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Chapter 244 Division of Labor and Cooperation

The same goes for rifle shooting. Gather together soldiers who are trained accurately and give priority to supplying bullets during training and combat. While learning to protect yourself on the battlefield, give priority to killing the enemy's grenade launchers and machine gunners. That way we

Will the loss be smaller?

In this way, we can form four blocking forces when the enemy attacks. The first is machine guns and our specially trained sharpshooters, who specialize in attacking enemy machine guns and grenade shooters. The second is submachine guns to attack the enemy's approach.

The target of the third line is the grenade, which slows down the enemy's attack speed, kills and deters the enemy, and weakens the enemy's power and momentum. The fourth line is to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. We must use the usual

Soldiers with martial arts background and training gathered together to block the enemy's bayonet charge, buying time for the charge and the gunner to reload.

Moreover, my German friend said that during World War I, the greatest damage caused by the enemy and us in hand-to-hand combat was not the bayonet, but the pistol that could shoot flexibly. Therefore, the current German army has equipped pistols to the first-level sergeants.

It is to gain the upper hand in the final bayonet fight. So if we have the conditions, we can also equip the squad leader and deputy squad leader with a first-level soldier. Imagine that when the two sides rush into a distance of less than 20 meters, the pistol is

Isn't it more effective than a bayonet? Can a 10-round shell gun be able to cause more damage to the enemy in an instant?

And I can say with certainty that the Japanese army will basically stop firing when the bayonet charge reaches a distance of 30 meters, and will even turn off the safety of the rifle. It is said that this is because they are afraid that the rifle will go off and accidentally injure one of their own people. Therefore, on both sides

When the distance is 30 meters, it is the period of random killing with various weapons on our side.

Now that we know the characteristics of the Japanese army and the methods of confrontation, we can start targeted training from now on. Give priority to the limited bullets for sharpshooters to train and fight, and other soldiers will train more on grenades and stabbings. The time and cost are both

Can be saved.

Let’s put it this way, the Japanese army’s soldier training is to train everyone into an all-round soldier. We don’t have this condition, so we train soldiers into single-function soldiers. In this case, the training purpose will be stronger and the training effect will be better.

The cost is lower. The Japanese have few soldiers and use one person as several people. We don’t compare with him and use several people as one person. Can this be used to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses? Is it more in line with our national conditions? We

Don’t hold on to the traditional one-on-one mentality of being a hero. In one sentence, I want a group of people to challenge you alone, or you can challenge a group of us alone.”

When Zhou Wen said this, it was as if he was enlightening those battle-hardened officers and his thoughts instantly opened up. The audience in the audience suddenly felt like a pot was exploding, and they started discussing enthusiastically.

"Yes, we don't need to train like Little Japan. We give priority to the soldiers who can shoot accurately. Then we will have no shortage of live ammunition for training in a month. Then we organize the bombardiers and assassins.

If you get up for specialized training, the equipment and consumables needed will be greatly reduced. You can also buy a few sets of protective clothing, and everyone can take turns using them."

"Director Zhou is indeed a little bitch. When others turn off the safety, you shoot with a submachine gun, tsk tsk! There are also pistols, so when the enemy rushes in front of you, there will probably be very few people who are trying to stab you, but you still let

The submachine guns and pistols can retreat and reload, and they can attack again after a few seconds. There is really no worst, only worse!"

"Yes, this is a good idea. Why didn't I think of it? We are not all alike, so let's fight one more. And it's not just one more, but one with each having its own functions, leaving you alone.

First get up close and personal with the large bullets of our submachine guns, then get warm with our grenades, then there are pistols waiting to greet you, and finally the tall bayonetists and broadsword players will play with you.

, after only a few seconds of playing, our submachine guns and pistols are getting close to you again, no matter how hard you try and look at death, they will all turn into ashes."

"I said, Lao Zhang, I have been in charge of logistics for so many years, and I worry about the lack of ammunition and guns every day. Each of those little bastards thinks that they are the boss and the main force, and they should get more and more, so I

I'm so annoyed that I have a headache. Now let's set the standard for the division of labor. You can only shoot a dozen or so people who are good at shooting. How much ammunition can you use? I just calculated it and used this method.

, as long as we allocate according to the rules of division of labor and priority in supply, we may be able to save three melons and two dates at the end of the year to replenish our inventory."

Looking at the hustle and bustle in the audience, which was like a busy city, even Zhou Wen was a little surprised by how good the effect was. Some of these methods were based on his experience and tactics that he had learned after paying a heavy price to the Chinese army in history, and some were based on the American military in the Pacific.

The tactics used to fight the Japanese army on the battlefield, such as the Pig Charge to deal with the Japanese army, the US military equipped each soldier with a Colt M1911 pistol. When you rush in front of you, the Colt M1911 pistol fires 7 rounds of bullets continuously.

And the powerful killing power allows you to visit Amaterasu in minutes. There are also some summed up by Zhou Wen based on his own knowledge and experience in later generations, such as division of labor training and coordinated operations, which are training models that are very suitable for China's national conditions at this stage.

In the past, the training method of the Chinese army, even the most elite Central Army's training idea, was to eat from a big pot. Basically, all soldiers of the same arms were treated equally in terms of training and supply. A company of nearly 100 riflemen, everyone was equipped with

The same bullets are fired as live ammunition for training.

According to the training of German weapon divisions, which were later established by the Nanjing government and were considered the most elite in China, a company of 90 riflemen each received 30 rounds of training bullets per month, and the total was 2,700 rounds. If according to the division of labor

Standard, a rifleman with good marksmanship is only about ten people. The good marksmanship mentioned here refers to the standard of being able to shoot 10 shots at a fixed target of 200 meters without missing the target. This is only possible for German weapon masters and the elite troops of the Jin Army.

If it is an ordinary local army, it is considered good to have three or five good marksmen in a company.

If the 2,700 rounds of ammunition per month are given priority to these ten people for training, not to mention using up all of them, even if one person uses 200 rounds of ammunition, an excellent shooter can be trained within a few months. This amount of training

It even exceeds the training volume of the Japanese army by 20 rounds, so the shooting level of these excellent shooters will definitely be no less than or even better than that of ordinary Japanese soldiers.

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