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Chapter 283

But this ordinary young man grinned and said: "These students are quite innocent. I figured it out in just a few words. This time it was a great talent named Xu Zhuli who did it. He turned out to be a top student in a junior high school and passed the exam."

Yenching University is said to be quite famous among the schools in Taiyuan. I heard that it also has a big backing. He is recruiting soldiers for that person's security department, but it is not clear what kind of soldiers he is recruiting. I think it is definitely not the case.

Ordinary soldiers.

Also, none of his regular troops are in the military camp now. It is said that he is leading his men at the training ground outside the city. The soldiers here belong to the logistics team and are not formal combat troops."

Chen Wanli took a breath and said: "Isn't this official? I see that their military appearance, equipment, and aura are comparable to the elites in our army. Hey, Jiang Tao, I said you are not

Could it be that you were blind? Look at the equipment of the guard at the door, including military water bottles and combat boots. At first glance, they are more advanced than those used by Lao Maozi's soldiers.

Look at them again. They are carrying the Jin Army's Type 65 rifle (it is the Japanese Type 38 rifle imitated by the Taiyuan Arsenal in the early years, and it is called the Type 65 rifle in the Jin Army). They are carrying a box gun. There is also a leggings shooter.

They were so neatly dressed, their military posture was so straight, and their eyes were so sharp. I just wandered around for a while and was stared at by that tall guy for a long time. Do you think this is not official? Then who do you see who has money and no place to spend it?

Are you going to arm those in charge of logistics to the teeth as well?”

At this time, Meng Yuting said: "Wan Li, what did Jiang Tao learn? You still doubt his ability? Didn't the Marshal say that that man is very capable? How can the army he leads be inferior?"

I'm thinking that we can't get a deep understanding by asking around, so we should just go see him directly and get up close and personal and we'll find out."

Chen Wanli agreed and said: "I have said this a long time ago. Soldiers of our generation should go straight. Don't we have a one-month time limit? If we can agree, we can stay, and if we don't, we can leave. How can we be so sneaky? You don't know

, that guard just stared at me like a thief, which made me lose face. It was all Jiang Tao’s bad idea."

The man named Jiang Tao wasn't angry either, he laughed and continued drinking water (tea).

Meng Yuting said: "You can't blame him for this. It's his professional habit. It's right to doubt anyone, and it's wrong to trust others. I think what he said makes sense, so I agreed."

It turned out that after receiving instructions from the commander-in-chief, they were supposed to report to the military camp yesterday. It was the man named Jiang Tao who suggested asking around to find out the background of this future employer, just in case he was someone with a very bad reputation and many evil deeds.

, then it would be better to go back and forth. Although the commander-in-chief spoke highly of this man, he only met him once and mostly heard rumors, so seeing is believing.

Meng Yuting was not a suspicious person originally, but now that the future and hope of the brothers were tied to this future owner, he was careful to make Wannian Ship and agreed to Jiang Tao's proposal. There were originally more than a dozen people, but it was impossible for them all to

If he went out to inquire around, it would be embarrassing if someone blocked the door if he was suspected. So everyone else was waiting at the inn, so he, Chen Wanli and Jiang Tao went out to inquire about something.

Now it seems that this is not a problem. Meng Yuting made up his mind and stood up and said: "Jiang Tao, you go and inform Lao Zhu and the others. Let's meet at the door of this teahouse and report to the military camp together. Let's be more direct.

Son is better."

Jiang Tao didn't say much, stood up and left. Meng Yuting asked Chen Wanli to go to the counter to pay, and he stood outside the door waiting for everyone to arrive. The inn where they stayed was not far from here.

The shopkeeper of the teahouse saw Chen Wanli, a bumpkin, coming to pay. The price that originally only cost a few dozen cents has now been increased to half an ocean. Anyway, that’s the price. I won’t let you, a bumpkin who drinks tea like a cow, get any blood. Today, my lord, I have such a tone.

I can't get over it.

Chen Wanli didn't know that he had somehow offended this tea-loving shopkeeper. He didn't care about being stabbed by someone. He just felt that he didn't usually drink tea and didn't know that tea was expensive. It would be better to sit at a roadside food stall and eat half a meal.

A large ocean can eat several people until they can no longer walk.

Not long after, I saw a group of young people wearing Chinese tunic suits or casual clothes walking over with suitcases in their hands. Meng Yuting walked up to him, took his suitcase from a tall young man, and looked at everyone.

He turned around and led everyone towards the entrance of the military camp.

There were two guards, one tall and one short, standing at the gate of the military camp. They watched the group of tall and elegant men with vigilance. Watching them walking straight towards the gate of the military camp, they unknowingly took off the rifles on their backs.

The man shouted loudly: "Stop, the military camp is an important place, and no one can get close to it."

A group of people stood still, and Meng Yuting said loudly: "We are here to join the army. We are looking for your Director Zhou Wenzhou. Could you please send a message? We will wait where we are."

The tall man looked at everyone warily for a few times, then turned around and said something to the little man, then faced the crowd and slowly backed away to the guard box, picked up the phone and shook it, while staring outside.

Meng Yuting secretly praised: "It's really well-trained. This is just a logistics team. How strong will it be if it is a combat unit? It's really exciting."

Not long after, I saw a short, muscular young lieutenant officer walking out of the military camp. He was dressed in a straight yellow-green woolen uniform, with neatly armed belts and leggings. He also wore a pair of high-waisted military boots, and a gun holster on his waist.

A pistol. Meng Yuting knew it was a Colt M1911 pistol at a glance. What a good gun.

The strange thing is that this officer also has a wide-backed long dagger tied to his right leggings. The dagger is deeply inserted into the cowhide scabbard. Just looking at the horn handle, you can tell that it is a high-end product. I have never seen it before.

Although this outfit seemed a bit abrupt at first glance, when paired with the lieutenant officer's temperament and momentum, it felt completely out of place. I felt that this outfit was so natural and harmonious for the person in front of me.

This young man had a sincere smile on his honest face, just like a young man from the countryside who smiled honestly and sincerely when he saw relatives who came to visit him. But as he got closer, Meng Yuting and others who had been on the battlefield had seen each other.

The blood officer felt that there was a blood-killing aura in this young man that had been restrained to the extreme but felt more dangerous. It was like a ferocious beast hidden in the body. Once released, it would explode with astonishing power and lethality.

"A master...and a master who has had a lot of blood on his hands." This thought came to Meng Yuting's group, because they were all people who had been on the battlefield and knew that this was someone who had walked out of countless bullets.

The unique temperament of a soldier, and this person embodies it more restrained, but even more amazing.

This chapter has been completed!
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