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Chapter 239 Gap

Tian Boguang later named a few more officers to speak, and their views were basically similar to those of the first two officers.

Seeing that all the officers stopped whispering, the conference room gradually became quiet. Tian Boguang said: "I can understand the different opinions raised by the officers just now, but they are one-sided conjectures and speculations, without any concrete evidence."

Basis. What I just said is based on the Japanese army's usual training outline and training level, and it is well-founded.

Now let me first talk about the training situation of individual soldiers of the Japanese army. Then, if you compare it with the training of our soldiers, you may have a clear understanding.

What I want to emphasize here is that the details I introduced about the Japanese army are all stated in the current training syllabus of the Japanese army. They do not have any personal opinions. They are objective facts. I have no intention of deliberately belittling us.

The idea of ​​​​raising the Japanese army by oneself.

If we do not take into account the national strength of the two sides, the industrial gap between the two sides, the gap in military equipment, and do not consider factors such as aircraft, warships, tanks, large-caliber artillery, etc., and just compare the training conditions of Chinese and Japanese soldiers, it may be

Senior officers will have a clear understanding.

The first is the gap in recruit training:

According to the requirements of the Japanese Army Drill Code, every Japanese Army soldier must undergo at least eleven months of recruit training. The first five months of this year's training are recruit training. The training subjects include formation, assassination, target practice and pulling. This

During this period, there must be at least one five-day camping training under harsh winter conditions to train soldiers' cold endurance and night combat capabilities. The next two months are regular individual soldier comprehensive quality training, emphasizing squad and squadron-level combat coordination.


During this period, there must be march endurance training of more than 30 kilometers every day, and the instructor will control the proportion of forced marches, but it must not be less than five kilometers of forced march every day. The next month is brigade-level combat training, and the recruits will start from this month

He began to receive field shooting training, swimming training and intensive assassination training. In addition, he also marched 40 kilometers every day.

In the next two months, they will engage in brigade, wing-level combat coordination, advanced technical and tactical movements and fire-line maneuvers. After this training, ordinary Japanese soldiers will not only have excellent individual skills, but most of them will have a clear understanding of the larger battle situation.

Understanding, this is why the Japanese army can often maintain its combat effectiveness even if it loses its commander.

Therefore, according to the requirements of the Japanese Army Infantry Drill Code, the infantry's continuous combat march capability is about fifty kilometers per day. If limited boat and vehicle assistance is added, its operational mobility capability can average more than one hundred kilometers per day, and the forced march can reach eight

It can travel more than ten kilometers and can fight for another six hours on the same day. This kind of continuous combat capability can last for about a month if the supply is sufficient.

The 11-month training for Japanese army recruits requires no less than 150 rounds of live ammunition per person per month, and a total of no less than 1,800 rounds in 11 months. The requirements are that 10 shots can be fired at a distance of 300 meters without missing the target, and 10 shots can be fired at a fixed target at a distance of 200 meters with more than 80 rounds.

Five out of 10 shots on a moving target must hit the target. In other words, if you hit a moving target about 200 meters away, one of the two shots must hit the target.

10 shots and 100 rings at a distance of 100 meters. Every shot on the moving target must hit the target. And during the service, the total number of shots fired by each soldier per year must not be less than 1,800 rounds.

If he is a veteran who has served for 4 years, he has fired nearly 8,000 rounds of bullets during training.

Grenadier shooters are selected from recruits who have a certain cultural foundation and excellent training performance after six months of training. In the following training, they must fire no less than 100 rounds of training ammunition and 30 rounds of live ammunition every month.


Sirs, think about it and calculate how big the gap is between the training level of our soldiers and the Japanese army. As far as I know, in our Jin army, even those veterans who have been in the army for more than 4 years cannot have more than 1,800 rounds of live ammunition.

shooting training, not to mention those new recruits.

However, our Jin army is already considered to have very advanced and sufficient equipment and logistical supplies in China. If we think about the armies in most places in China, their situation may be even worse.

This is the gap between our Chinese army and the Japanese army. We are already far behind at the beginning of recruit training. One step behind means falling behind step by step. The further we go, the bigger the gap becomes.

There is another gap between fighting and stabbing:

We all know that Japan is a country that advocates Bushido. For decades, the country has been instilling the spirit of "valor" in all its citizens from childhood. The greatest manifestation of the spirit of bravery is the courage to engage in hand-to-hand combat with opponents. This has nothing to do with military thinking or war command.

, but it is related to their belief and sense of honor. The Japanese army believes that only those who can defeat their opponents in hand-to-hand combat can be called samurai. This idea has taken root in the hearts of every Japanese soldier. Kendo and stabbing are what they have achieved.

The best way to honor.

Moreover, Japanese citizens must begin to receive stabbing training in elementary and middle school, regardless of gender, regardless of whether you will serve as a soldier in the future, just like the physical education classes that have become popular in elementary and middle schools in our country. What our children learn is physical education.

The purpose is to exercise. Their children learn to fight, and the purpose is to kill.

Secondly, the Japanese army specially invited domestic martial arts masters to combine kendo and thrusting techniques from various countries to compile thrusting techniques that are very suitable for the physical conditions of the Japanese people and widely trained them. In summary, there are six moves, three for offense and three for defense.

Moves. Simply put, they are "stab to the right, stab to the left, stab down" and "prevent the stab to the left, prevent the stab to the right, and stab down to prevent the stab".

These moves are very simple to use and easy to learn, but if you want to master them, you need to spend a lot of time on confrontation practice, and you have to wear protective clothing and hold a wooden stick as long as a rifle for real fighting.

Killing confrontation. The movement requirements in confrontation are the same as those in war. In confrontation, it is required to treat the opponent as an enemy. The movements are fierce, fast, and without any force. Although there is protection from protective clothing, people die accidentally during confrontation every year.

and serious injuries abound.

The characteristics of the Japanese army's stabbing skills are ferocity, speed, and flexibility. Although the Japanese are short, they have had much better nutritious food since childhood than most of us in China, so their physical characteristics are strong, flexible, and fast.

And has good endurance.

What's more important is that they not only have good individual stabbing skills, but also pay special attention to teamwork on the battlefield. 2 to 3 people can form a stabbing team to cover each other. Who attacks and who defends is very organized, and often a team fights against each other.

The opponent's superior strength is doubled but it is not inferior. Calculated in this way, the combat effectiveness of such a group is not as simple as 1+1+1.

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