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Chapter 282

This person's name is Meng Yuting, and he is the leader of the group of officers that Marshal Feng entrusted to Zhou Wen's mercenary group.

After Meng Yuting's father died in the war, he was adopted by the commander since he was a child and supported him in studying and practicing martial arts. After graduating from middle school, he trained in the commander's army. In just a few years, he rose from platoon leader, company commander, to battalion commander.

Later, he was transferred to work with the Soviet advisor invited by the commander-in-chief. He was smart, studious, and calm in doing things, and was highly appreciated by the Soviet advisor.

Later, at the suggestion of the Soviet adviser, the commander-in-chief decided to send a group of young military talents to the Soviet Union for further studies. Meng Yuting was the first choice and team leader. The other young people studying abroad also had similar experiences to him, and they were basically adopted by the commander-in-chief.

And cultivated, won the commander's trust.

The Soviet advisers even specially applied for two places at the famous Soviet Military Academy in Frunze, and gave them to the two best people among them. One was of course Meng Yuting, and the other was named Chen Wanli, the one in front of him.

Slightly fat young man.

You must know that at that time, the Soviet Union's Frunze Military Academy, the British Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, the United States Military Academy at West Point, and the French Military Academy Saint-Cyr were known as the "four major military academies" in the world. They were the cradle of military strategists in the Soviet Union and the world.

It is not easy to enter this academy. In the Soviet Union, you must be an officer who has graduated from various high-level military command schools, has practical experience in unit command, and has reached high standards in combat training and political literacy. You must also be an officer at the battalion level or above.


The Soviet Union was able to allocate two precious places to the Marshal at the Frunze Military Academy, which shows how much they valued the Marshal's Northwest Army at that time.

Despite Chen Wanli's rough appearance and incomprehensible charm, he is one of the rare people with roughness and finesse and a thoughtful mind. After studying in the Soviet Union for many years, he has become a powerful assistant to Meng Yuting. Among this group of young officers studying in the Soviet Union

The prestige in China is second only to Meng Yuting.

Meng Yuting's thoughts at this time were not in front of him, but in his heart he was still melancholy about what happened after returning to China. Unexpectedly, the Northwest Army, which was so strong before studying abroad, had disappeared in just a few years. Looking at the commander he had admired since he was a child,

, that lonely figure, the pain and unwillingness in the eyes, I have never calmed down in my heart.

I originally wanted to learn martial arts and become an emperor, but since there is no one else worthy of my service except the Marshal, I might as well stop joining the army and just stay by the Marshal's side. I will provide for him in his old age until the end of my life.

Just forget it for the rest of your life.

However, the September 18th Incident affected his heart. According to the current situation analysis, war between China and Japan is inevitable. As a soldier, his responsibility tells him that this is the moment when he needs to use what he has learned in his life to serve the country and kill the enemy. How could it be possible?

Want to live a peaceful life? You must know that when the nest is overturned, there are no intact eggs. The so-called national crisis is everyone's responsibility, not to mention that he is still a soldier.

The commander's advice from two days ago is still echoing in my ears: "My dear, the person I chose for you is not simple. Even though he is younger than you, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a monster. He is far-sighted, superb, and good at...

They work together vertically and horizontally, leveraging their own strength to fight. Think about it, a 16-year-old boy was arrested and sent to Henan, and he started from scratch. In less than three years, he now has over a thousand elite soldiers and generals, and dozens of them can run amok all over the world.

The expert brothers.

He also has connections with the principal in Nanjing, has friendships with many senior generals in the National Army, is comparable to Yan Laoxi's uncle and nephew, and is his eldest brother as the special commissioner of the provincial party department. Even with Kong, Song, and Liu, their interests are entangled and intertwined.


He has money, a gun, status, and a backer. Hehe... Most people may not be able to do it even if they are given thirty years, let alone three years.

The most important thing is that this kid has no political leanings and is unwilling to sacrifice his life easily. He just wants to fight against Japan. This is the same ambition as you kids.

The Central Plains War has nothing to do with you, so don't worry about it. I finally see clearly that this guy is taking refuge in the National Army to defeat me, but rather he is taking advantage of the National Army's power and the principal.

It's people like him who are taking advantage of the momentum. If they don't fly, they will soar to the sky. If you think about it again, with his current status and background, even the principal who wants to deal with him will have to worry about it.


His military level and vision were even more speechless. It was as if he knew what I was thinking. Every move hit me on the waist, which made me miserable. Later I found out that it was his handiwork.

, at that time, I wanted to skin this kid and cramp him.

I met this boy yesterday. Guess what? He accepts being beaten and scolded, his attitude is deferential, he doesn’t defend himself or admit his mistakes. On the surface, he is a respectful and gentle young man, but in his heart, he is actually a tough guy. In other words, if history repeats itself,

He will still do that, and will not let other factors shake his determination and strategy. This is amazing, and it is only after seeing this that I can safely leave you to him.

But I also want to remind you that this kind of person will not treat his subordinates badly, but he will never allow his subordinates to have different intentions. If you have any objections to him, you can say it to his face. This guy is a master who takes matters into his own hands.

You are generous, but if you hide and tuck it in, it will easily arouse his suspicion. If you go, just follow him wholeheartedly, not to mention that you are exactly the talent this boy needs now.

Although he has trained a group of strong soldiers, no matter how strong they are, they are still soldiers. Soldiers are easy to train. As long as they have money and guns, others can do it. But officers cannot be trained. I watched

The boy is short of officers. Hehe... He doesn't dare to use the principal's, and he also has scruples about Yan Laoxi, but for people like you who have no foundation, it's easy to use, and you can use it with confidence. So you guys

Now is the right time to go, it's called giving timely help, and no matter what happens in the future, he will remember this love."

If Zhou Wen had heard the commander's evaluation of him, he would have immediately admired him. This kind of incisive and accurate analysis and inference really guessed most of Zhou Wen's thoughts and situation. He hit the nail on the head.

Yes, he is worthy of being a great figure in the history books.

Just as Meng Yuting was melancholy thinking about it, another young man walked into the teahouse and came directly to the table. Chen Wanli's eyes lit up when he saw him, and he quickly poured him a cup of tea and said, "How are you doing?"

?Did you find anything?"

This person's appearance is nothing outstanding. He is thin and unattractive. He is one of those ordinary faces that you may recognize once you meet him, but may be forgotten in the blink of an eye.

The man didn't say anything. Under the resentful look in the teahouse owner's eyes, he picked up the filled teacup and drank it in one sip. He then drank three cups without stopping before he put down the teacup and let out a sigh of relief.

The tea shop owner secretly gritted his teeth and cursed: "Why don't you suffocate yourself to death in one breath, like a country bumpkin?"

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