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Chapter 462

After hearing that his division chief came to complain that his military policeman was injured by Zhou Wen who was drunk, Gu Zhilun, who didn't like to see Zhou Wen at all, became even more angry and decided to give Zhou Wen some color.


That's why he used the excuse that the 88th and 87th Divisions were over-reduced on the Songhu battlefield and the Nanjing garrison was weakened, and got the Military Commission to agree to the large-scale recruitment of these two divisions around Nanjing, cutting off the source of recruits for Zhou Wen's teaching corps, and at the same time, and

The director of the Political Department of the Central Army Military Academy colluded to prevent Zhou Wen from teaching smoothly at the military academy.

These two moves were just appetizers. Gu Zhilun was a member of the military. He wanted to wait until Zhou Wen encountered obstacles everywhere in Nanjing and was struggling, and finally used military rules to knock Zhou Wen out of the clouds.

The so-called rule in the army is martial arts competition. Didn't you beat my men? It means you are very skilled. Then I will find an excuse to force you to compete in martial arts. Finally, I will defeat you in front of many lieutenants.

Your reputation is completely ruined.

Of course, although he believed that the top brass of the Military Commission had exaggerated Zhou Wen's combat power, given the fact that people are famous, if Zhou Wen himself could not achieve such a big name without a few moves, he would naturally have to take a foolproof approach.

He also knew that the current experts in the military police force would probably not be his match against Zhou Wenfang, but he already had candidates and had sent capable men to invite them. It just took some time.

Of course, Zhou Wen didn't know this yet. After he thanked Instructor Peng who came to convey the message, he had no intention of going to the Tactics Section office again, let alone complaining to Chief Zhang, who was busy with everything. He just smiled softly and walked out.

The gate of the military academy.

At noon, in the large cafeteria on the side of the military academy playground, thousands of trainees were lining up in several columns and taking turns to get meals. The food in the cafeteria was very simple, and there was no meat. Each person carried an earthen bowl from Hai Da and walked to the table.

At the table where the food was being served, several cooks scooped a large spoonful of rice, a small spoonful of pickles, and half a cucumber into each bowl, which was today's lunch.

Even though the food is simple, it is considered good for the current Chinese army. At least it is real rice, not the smelly grown rice or brown rice, and the vegetables are also fresh. Although the military academy has limited funds, it cannot provide it to the trainees.

Better food treatment, but more attention is paid to health and safety, and spoiled food will basically not be allowed to flow into the military academy.

Although the student canteen is just a simple shed, it is very large and spacious and can accommodate one to two thousand people eating at the same time.

Most of the students who come to get lunch at this time are graduating students who will graduate and enter the army in June this year. Their course schedule is very tight and they also face various exams before graduation, so they give priority to getting food during lunch.

The weather is good today. Many students who had eaten their meals came out with their bowls and found a place to sit down and eat while basking in the sun. The temperature in Nanjing in April is not too high. The students also used this rare free time to joke with each other.

, let your tense body and mind relax properly.

At this moment, a young officer in a colonel's uniform came over carrying a large blackboard with a stand. Some students quickly put down their bowls and chopsticks to stand at attention and salute, but they looked at this in surprise, as if they were younger than themselves.

How old is the colonel?

The handsome-looking colonel with a gentle smile on his face put down the blackboard, waved his hands at them and said, "You just need to eat, no need to salute."

Only then did the students see a simple map drawn on the blackboard. From a distance, they knew it was a map of China that they were already very familiar with.

The colonel looked at the students' puzzled eyes and said loudly: "Let me introduce myself. I am the school's specially appointed tactical instructor. You can call me instructor Zhou. Since the school's schedule is too tight, you are about to enter the sprint before graduation.

stage, so my courses can only be taught while you are eating."

Zhou Wen's voice was not loud, but every student around the cafeteria could hear it clearly. For a moment, everyone didn't understand what was going on, but when they heard that they were not allowed to rest while eating, and they had to add more classes, even if

The students who were the most diligent and studious could not help but cry in their hearts.

You must know that adding a course does not mean that the instructor simply teaches a few classes and is done. The teaching must include homework. Military courses also have tactical drills and exercises. The most important thing is that each course must have exams, which is invisible.

It has increased the study time and pressure of many students. The already pitiful rest time has to be compressed again, and it is inevitable that some students will be resistant.

As a result, the students looked at each other, were silent for a while, and then began to whisper to each other in low voices. Some even squatted down with their heads in distress to show their dissatisfaction.

Zhou Wen saw all this and felt funny in his heart. It seemed that no matter in that era, adding more courses and homework would not be a pleasant thing for students.

Zhou Wen himself was not good at studying in his previous life, but his sister's academic performance was very good. Zhou Wen knew at that time that even an excellent academic like his sister would complain about various homework and exams when she came home.


Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel sad. If his sister in the previous life had not fallen ill and passed away, she would have already become a doctor, right? Zhou Wen believed that just because his sister ranked among the top ten in the province in the high school entrance examination, what?

985, double first-class, what graduate students, doctoral students, isn't that something you can get at your fingertips?

Listening to the chatter around him getting louder, Zhou Wen quickly came back to his senses, looked at the students and smiled slightly and said: "My course will not be included in your graduation assessment course, and there are no homework or exams."

There was a "buzz" sound, and the surrounding area of ​​the cafeteria was like a pot exploding. Everyone's heads, which were already a little confused, were now even more confused. What's going on? There is no one who doesn't have homework in class and doesn't take the exam. This instructor

Could it be a fake?

Zhou Wen's next sentence made them even more confused, "Even if you want to listen, just listen while eating. If you don't want to listen, don't force it. Just stay away from my teaching place when you talk among yourself.

, just don’t affect my lecture.”

Next, Zhou Wen ignored the students who were still confused, pointed at the blackboard and said loudly: "I believe everyone is familiar with the map I drew on the blackboard. Although it is not very accurate, it is indeed a map of China. However, I pointed

The map is of China before the September 18th Incident, now..."

Zhou Wen used the chalk in his hand to wipe away the northeastern area, leaving only a faint outline mark.

Then Zhou Wen pointed to the incomplete map with the Northeast region erased and said: "This is the current map of China."

This chapter has been completed!
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