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Chapter 246 Sense of Honor

The Japanese army has been in the habit of killing prisoners and massacring civilians since ancient times. Their samurai tradition is to despise the weak and cowards, which results in no humane measures to be taken against surrendered and captured enemy soldiers. Before they occupied our country

This was what they did in Taiwan, and they did the same when they occupied North Korea. Even when they defeated Russia at the time and occupied our city of Lushun, they committed the same crime against the local Chinese who showed no threat or resistance to them.

A heinous crime.

Today, 30 million compatriots in the Northeast are experiencing such suffering.

We just want to tell all the soldiers why the home comes first when defending the country. We want the soldiers to know that the first thing they guard and protect is their own home. What are the consequences of taking a step back on the battlefield? That is their father.

Their brothers and relatives would be massacred by the Japanese, their mothers and sisters would be humiliated by the Japanese, their family's belongings would be looted by the Japanese, and their homes and fields would be burned down by the Japanese.


Speaking of this, Zhou Wen had already recalled the memories of later generations, the inhumane atrocities committed by the Japanese, and his tone of voice was filled with grief, anger and sorrow. The officers below were all infected by his words, even the unruly and unruly man before.

The docile bearded officer's eyes seemed to be bursting with fire.

"The fate of the captured soldiers is even worse. Most of them will be slaughtered in batches. The remaining ones will either be used as living targets for the Japanese recruits to train in shooting and stabbing, or they will be transported to the mines occupied by Japan to work as laborers without enough food."

With no clothes or warmth, he worked in the dark mines until he died of illness and exhaustion, never to see the light of day again.

We just want to tell every officer and soldier that if you do not fight bravely on the battlefield and do not have a firm will to fight to the end, you will cut off your own livelihood and the livelihood of your loved ones. One step back is your hometown, and one step back is your hometown.

Give up the lives of your loved ones.

Of course, the retreat I am talking about here is a psychological retreat and a cowardly retreat. It does not mean that we cannot implement strategic and tactical retreats during war. Don't let the soldiers retreat when they are ordered to do so.

It would be a joke to disobey orders and not respect the principles."

The audience burst into laughter with a "coax", which diluted the slightly depressing and dull atmosphere before.

"The initial ideological work focused on protecting the family, so that the soldiers could clearly understand that they were fighting for themselves and their loved ones, and that their sacrifices were valuable, meaningful, and glorious.

Let them have initial beliefs and goals. Later, we will instill in them the principle of "if the country is not there, the family will be attached", so that they understand the concept and meaning of the country. In this way, in a few years, our soldiers will basically have

Armed with one's own thoughts and fighting beliefs.

I don't think this kind of ideological work is too difficult. Let's teach it to the grassroots officers first, and then let them teach it to the soldiers below. These principles are easy to understand, and there will be no one who doesn't understand or

Be confused.

Once the ideological work is done well, not only in battle, but also in daily training, the soldiers' performance will be different. They will be more active and proactive, which will greatly promote the targeted training we have mentioned above.


The second aspect of ideological work is how to build a sense of honor among soldiers. To make soldiers feel that good training performance and many meritorious service in combat are a kind of honor, a good thing that can bring glory to the ancestors, a personal glory, and a happy event that others will envy.

Let me give you an analogy. For example, a village is infested with bandits. The bandits are about to rush in, burn, kill, and loot. When the villagers are extremely frightened and frightened, suddenly a hero with strong martial arts in the village steps forward and kills the bandits by himself. The people fell off their backs and fled in all directions. It can be said that he saved the whole village by himself and was the savior of the whole village.

So how do the folks in the village view him? There is respect, gratitude, and love, right? What are these called? It's called honor.

What will this kind of honor bring to that hero? In the future, his status in the eyes of the villagers will be high, and he will be respected and praised everywhere. All the girls in the village want to marry him, and all the younger boys in the village will envy him. , I want to learn from him. He himself is also very proud of his actions, very satisfied and even satisfied. For him, this is to establish a sense of honor.

Will he still be brave enough to protect the villagers when he encounters bandits in the future? The answer is yes, he will still fight, even braver than before, because he already has a sense of honor and feels the influence of it. He will fight tooth and nail to maintain this sense of honor, even at the expense of his own life.

And this honor also brought glory and glory to his family. His relatives could straighten their backs no matter where they went. Even his parents could speak louder than others in the village. Why? So do you. You will know if you give birth to a heroic son."

The audience burst into laughter again. At this time, the atmosphere in the venue had become relaxed and natural, but the officers all felt that what Zhou Wen said was very reasonable. They were completely moved by his words and listened to him more attentively.

"If our soldiers have established such a sense of honor, then are we still afraid that they will not train hard and fight bravely? Therefore, establishing a sense of honor among officers and soldiers is the guarantee of an army's combat effectiveness and cohesion.

So how do you give an army a sense of honor?

Our work can be divided into several steps:

The first is to establish a replacement system for wartime officers. 'If the earthen jar is not broken without leaving the well, the general will inevitably die in battle.' Even generals will die in the war, let alone low-level officers and soldiers. The Sino-Japanese War will be far more tragic. More than we imagine, casualties are more common. We know that officers are the courage of an army. The consequences of an officer being killed on the battlefield are serious. Troop command is interrupted, and soldiers are distracted. In serious cases, it can lead to The rout of an army.

To avoid this situation, it is necessary to determine the successor of the officer before the war, and not just one, but the first, second... or even the tenth replacement officer in order of succession.

If the main officer dies in battle, the second officer will immediately take over the command. If the second officer dies in action, it will be the turn of the third replacement officer. And so on. Every soldier must consciously abide by this system. Especially the company. Units below level 1 must be established for every soldier.

For example, if the company commander dies, the deputy company commander will step in, the deputy company commander will die, the platoon commander will step in, etc. If it is at the squad level, each soldier must be replaced in order until the last person is left. That is the squad leader. If there is only one person left in the whole company, he will be the company commander.

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