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Chapter 245 Thought Work

If each company of the Chinese army can have about 10 sharpshooters to cause damage to the Japanese army at a distance of 200 meters, even if the result is one for one, the damage caused to the Japanese army in one battle will be considerable. The key is to let the Japanese army know the pain

, it will inevitably produce a chain reaction on the battlefield, shake the Japanese army's arrogant belief in victory and fighting will, and make the Japanese army more cautious and careful. At the same time, it will also greatly improve our morale and confidence.

According to later statistics, during the entire 14-year Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese army needed an average of 600 rounds of bullets to injure a Japanese soldier, and 3,000-4,000 rounds of bullets to kill a Japanese soldier. During the same period, the Japanese army spent an average of less than

10 bullets can cause damage to the Chinese army.

This caused a strange phenomenon. With the support of powerful artillery, the Japanese army could unscrupulously shoot at any visible target on the Chinese army's position at a distance of 200 meters. Even Chinese soldiers who were lying in the trenches and just showing their heads were killed.

Shooting. At this time, when our few machine guns and artillery were destroyed by the enemy's heavy firepower, using the rifle in hand could not cause any substantial threat or damage to the enemy 200 meters away.

Zao Mo Zao thought that he would fight again and then fired his gun randomly without any accuracy. The result was not only a waste of bullets, but also the Japanese took the opportunity to show his face and shot him in the head.

Therefore, many veterans of the Anti-Japanese War in later generations said that the Japanese had good marksmanship and could shoot headshots from a distance of 200 meters. This was actually a misunderstanding. Because the Chinese army's customary combat distance at that time was generally about 100 meters, which had been the case for decades.

Due to the inertia of thinking formed during the civil war, when fighting the Japanese army, they all thought that 200 meters was still a relatively safe distance. Officers and soldiers lacked awareness of precautions. As a result, when the enemy was aiming, they remained motionless, waiting for the enemy to enter the battle.


This allows the well-trained Japanese soldiers to aim and shoot calmly like target practice. The hit rate is naturally very amazing, and our casualties are naturally very high. Often, by the time the enemy attacks the front line, there are not many people left on the position.

This kind of battle often makes people feel very painful and desperate, and this scene was constantly staged and repeated throughout the Anti-Japanese War.

But Zhou Wen also deeply admired and admired the Chinese soldiers of this era. In such a passive and difficult situation, while sacrificing so many lives and paying such a heavy price, they still persevered and resisted the Japanese army for 14 years.

Finally, the victory of the War of Resistance was ushered in.

The discussion among the officers in the audience continued, but the previous pessimism and disappointment had completely disappeared. Now everyone's eyes were full of excitement and excitement. Everyone was using their brains and discussing with each other enthusiastically.

Of course, there are also some officers who show disdain on their faces, completely disapproving of it. You are a little brat with no hair at all, and you are still trying to force me into tactics and countermeasures in front of me. I have beaten you before.

There are more battles than you have ever heard of. Isn't it just a few little devils? I will still be afraid?

You must know that since ancient times, there has been a saying that there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. There will be no shortage of unruly people everywhere, let alone in the army. Of course Zhou Wen will not care about this, he has always kept it.

The mentality is that a helping hand is a given and a share of responsibility is fulfilled. I just hope that in the war of resistance, we can minimize the unnecessary sacrifices of the anti-Japanese troops, kill as many Japanese as possible, and have more ways to deal with the Japanese.

However, these strategies cannot change the history of the Chinese army's retreat in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, despite layer upon layer of resistance.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wen coughed slightly, motioning for everyone to calm down, and then said: "I will talk about the fifth method now, which is to arm the soldiers' spiritual world with the idea of ​​protecting the home and the country, and let them know how to protect the home and the country.

The meaning and responsibility of the soldiers, establish a basic military sense of honor and pension security system, so that soldiers clearly know for whom they fight and sacrifice, who will help take care of their families after sacrifice, what rewards will they receive after receiving battlefield honors, and what benefits will they have for themselves and their families.

What are the benefits and so on.

We all know that the biggest means of boosting morale and rewarding soldiers in our army now are rewards and increases in pay. There are rewards for meritorious services, rewards for killing enemies, rewards for charging, rewards for not retreating, etc. Everything revolves around rewards.

Make a fuss.

Of course, I want to state here that giving money as a means of boosting morale is not a bad thing. After all, most of China's soldiers are illiterate farmers. In their minds, the principles of national justice and national survival are too far away, empty, and in vain.

The ocean is more real. What's more, most of them also serve as soldiers for the purpose of eating and getting paid.

However, it is far from enough to deal with the future Sino-Japanese war with a means of stimulating morale such as reward money. We must know that once the Sino-Japanese war breaks out in an all-round way, it will be a national war related to the survival of the country and the nation. Both sides will destroy all the people in their country.

Resources, financial and material resources are used in the war, which may last for several years or even more than ten years. What if the reward cannot be paid by that time? Is it true that without the reward, the soldiers can not fight, and they can save their lives when they should charge?

If you throw away your gun and run away when it's time to defend, can you even go home and have a peaceful life?

Therefore, I personally feel that if our army wants to be united and our soldiers serve their lives, it is not enough to rely solely on material and monetary rewards. We also need to make a fuss from three aspects: ideologically, reputation and honor, and aftermath protection.

I don’t know much about other armies, but our Jin army is basically all descendants of Shanxi, and their hometowns and families are in this province. To achieve the above three points, there are implementation conditions and foundations.

First of all, from an ideological point of view, the purpose and significance of our wars in the past basically had nothing to do with the vital interests of ordinary soldiers, so if you want to do ideological work, you have no way to start. If you win, you will be promoted and rich as an official, and the benefits will not be there.

As for us ordinary soldiers, if we lose, we will not lose a piece of flesh. Even if we are captured, no one will kill the captured soldiers indiscriminately. In most cases, we just change into military uniforms and still carry guns and get paid. This is how dozens of people in our country have

The way war has been going on in recent years, this is a civil war, with one's own people fighting one's own people. Can you tell me how ordinary soldiers can have a firm will and determination to fight to the death under such circumstances?

But the national war is different. Historically, when the Mongols and braided soldiers entered our Central Plains, how did they treat the prisoners and the local people? Will the Japanese be better than them when they come?

There is an old saying in China: Those who are not of my race must have a different heart.

‘Jiading Three Massacres’

‘Ten Days in Yangzhou’

If the Japanese come in, these tragic histories etched with the blood of the Chinese people will happen again, and they may even do something more cruel and vicious than the Mongols and braided soldiers back then.

This chapter has been completed!
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