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Chapter 1206 Confidence wavered

Liu Afu also calmed down at this time. He knew that he could not be anxious. The more anxious he was, the more likely he was to make mistakes. If not, he and several brothers would be buried here. Moreover, he also knew that his own side had the upper hand on the battlefield.

He can also wait for other friendly forces to come up to support him.

But what Liu Afu didn't expect was that even though they had the numerical advantage, the three Japanese troops took the offensive and gradually advanced.

Liu Afu immediately loudly ordered the other three soldiers to entangle the Japanese soldiers in the middle and left, while he directly faced the Japanese army on the far right. He knew that he could not give the Japanese army a chance to cooperate with each other and could only separate the Japanese army.

The Japanese soldier on the right is relatively short and does not look stocky. Liu Afu, who considers himself powerful, decided to fight this Japanese soldier.

Therefore, he was not greedy for merit, and did not dare to expect that the Japanese would be put down with just one or two moves. He just tried to compete with the Japanese with a few moves, and every time he collided with the Japanese rifle, he used his strength, trying to

A few moves dispelled the Japanese's strength.

However, what was beyond his expectation was that this seemingly short Japanese was quite powerful. After a few moves, he still looked calm and composed, and Liu Afu's own palms were actually shaken to the point of numbness.

There was nothing wrong with the stalemate like this. Liu Afu felt that he and the little devil were evenly matched, and for a while there was no way to tell the winner.

However, the situation was tilted against him.

Because the other three warriors not only did not gain the upper hand due to their numerical advantage, but two Japanese soldiers who cooperated with each other tacitly found a good opportunity and stabbed one of the warriors to the ground. The price they paid was only to be scratched by another warrior who could not make up for it.

He only injured his arm, but he did not lose his fighting ability.

Moreover, as the fallen soldier clutched his stomach and screamed and wailed on the ground, the other two soldiers also panicked. They were thrown into confusion by the continuous attacks of the two Japanese soldiers who were pursuing the victory. They were about to be completely defeated.

Liu Afu knew that he could not wait any longer. At this time, the battlefield was in chaos. All his friendly troops were fighting with the Japs, and they might not be able to support him for a while. And if he delayed any longer, not only would the lives of his two soldiers be in danger

, when the devils free their hands, even I am afraid that the worst will happen.

Liu Afu became anxious and decided to use his last resort, which was also a desperate move. When the Japanese stabbed him again, he did not resist, but exchanged his life for his life. He also stabbed him with one shot. Just look.

Whoever dies or is injured will have a greater fate.

Unexpectedly, his change of moves turned out to be on target. The little Japanese was already used to the rhythm of parrying when attacking the opponent, but he was blinded by Liu Afu's resolute thrust without any concern for his own safety. The bayonets on both sides were blocked.

Before he touched the other person's body, his hands couldn't help but tremble. Maybe it was the sudden death threat that made him feel fear and hesitation.

However, there is no room for hesitation on the battlefield, let alone when both sides are fighting with bayonets so close at hand.

The result was that the Japanese soldier's chest was pierced directly by Liu Afu's swift and fierce shot without hesitation, but the Japanese gunshot that stabbed Liu Afu's lower abdomen was delayed by perhaps only a few tenths of a second due to a moment's hesitation.

But in just a few tenths of a second, he was stabbed first, causing the strength of the attack to weaken significantly. Just half an inch into Liu Afu's lower abdomen made him weak all over, and he dropped the gun and fell to the ground while covering his chest.

, he just let out a few weak howls and died.

At this time, Liu Afu could not care about the pain in his abdomen and the gushing blood. Before the other two Japs could recover, they stabbed him again from the side and rear, instantly catching another one off guard.

The Japanese stabbed him down.

Just such a change caused the battlefield to change instantly.

The remaining Japs were also panicked. One person was dealing with three soldiers of the 19th Route Army at the same time, and among them there was a master who defeated his companions in a one-on-one fight. No matter how brave he was, he would still be afraid.

and fear.

The result is self-evident. Under the repeated attacks of three soldiers, a Japanese soldier who was already in disarray could only hold on for less than two seconds before being stabbed by two bayonets at the same time. He screamed in despair.

He fell to the ground.

Although he won the assassination battle, Liu Afu was not happy at all. Although he was loudly praised by the battalion commander who came from behind and promised on the spot that he would immediately report his achievements to the regiment and recommend him for promotion.

For the platoon leader.

But Liu Afu was still in an inexplicable depression.

This battle seemed to be a victory for one side, but in fact, five brothers in his squad fell, and only three lives were lost to the Japanese.

Several brothers who had been together day and night for several years fought all the way from Guangdong to Songhu, and survived countless wars together. They did not fall under the blows of the Japanese planes and artillery, but they died in what looked like a severe beating.

In the pursuit of Reservoir Dogs.

And he knew that just now, their platoon leader was killed by the Japanese in an assassination attempt.

This made Liu Afu feel a little shaken in his confidence.

The Japanese planes and guns are powerful, their shooting is accurate, and they are not afraid of death. That's all. He knows that this is determined by the national strength of both sides, and he can't change anything.

However, even in the face-to-face stabbing aspect that he was most proud of, the Japanese also showed a fearless spirit and a stabbing technique and tactical coordination that far exceeded his own, which was a bit frustrating.

Can we defeat the Japs? When will our support troops arrive? Can we win this war?

All kinds of questions began to swirl in his head, shaking his confidence and determination.

He was soon sent to the emergency room and the wound was bandaged. Fortunately, the little devil's bayonet did not penetrate deeply and the wound was not large. Compared with the injuries he had suffered in the past, it was not serious. As long as it was not infected,

You can go back to the battlefield after a few days of rest.

And just at this moment, the reinforcements they had been waiting for for a long time finally arrived, as if they felt Liu Afu's call.

Then, for a week in a row, the battle situation did not change, and there was no news of victory from any battlefield. It was still the case that the Japs were attacking and our own side was defending.

It seems that even if the 88th and 87th divisions, known as the Royal Forest Army, come, their combat effectiveness is almost the same as that of the 19th Route Army, and there is no better way to deal with the little Japanese.

While at the rescue center, he also heard that a team called the Party Headquarters Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army had also arrived, but there were only more than 1,000 people.

After hearing the news, Liu Afu just curled his lips and thought to himself: "What can these thousands of people do? If the commander is inexperienced or doesn't know how powerful the little devil's artillery is, he might be defeated in just one battle.


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