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Chapter 7662: The broken password

Xiao Ruxue looked at today's password and then at tomorrow's password. She found that she couldn't understand it more and more.

But little did she know that the password nightmare had just begun.

The third day

The password remains unchanged from odd to even.

Reply to the order, look at the symbols in the quadrants!

In the past two days, Xiao Ruxue had just left her doubts, and things became confusing again.

Although it rhymes, the meter is wrong, the rhythm is wrong, and there is no antithesis...

Although Xiao Ruxue is not good at studying, she can still clearly feel that this is not poetry, right?

However, on the fourth day

Password, palace jade liquor.

Reply, one hundred and eighty cups!

Xiao Ruxue is even more confused. Palace jade liquor?

Isn’t the wine in the palace just fruit wine made from fruits such as bamboo leaf green, yellow wine, grape and plum?

What kind of wine is Palace Yuye Wine?

Don't say that Xiao Ruxue doesn't know, neither does the wise king.

The two men asked Xu Qing together, and Xu Qing's answer was that it would be fine if the enemy didn't know.

It makes sense, but I’m still curious, what should I do?

Where is the source?

Can't find it anywhere!

While Xian Wang and Xiao Ruxue were still curious about the source, the password for the fifth day came.

fifth day

Password, Mahamaha!

Reply, Savadika!

When things developed to this point, Xian Wang and Xiao Ruxue had given up thinking.

Still looking for a place?

Find the source of this shit!

Neither the Central Plains nor the grasslands say this. Where can we find the source?

The sixth day

Password, why is your face red?

Come back and feel refreshed!

seventh day

Why did the password become obsolete again?

Hui Ling, the wax of the anti-cold figure.

At this moment, the entire upper echelon of the Chu Kingdom's Northern Expedition Army had already looked away.

These things were clearly made up by Xu Qing's abnormal mind!

And they all felt that it was a right decision for the prince to choose such a person to take charge of the night patrol.

How can the other party infiltrate in with just this password?

Completely illogical and unorganized!

However, Xu Qing in the tent was still having fun.

He has fully found the joy of this job.

Day 8

Passwords, singing and dancing.

Call back, basketball!

ninth day

Password, where to go?

Return the order, go to Erxian Bridge!

In nine days, the Chu State had advanced and conquered the area where the Wanyan tribe had evacuated. Wherever they went, they killed all the dignitaries who had once dominated the grassland, and distributed all their cattle and sheep to the poor herders.

Xiao Ruxue also sent the passwords written by Xu Qing to King Xian for approval day after day.

Finally on the tenth day, the wise king gathered the top leaders of the northern army together again.

After ten days of investigation, Zhongyuan discovered the location of the main force of the grassland.

The Wanyan tribe had withdrawn from the old royal court, and the Wanyan tribe not only mobilized some of the Wanyan tribe's troops who were attacking Zhou's passes, but also forcibly recruited herdsmen on the grasslands to join the army.

The nomadic people who are all soldiers can turn the conscripted herdsmen into powerful combat forces without much training as long as they give them war horses. Although there is still a big gap between them and the Wanyan tribe's wolf cavalry, they can't take care of so many at this time.


In short, the Wanyan Department is doing everything it can to restore the lost strength and morale of the Chu army.

Chinese army tent

The wise king was wearing armor and standing in front of the sand table, surrounded by Zhao Hongyu, Yan Guang, Xu Qing, Xiao Ye and Xiao Ruxue.

Looking at the crowd, he said: "Although our army is far more powerful than the grassland now, it is only with the help of firearms. Now our army's firearms are advancing slowly, and the cavalry alone is not enough to defeat the grassland. Do you have the ability to defeat the enemy?"

A good strategy?"

Zhao Hongyu and Yan Guang lowered their heads, while Xiao Ye also frowned slightly.

Although there is no shortage of war horses in Chu State, training cavalry takes time. It is impossible for Chu State to compile a bunch of powerful cavalry out of thin air and attack the grasslands with a high degree of mobility, and there is no time to build cavalry.

The key to armor and weapons is that I don’t have the money to make them.

The cavalry weapons captured on the grassland were not used by the Central Plains people, which was a headache.

I originally thought that the grasslands were a bunch of brainless hungry wolves, but I didn't expect that they could be so forbearing. They have used all kinds of strategies these days, but Wanyanbu just won't take the bait.

They were determined to buy time. As long as it was delayed until the rainy season and the Chu State's firearms lost their effectiveness, they could launch a counterattack and fall into a confrontation with the Chu State army.

The Chu State's treasury is not rich enough for them to build as much as they can. As soon as the time comes, regardless of victory or defeat, the Chu State can only give up advancing on the grassland and stick to the territory it has occupied.

Just when everyone was at their wits' end, Xiao Ruxue looked at Xu Qing and said, "Xu Qing, didn't you say you had an immature idea last time? Why didn't you say it?"

When everyone heard Xiao Ruxue's words, they immediately turned their attention to Xu Qing.

Especially King Xian, he knew deeply that Xu Qing was a person who was good at creating miracles, but in this situation, he still wanted to hear how Xu Qing wanted to break the situation.

Xu Qing said: "First of all, let me tell you that there is no precedent for this plan in the past history, and since we are not the same country as the grassland, it may not be feasible."

The wise king said impatiently: "You can just say it. It's better to have a plan than no plan."

Xu Qing sighed and said, "In that case, the general will speak."

Being stared at by several fierce generals, Xu Qing felt a little scared, but he still said: "We have enough war horses but not enough cavalry, but the tribes in the grassland have them. For example, the army has advanced so far, and it has already ruled the country of Chu.

The ten tribes below, although their tribes are not big, everyone can mount a horse and kill the enemy."

The wise king said: "They have indeed returned home, but these ten tribes are small tribes after all. Even if we let them mount their war horses again, there will still be a huge gap in numbers between us and the cavalry in the grassland."

Xu Qing continued: "What if it is the herdsmen of the entire grassland tribe?"

When King Xian heard Xu Qing's words, he was slightly startled and said, "What did you say?"

Xu Qing said: "The imperial court immediately promulgated a law. The herdsmen oppressed by the Wanyan tribe in the entire grassland can receive war horses, cattle and sheep when they come to our Chu military camp."

King Xian and everyone couldn't help but frowned when they heard this. Their thoughts were a bit naive. Why should these herdsmen listen to their Chu country?

Xu Qing continued: "And we must use all public opinion to demonize the Wanyan tribe, create the image of our army as a savior, and tell the herdsmen who were once forced to conquer horses, cattle and sheep by the Wanyan tribe. Although these things were given to them, they cannot keep it.

Because their war horses, their cattle and sheep, the bandit Wanyanbu will still take them back. If you want to really get the cattle and sheep, if you want to truly live and work on the grassland, you must defeat the bandit headed by Wanyanbu.

The ruling class!"

"In short, all oppressed herdsmen on the grassland, unite!"

This chapter has been completed!
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