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Chapter 238 Dissent

This tactic requires all arms to have very exquisite individual skills. In a squad, the requirements for grenade shooters are even higher. Generally speaking, a squad of the Japanese army is equipped with three 50 mm caliber grenade launchers.

Well-trained veterans serve as the main gunners. Within a distance of 200 meters, three rounds must be fired to hit the target. That is to say, two rounds are used to cross-fire for test firing, and the third round can directly hit the target.

So how fast is the grenade launch speed? A skilled grenade shooter can fire 25-30 grenades in one minute, which means that the enemy's machine gun firepower will be reduced within 6-10 seconds after the shot is fired.

It will be blown up by a grenade. If you encounter an experienced veteran, you may hit it with the first shot.

Moreover, the Japanese Taisho 10-year-old grenade weighs only 2.6 kilograms. Although its range is not as good as that of most mortars, which is only 175 meters, it can provide timely support along with the infantry attack. Basically, it is used in battles.

On the front line, as long as the enemy's heavy firepower points and densely populated areas are discovered, it can start firing continuously within 2 seconds until the target is destroyed and eliminated. The most terrible thing is that it is small in size and has no obvious characteristics on the battlefield. Generally, it is not

It is not easy for people who are familiar with it to discover that the launcher can also hide behind obstacles or lie down to launch, and the reaction time on the battlefield is very fast.

Therefore, the tactics of the Japanese infantry squad basically revolved around grenades and light machine guns.

Another thing worth being vigilant about is that ordinary Japanese soldiers are very skilled in individual skills, and they are also excellent rifle shooters. During the recruit period, they need up to 11 months of military training, including formation, assassination, target shooting, hiking, and outdoor training.

Training, etc. Especially endurance training, which required the Japanese army to march up to 30 kilometers per day.

In order to maximize the combat effectiveness of individual infantry soldiers, the Japanese Army places special emphasis on the formation of "muscle memory" through repetition in training. Infantrymen of the Japanese Army, starting from the fourth month after entering the military camp, will conduct hand grenade fire for at least 25 minutes every day.

Throwing training and rifle aiming training may take longer, and about 1,800 rounds of bullets are used for recruit training every year. Day after day training has made the Japanese infantry's individual combat skills quite proficient.

The tactical thinking and purpose of the Japanese infantry squad is to inflict a large number of enemy firepower points and personnel at a distance of 200 meters and continuously penetrate into the enemy. They will wait until a distance of 100 meters before launching a bayonet charge, and defeat the opponent with more cruel and bloody hand-to-hand combat.

We can imagine that even without considering the overwhelming advantage of the Japanese army's heavy artillery and aircraft support, a company of our Jin army faced an infantry squad of the Japanese army, and the two sides started fighting at a distance of 200 meters. Although our number is 2 times that of the Japanese army

It's a little more than twice that, but in the absence of forced artillery on our side, only machine guns can suppress and threaten the Japanese army at a distance of 200 meters. Our riflemen are basically unable to cause harm to the Japanese army at this distance.

The Japanese army not only has the same number of machine guns that can threaten us, but also nearly 50 excellent rifle shooters shooting at the same time. The most important thing is that their collaborative combat capabilities are very strong. Each team has a very clear division of labor and which target should be hit.

It should be penetrated to that position in order and without any chaos.

In the first one or two minutes of fighting between the two sides, our machine guns may kill and injure at most a few Japanese soldiers, but our casualties may have been several times or even more than those of the other side, and the machine gun positions are also likely to be thrown by the enemy.

The cartridges were destroyed. At this time, the Japanese army could continue to shoot our soldiers unscrupulously, but our soldiers were unable to effectively threaten the enemy. They would only be suppressed behind the bunker and watch helplessly as the Japanese army calmly completed their roundabout infiltration layout until they were defeated.

The Japanese army closed to a distance of 100 meters or less and launched the final charge."

When they heard this, the officers in the audience were in an uproar. Everyone in the venue began to whisper to each other. Many people had expressions of injustice on their faces and looked unconvinced. Even Zhao Changshu remained silent, obviously dissatisfied.

An attitude that I dare to agree with.

Tian Boguang had a smile on his face and looked unconcerned. Zhou Wen had anticipated this situation before and had a way to deal with it.

At this time, Tian Boguang said: "If you, the officers, have different opinions, you can raise your hands and speak."

I saw a group of people below raising their hands high, and Tian Boguang signaled a major to stand up and speak.

The major stood up, his face flushed with excitement, and said loudly: "Lieutenant Tian, ​​we all agree with your previous lecture and today's content, and also admit that the Japanese army's equipment and training are better than ours.

, but I have a different view on the inference that a Japanese squad can easily defeat a company of our army.

First, the shooting level of ordinary Japanese infantry at a distance of 200 meters is questionable. I believe that the Japanese army can keep the target at a distance of 200 meters, but you must know that shooting fixed targets and shooting targets with bunkers or moving targets are not the same at all.

As a concept, I also admit that there are many sharpshooters in the Japanese army who can shoot 200-meter moving targets, but I doubt that the ordinary soldiers you mentioned can achieve this conclusion.

Second, we all know that the Japanese army is generally short in stature. Being short means that they will suffer a disadvantage in the battle. What you just said means that by the time they launch a bayonet charge, our failure in this battle will be doomed.

My opinion is exactly the opposite. When the hand-to-hand combat begins, our advantage of having more troops can be used. We in the north are all tall and strong. Even if we can't fight the Japanese one-on-one, we can always win two-on-one.

Yes, after all, hand-to-hand combat is all about strength, and whoever is stronger will have the upper hand.

I will just mention these two points, and I would like to ask Lieutenant Tian to correct me if I am wrong."

Tian Boguang looked at the officers below who were still raising their hands and named a captain.

The young captain did not hide the look of dissatisfaction on his face and said: "Second Lieutenant Tian, ​​in addition to agreeing with the officer's opinion just now, I also have a question.

I am an artillery officer, and I have tried the Japanese grenade launcher. I think the grenade launcher is actually a simplified version of the mortar. However, since the grenade launcher does not have a bracket, the firing angle cannot be adjusted by the bracket like a mortar. Therefore,

You can only hold it with your hands, but the angle of holding it is very particular, and it all depends on experience. It is very difficult to shoot accurately. If you want to blow up a machine gun position within three shots, you can call it precision.

The launch operation is even more difficult.

I do not deny that a few experienced and skilled veterans in the Japanese army can achieve this level, but it is impossible for most of the Japanese army's shooters to achieve this level."

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