imprisoned.

This also greatly shocked the surrounding bookstores. In the past few days, the book sellers who secretly sold pirated books have disappeared.

The shopkeepers around Liujia Bookstore were also a little sad about what happened to Liujia Bookstore. Liujia Bookstore was the only bookstore that caused Qingxue Bookstore to suffer a big loss. Some bookstore managers even had some feelings for Liujia Bookstore.

of admiration.

Now look at the fate of Liujia Bookstore... They all feel that they made a wise choice in not following the trend.

This chapter has been completed!
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