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Chapter 932: The King of Han

However, although the plan has been made, it still takes some time to implement the plan.

An imperial edict not only requires a large jade seal, but also needs to be backed up by Zhongshu Sheng and the disciples, and then stamped with a large seal.

Under normal circumstances, the emperor just made a statement, and the imperial edict was drafted by the Zhongshu Sheng. They would not say anything more, but the Menxia Sheng was responsible for reviewing the decree and had the power to reject it if anything was found to be wrong.

Become king?

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the imperial court has never given a title to a king!

In order to make the imperial edict legal and effective, it is essential to get through the officials in the lower provinces.

Now is not the time when the Ming and Qing Dynasties have abolished the prime minister and the emperor has spoken out.

Now the imperial power and the prime minister's power are actually in a mutually restrictive relationship.

Moreover, the decree of making a king must also be considered. What kind of king should be made?

Should I be granted the title of King of Wei in Weizhou?

Is this appropriate?

This is inappropriate!

During the Three Kingdoms period, there was a King of Wei, and then his descendants simply kicked the emperor aside and took the throne himself.


Besides, Zhou State also gave Yizhou land as a dowry!

Although that state still belonged to the Zhou Kingdom, it was just a dowry in name only, but it still held the title of king.

Of course, you have to be careful when choosing a number.

But these are things that Xiao Ye should worry about, and he is not in a hurry.

Anyway, Xu Qing doesn't have any problem whether he marries Ming Yue or Xue'er first. This malicious competitive relationship is obviously caused by Li Xun and Xiao Yexian's idleness.

As our family has grown to this day, haven't we always arranged who is older and who is younger according to age?

You can't just let Xiao Ruxue pass through the door first and be in the front?

Things that don't exist.

At this time, Xu Qing had no time to care about who was ranked first, Xue'er or Mingyue. At this time, Xu Qing had been holding back for more than half a year. As the saying goes, a breakup is better than a wedding, and now it's time to get down to business with his wife.

Why don't you hurry up and give birth to a younger brother and sister for Xiao Ning'er?

Otherwise, he would be very lonely.

After letting Xuan'er take away the three little ones, Su Qian prepared the medicine herself and walked out of the kitchen and gave Xu Qing a look.

Xu Qing understood immediately.

After the two of them drank half of the medicinal wine in the pot, the sun and moon continued to shine until the next morning.

After it got dark, Xu Qing looked at Su Qian, who was still lying on the bed hugging her and not thinking about him, and said with fondness in his eyes: "Madam, it's already dawn, it's time for us to get up."

Su Qian leaned her head on Xu Qing's chest and said, "Lie down for a while."

When Xu Qing heard Su Qian's words, he could only hug Su Qian a little tighter. She had been lying in bed for more than a day or two.

He didn't understand why, as a heroine of the generation, my wife was so lazy on weekdays?

Su Qian is not stupid.

For now, Xu Qing is still hers, but after a while, she might not be.

Naturally, it depends on how long you can rely on it.

Of course, every loss has its own gain, and in return, I can also get three.

Of course, Su Qian didn't stay in Xu Qing's arms for long, just half an hour.

I can't be bored anymore, because Xue'er is here.

The last time the two of them were in the house, Xueer watched her husband exercise on her.

At that time, her face was red with embarrassment and she was embarrassed to see people for most of the month.

If she, Xiao Ruxue, accidentally sees something today, she won't have to live in Chu State anymore...

It was true last time, push-ups are just push-ups, why do you have to lie on your stomach and get a kiss? Besides, can't you come at night? My husband insists on coming in broad daylight. I wonder if people find it embarrassing.

When Xu Qing and Su Qian were living happily together without shame, Xiao Ye had already begun to draft an imperial edict for the title of king and handed it over to his subordinates.

The servants were shocked when they saw Xiao Ye's royal decree.

Why did His Majesty blow up such a thunder for himself as soon as he took office?

This is not doing anything else, this is becoming a king!

The State of Chu has not granted a king for decades, but your Majesty has granted two kings as soon as possible.

The first one is the regent, but before the regent was crowned king, he had even been a prince, so it was not a big deal.

But this second one is a little too much.

Confessed Xu Qing, Marquis of Anding County, as King of Han.

What about playing?

A man who has just been in and out of the court for not even ten years, let alone five years, can be crowned King of Han?

Do you dare to go a little further?

Besides, Weizhou, why did you grant the title of King of Han?

Isn't it bad to be granted the title of King of Wei...ah, this...is really not good, for fear that his son will rebel...

Not to mention approving this imperial edict, even the servants felt flustered just by looking at it.

But now he is also in a dilemma, should he live it or manage it?

It was just to refute the emperor's face. Chu State had not rejected an imperial edict in sixty years.

If these two servants reject the request, there will definitely be no good fruit in the court in the future.

It would be inappropriate not to reject it. He was sure that most officials in the DPRK and China would not agree, and maybe the two prime ministers on the left and right would also come out to object...


Left and right phases?

The two servants looked at each other and immediately seemed to have grasped hope.

That's right, if they can't take charge of the matter, they can go to the left and right prime ministers to discuss it!

But when the two of them hurried to Zhongshu Province, they were informed that Qin Xiang and Jiang Xiang had gone home a quarter of an hour ago.

Then these two servants will have no choice but to go to Qin Mansion and Jiang Mansion.

When they arrived at Qin Mansion and Jiang Mansion, they found that the doors of Qin Mansion and Jiang Mansion were closed.

The doormen of the two prime minister's houses also gave surprisingly consistent answers. Their master was ill and closed the door to thank guests without seeing anyone.

He hid too quickly!

It can be seen that the two prime ministers are not willing to accept this mess.

In desperation, the two of them could only knock on the door of Furong Garden.

At this time, the Supreme Emperor and the Xian Wang in the Furong Garden were still playing chess.

It's just that it has been changed from Go to backgammon.

Although Xian Wang is not good at Go, he is really a good player at Gobang.

He directly beat the Supreme Emperor to the ground.

The two lieutenants presented the imperial edict to the Supreme Emperor and the Xian Wang, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief in their originally nervous hearts.

Fortunately, the people who can control His Majesty are not dead yet, otherwise they would have packed up and left if they had made a mistake.

After receiving the imperial edict, the Supreme Emperor only looked at the wise king and said: "To confer Xu Qing as the King of Han, this edict is really interesting. What does Ye'er want to do? Why do you have no time to confer him the title of king?"

The two servants had obviously discussed their words, and they quickly bowed and said in unison: "Our country of Chu has not granted a king with a different surname in decades. Your Majesty's will is unpredictable. Please make a decision with your Majesty."

The wise king thought for a while and said: "What harm will it do to our Chu country to make Xu Qing king?"

The Supreme Emperor thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "Apart from breaking the previous rules, there seems to be no harm to the Chu State, but it is different for the officials. Wait...Brother, are you asking this?

Do you agree?"
This chapter has been completed!
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