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Chapter 290 Command Talent

Everyone in Meng Yuting couldn't bear to look down on Ergazi's arrogant face. They were shocked by the generosity of their future employer. They all knew that Zhou Wen's army had to bear all the military expenses himself. They watched along the way.

Looking at the equipment of these soldiers, you know that the cost is not small, and now you know that luxury goods such as cars are often bought ten at a time and five are given away in the blink of an eye. This is a family car.

Gold mine or something.

When I was surprised, I heard Ergazi shouting: "Oh, the scholar has brought someone to greet you.

Meng Yuting looked up and saw a group of people coming out of the mountain road ahead. The first person was slightly taller, well-proportioned, with thin eyebrows and big eyes. He looked like a young boy with a clear face and a student appearance, and he was also colorful.

He was wearing a military uniform and a strange vest, but instead of a helmet he wore a military cap. He had a joyful smile on his face and was striding towards this side.

The young man greeted him loudly from afar: "Welcome, welcome, my little brother is Zhou Wen. I hope all brothers will not blame me for being late in welcoming you."

Meng Yuting turned around and glanced at the people behind him. Everyone immediately put down their salutes and quickly lined up behind him.

Meng Yuting straightened his body, walked up to Zhou Wen with a standard military posture, stood at attention, saluted and loudly reported: "Sir, 14 people from the former Northwest Army officers in the Soviet Union, starting from Meng Yuting and below, reported to the chief.


"Report to your officer, sir!" Thirteen officers lined up neatly behind them also saluted and reported loudly.

Zhou Wen also immediately put away his smile, stood on the spot and shouted loudly: "All of you, salute the newly joined brothers!"

Zhou Wen and a dozen people behind him also saluted the officers in formation.

After the ceremony, Zhou Wen immediately laughed again, rubbed his hands together as if he had found a treasure, grabbed Meng Yuting's hand and held it, saying: "That's great, you guys are here, little brother, these days

But I look forward to the stars and the moon. I also ask Brother Yuting to introduce these brothers to me."

Meng Yuting was also infected by Zhou Wen's enthusiasm and peace. Of course, he could see that there was no hint of hypocrisy in Zhou Wen's smile, it was full of joy and joy. His stature was also very low, and he did not show off as a superior officer.

Official prestige and airs, but equal treatment, equal treatment, and a completely thirsty attitude for talents. Therefore, the little unhappiness caused by Ergazi before was completely dissipated by Zhou Wen's kind and friendly attitude.


Meng Yuting quickly took out a list from his coat pocket and handed it to Zhou Wen and said: "Sir Zhou, this is the list of all fourteen of us. They all have majors in their studies. After Chief Zhou has read it, I will give it to Zhou Wen.

Sir, introduce them one by one."

Zhou Wen took it with a smile and opened it, but his heart skipped a beat, and then a burst of ecstasy surged into his heart. He had previously thought that during this period, the general would send people to the Soviet Union to study military affairs, and at most they would only major in infantry and artillery. Now look at it.

I really underestimated the ambition and foresight of this commander.

All I saw on the list was:

Meng Yuting: Infantry Command Department, Frunze Military Academy

Chen Wanli: Infantry Command Department, Frunze Military Academy

Jiang Tao: Cheka Training Course of Lenin Institute of Political Science

Zhu Jinhui: Artillery Command Department, Dzerzhinsky Military Technical Institute

Tang Jian: Artillery Command Department, Dzerzhinsky Military Technical Institute

Wan Yishan: Artillery Command Department of Dzerzhinsky Military Technical Institute

Gushan: Dzerzhinsky Military Technical Institute Artillery Command Department

Wang Yong: Department of Artillery and Military Instruments, Dzerzhinsky Military Technical Institute.

Li Han: Department of Artillery and Military Instruments, Dzerzhinsky Military Technical Institute.

Li Yibin: Department of Motorcycle and Mechanization, Dzerzhinsky Military Technical Institute

Zhong Zhi: Department of Motorcycle and Mechanization, Dzerzhinsky Military Technical Institute

Wang Zhili: Department of Air Defense Command, Dzerzhinsky Military Technical Institute

Mo Dahai: Department of Air Defense Command, Dzerzhinsky Military Technical Institute

Lin Ling: Engineering Corps Command Department, Kuibyshev Military Engineering Institute

What is this concept? Basically, the most representative army branches of this era are basically covered. What surprised Zhou Wen the most was that there was one who came out of the Cheka training class. He knew that the Cheka was the predecessor of the KGB in later generations.

, that is the eldest brother among intelligence and espionage organizations, even overwhelming the CIA of the United States during the Cold War era.

Would you say that an officer who graduated from the training class of such an organization is rare? Is he a treasure? Let’s not talk about his abilities. It’s just that he has written down the intelligence expertise and system concepts he has learned.

A training manual for an intelligence agency, which is still the best in the world.

There are so many officers in the artillery discipline. It seems that the commander-in-chief was also suffering from the acute shortage of artillery and artillery. There was no way. The territories occupied by the Northwest Army at that time were all in the relatively poor northwest region of China. First of all, poverty was the most important thing.

, among the major military groups in China at that time, it was recognized as the first in combat effectiveness, but the worst in equipment and military expenditures.

They didn’t have their own arsenal. The only mountain artillery regiments they had were frugal and spent a lot of money to buy some old antiques captured on the battlefield. In the civil war, they encountered the relatively wealthy Northeastern Army, the National Army and the Jin Army.

, naturally it was a big loss.

The commander seemed to be focusing on the future and preparing to vigorously develop artillery, so he sent so many people to learn artillery. This was a huge advantage to Zhou Wen, and he also shortened the mercenary regiment's mountain artillery company and mortar company to the maximum

The boards are all completed.

There are also engineers. In fact, even Zhou Wen is not very clear about the training methods and professional skills of professional engineers. Now there is an officer who has studied at the top engineering academy in the Soviet Union for four years. It can be foreseen that the engineer platoon will soon be

It can really come in handy.

There were actually tank soldiers. Zhou Wen knew that there was no dedicated tank academy in the world at this time. The Motorcycle and Mechanization Department was actually the predecessor of the tank school. With the addition of these two professional officers, Zhou Wen could start planning for another little dream.

(Hey! What kind of dream is it? Guess.)

In fact, the two officers from the Infantry Command Department of Frunze Military Academy, Meng Yuting and Chen Wanli, were the ones that Zhou Wen was most looking forward to and satisfied with.

What kind of school is the Frunze Military Academy? Zhou Wen knows very well. Soviet graduate officers who came out of the Frunze Military Academy, known as the cradle of generals, basically became generals in the later period as long as they did not die in battle during World War II.

, what kind of generals, generals are everywhere. As the saying goes: there are as many generals as dogs, generals are everywhere, only a marshal can shake them.

What does this mean? It means that the Frunze Military Academy cultivates all-round commanders, and they are also command talents with both strategic vision and tactical literacy.

This chapter has been completed!
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