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Chapter 291 Peace of mind

What does Zhou Wen lack? Of course he lacks professional officers, but if he doesn't have them, he can still use time and money to cultivate them. But when all these affiliated units are trained and equipped with the latest and best equipment, who will command them? Who will

To unite these most elite military units to achieve their due effectiveness?

Can Zhou Wen do it? In fact, he is also beating the drum in his heart. Zhou Wen’s strongest point is the advanced combat concepts and advanced military thoughts in his mind, and of course his own super abilities, but these do not include battlefield command


Zhou Wen's highest position after joining the army in later generations was to be a small squad leader commanding ten people. Although he had advanced ideas, a long-term vision, and the knowledge and common sense of future military fans, he still had to cover a group of more than a thousand people.

He had no idea how to fully unleash the combat effectiveness of many military units. After all, he had never studied systematically or practiced in this area.

What's more, Zhou Wen's specialty is leading small units of mercenary groups in combat. When he leads the team in various special operations, he very much needs someone who can control the overall situation, understand his thinking, and lead the affiliated units behind him to give him

A commander with strong support and support.

If the brothers of the mercenary group are his support and support for victory in battle, and they are the backing he can completely trust with his back. Then the affiliated troops are the backing and support of the entire mercenary group, and the entire affiliated army must be handed over to him.

In the hands of someone who can make Zhou Wen feel at ease and who also has super commanding abilities.

Of course, this person cannot be the two nominal commanders Zeng Erniu and Zhang An. They were also Zhou Wen's helpless temporary choices at the time. Of course, it's not that Zhou Wen doesn't trust them as people, but that he doesn't trust their professional abilities, or even

Later, the officers selected from the recruits were more qualified than the two of them. Now that Zeng Erniu had replaced Gao Xiaoshan and worked in the provincial party headquarters, those liaison jobs were more suitable for him. Zhang An, on the other hand, took

The security team composed of the sons of the squires of Lishi County continues to maintain law and order in the county.

This was also the main reason why Zhou Wen, after training the recruits for a year, still felt that something was missing, and still hesitated to take them with him to the upcoming Songhu Anti-Japanese War battlefield.

Therefore, the arrival of Meng Yuting and Chen Wanli is really a timely help for Zhou Wen, and it feels like a long drought. How could Zhou Wen not be overjoyed?

Meng Yuting then introduced all the officers to Zhou Wen one by one according to the list. Zhou Wen warmly shook hands with each officer and exchanged a few simple greetings. His eyes were shining with joy and appreciation, and he highlighted the points in just a few words.

It reflects the role of each person’s major.

Especially that Jiang Tao, Zhou Wen also asked in detail about the subjects of the Cheka training class, and casually mentioned the intelligence agency he was forming. The meaning was very clear. I just need talents like you. I can use them when they come.

And it’s also very useful.

When talking to Zhu Jinghui and other officers with artillery majors, he even said bluntly: "Now the mercenary regiment has a mountain artillery company and an artillery artillery company. The soldiers' skills are well trained. It's just you professionals who are missing."

The officer is here to take command."

When Meng Yuting introduced Li Yibin and Zhong Zhi, two officers studying motorcycles and mechanization, Zhou Wen asked directly: "Can you drive tanks and armored vehicles?" One sentence made the two officers' eyes light up.

I was greatly impressed.

You must know that the Chinese army at this period basically had no concept and awareness of a mechanized army, let alone the ability. Even if ordinary officers have heard of it, they simply understand it as driving a car or a motorcycle.

But Zhou Wen pointed out the essence of the mechanized force in one sentence, that is, the armored force. How could this not shock Li Yibin and Zhong Zhi.

After receiving their affirmative answers, Zhou Wen became uncomfortable and looked at the two of them as if they were treasures, laughing, making the two young officers look embarrassed.

Zhou Wen kept rubbing his hands together and giggled for a long time. Finally, he seemed to have made up his mind and said to Li Yibin and Zhong Zhi: "You guys will get to know each other in the mercenary group for a while, and then I will have some experience with you."

Don’t worry, the new arrangement will definitely give you what you want.”

Both of them were overjoyed after hearing this. What does it mean to get what they want? Everyone knew clearly in their hearts. Even Meng Yuting felt that the owner's heart was not as big as usual, nor was he as rich as usual. From the looks of it,

Even tanks, which were rare and expensive equipment in the Soviet Union, wanted to buy them.

When Zhou Wen introduced Lin Ling, an officer who graduated from the Engineering Command Department of the Kuibyshev Military Engineering Academy, Zhou Wen warmed up this calm officer with just one sentence.

"The mercenary regiment also has engineers. I just hope Brother Lin Jun doesn't mind that the number is small. With an engineer platoon of about fifty people, how useful they can be in the future depends on your ability as an engineer expert."

When introducing Wang Zhili, Zhou Wen said directly: "It happens that our two machine gun companies are going to conduct air defense training this afternoon. I hope Brother Zhili can point out the shortcomings and make suggestions on the spot. You know, I am also a layman when it comes to air defense operations.

I just figured it out all by myself. It is not as good as a professional like you. But we are short on time and have heavy tasks, so I won’t be polite to you."

Wang Zhili was greatly excited, stood at attention and said loudly: "Zhili dares not to try his best."

After just one exchange, every officer felt that they were being greatly valued and Zhou Wen was eager for talents. Naturally, they felt touched and satisfied in their hearts.

You must know that these officers will definitely have a lot of worries and worries before they come. The most important thing is that they are worried that their future boss will not know the value and role of these people, and they will not be able to use them well. If they cannot show what they have learned, it will be wasted.

This is my ability.

Now, even Jiang Tao, Li Yibin, and Zhong Zhi, who are the most unsophisticated professionals, have a chance and a stage to show off their skills, let alone other officers with conventional military majors. As a result, everyone has been hanging in the air.

, and also fell back into reality in less than ten minutes of exchanges and greetings.

Meng Yuting watched from the side and was greatly impressed by Zhou Wen. He was indeed a monster. They had just met and said a few words, which basically dispelled everyone's biggest concerns. There was also an indescribable aura about this man.

There is a sense of intimacy, and I just feel that his smile and words are easy and natural, just like a good friend who has known me for many years, making people feel inexplicably at ease and trustworthy.

This chapter has been completed!
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