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Chapter 461 Teaching

General Jiang nodded slightly and said: "It's okay to be ashamed. Being ashamed means you have a conscience, and having a conscience means you have responsibility. In this case, I feel relieved to leave these brothers to you."

Zhou Wen said nonchalantly: "I still feel sorry for you and the 19th Route Army."

General Chiang laughed out loud after hearing this and said loudly: "I'm sorry, I don't look at the present, but look at the future."

"I just hope that when these brothers pick up their guns again, the muzzles will no longer be pointed at Chinese people, but at foreign enemies and Japanese pirates. Of course they may sacrifice themselves and die, but they must die well."

Having said this, General Jiang looked up at the blue sky and said quietly: "We Chinese have shed enough blood."

"Yes, I promise." Zhou Wen solemnly said again.

"Well, after we say goodbye today, I don't know when we will see each other again. Let's cherish each other. I hope I can often hear about your Xiao Zhou's victory against the Japanese invaders in the future."

"Yes, take care, sir, and I take my leave."

Zhou Wen solemnly stood at attention and saluted General Chiang, turned around and left.

At this moment, he didn't want this amiable and respectable officer to see his red eyes, and he didn't want him to see the lingering sadness in his eyes.

Because he knew that just one year later, with the disappearance of the 19th Route Army, this anti-Japanese hero in his prime could only hide in Hong Kong.

Although he was full of aspirations to serve the country, although he had extremely rich combat experience against Japan and outstanding commanding talents, and although he was willing to shed his blood on the anti-Japanese battlefield, throughout his life, he never had the opportunity to lead troops in battle.

One early morning a few days later, in Nanjing, Zhou Wen walked into the gate of the Central Army Officers School again. Before he could reach the office of the Tactical Section, he was informed by Instructor Peng who met him unexpectedly on the way that Zhu Youren, the chief of the Tactical Section, was on sick leave.

, it is said that it is quite serious and one needs to rest at home for a period of time.

Zhou Wen frowned after hearing this. He had expected that Chief Zhu would continue to delay, but he didn't expect that this person would go so far. He was simply shameless.

If he so blatantly disobeys Commander Zhang's instructions, will he be able to stay in the military academy in the future?

What Zhou Wen didn't know was that Lieutenant Colonel Zhu Youren really didn't want to serve in the military academy. His backer, the director of the political department of the military academy, promised to transfer him to the Nanjing Garrison Headquarters after this incident.

As for why these backstage figures deliberately obstructed Zhou Wen from attending classes, it was no longer as simple as adding obstruction and providing some shoes to wear. The deep malice behind them had gone beyond the usual means of factional fighting.

As for Zhu Youren being able to get the promise to be transferred to the Nanjing Garrison Headquarters, it means that the black hands behind it are prepared to make things worse at all costs.

You must know that the transfer of mid-level officers is not a simple paper transfer order. This is the army. The general procedure is that both the unit where they work and the receiving unit must report to the Military Commission in the form of an official letter and explain the reasons.

Normal transfer is possible only with consent.

That is to say, it must be recognized by three parties, and it will not work without any one of them.

And Commander Zhang is now the actual leader of the military academy. Theoretically speaking, if Commander Zhang does not agree, Zhu Youren will not be able to leave.

However, if the principal gives a direct order, that is another matter.

The unit Zhu Youren is about to go to is the Nanjing Garrison Headquarters. Who is the commander of the Nanjing Garrison Headquarters?

That is General Gu Zhilungu, who is also the commander of the Military Police Headquarters.

Why did General Zhou embarrass Zhou Wen in ancient times? Is it because of such trivial matters as Zhou Wen beating up a few military policemen?

The answer is - the correct answer is because Zhou Wen beat two military policemen. This ancient general is so petty and has such a bad temper.

Speaking of this ancient general, he was also a figure during the Republic of China. He was one of the military veterans who followed Mr. Zhongshan in the early days. Later, he closely followed the principal and rose from a division commander during the Northern Expedition to the Nanjing Garrison. The important position of the commander of the headquarters.

The most notable achievement of this person in the Nanjing government was the training of military police. In 1927, Gu Zhilun expanded the military police battalion during the Northern Expedition into the First Military Police Regiment, and reorganized a basic regiment when he was the division commander into the Second Military Police Regiment. , and the original Wuhan Gendarmerie Regiment was changed to the Third Gendarmerie Regiment. In addition, the Second Traffic Gendarmerie Regiment was established.

In 1929, Tanuki established the Gendarmerie Training Institute in the name of the Nanjing Garrison Headquarters, and he served as the director. The following year, he proposed to the principal the establishment of the Gendarmerie Headquarters, enriching the Gendarmerie Training Institute, and expanding the Gendarmerie force.

The principal quickly approved his plan.

In 1931, the Gendarmerie Headquarters was formally established, and Gu Zhilun served as the commander of the Gendarmerie.

On the eve of the Anti-Japanese War, the Nanjing government's gendarmerie force had expanded to eleven regiments, and after the outbreak of the all-out war of resistance against Japan, it participated in many battles and performed well. For this reason, Gu Zhilun also won the title of "Father of the Modern Chinese Gendarmerie" "The praise.

Gu Zhilun had a very strong sense of feudalism and believed deeply in the relationship between astrology and karma. When he was giving "Spiritual Education Lectures" in the army, he often talked about "The Book of Loyalty" and "The Book of Filial Piety", and he understood the principal deeply and was extremely respectful.

When the principal went to the gendarmerie to give lectures, he always stood at attention beside the principal, listening attentively, with the attitude of a "general manager". He won the appreciation of the principal with this deferential attitude, and with his "political achievements" in training the gendarmerie, he was highly praised by the principal. The respect and trust he received enabled him to gain a foothold in the National Government as a non-"Huangpu clique" soldier and always hold the real power of the military and government.

Precisely because this person often regarded himself as the principal's confidant and now held several important positions, he was considered a very popular figure in Nanjing. Therefore, except for the principal, he did not take anyone else seriously.

Coupled with his extreme and arrogant personality, he believed that the military police he trained were the first-class elite troops in the country. He did not take seriously the performance of the troops led by Zhou Wen, who had been paid attention to and praised by the Military Commission many times.

Coupled with the encouragement of the top brass of the Military Commission, he believed from the bottom of his heart that the achievements of the so-called Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army of the Central Party Headquarters on the Songhu battlefield were exaggerated for the sake of publicity. Therefore, on the issue of Zhou Wen's award, he was The first one to stand up and object.

The reason is very simple. Zhou Wen's troops do not belong to the Military Commission's establishment series, so their merits cannot be calculated according to common sense. Moreover, the Military Commission is now in the process of reorganizing the national army. Normal treatment cannot be given to such uncontrolled extra-staff troops, otherwise it will mislead those who are interested in it. Provincial warlords who had objections to military reorganization had an impact on subsequent reorganization work.

The reason was very good, and he looked at the problem from an overall perspective, so naturally there were people who responded, so Zhou Wen's deserved Blue Sky and White Sun Medal became the Baoding Medal.

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