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Chapter 602 Drugs

Wang Maocai walked on the road with a confused look, like a zombie, as if his soul had been lost.

However, if someone could notice his eyes, they would find that his eyes seemed to be looking down at the road, but in fact they were constantly moving, as if he was thinking of something.

In fact, the former Wang Maocai had indeed lost his soul. Ever since hundreds of members of the He Yusheng Company were massacred by the Japanese, his heart was broken because his wife and 7-year-old daughter were not spared either.

The reason why he was forced to work for the Japanese was that after experiencing that nightmare night in the Japanese military camp, he was so frightened that he lost his soul. He did not have the courage to commit suicide, and he was afraid of the cruel methods of the Japanese. He was so confused.

He ignorantly led the Japanese to rob He Yusheng of all his assets and hidden wealth.

In the process of searching with the Japanese, Wang Maocai killed many survivors who were hiding. Wang Maocai could no longer remember it. He didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't want to think about it. He forced himself to become numb.

He numbed himself no longer just to survive. After his boss's family and his wife and daughter were brutally killed, he actually no longer wanted to live. There were two reasons why he had to live an ignoble existence, and even now he has turned into these beasts.

One of his accomplices is that although he is not afraid of death, he is afraid of pain, afraid of the cold bayonets of Japanese soldiers stabbing him, and afraid of the big Japanese wolfdogs with blood-red eyes and long tongues biting at his own flesh and blood.

Another one is unwilling to accept that his old boss, He Yusheng Company, who saved him from the roadside when he was about to freeze to death many years ago and trained him to become a decent person, is just like this to be killed by these wolves in human skins.

It's a disaster, and these crazy demons are unwilling to do anything to do evil under the eyes of God without any punishment.

Now he can only believe in the famous saying "The cycle of natural law brings retribution." It's not that there is no retribution, it's because the time has not yet come. He has to watch with wide eyes and endure it until he sees these humanoid beasts getting retribution.

Since he survived that night that he dared not recall, he secretly swore in his heart that even if he was like a dog, he would live to see the moment when the evildoers were punished and justice was served.

However, when he saw the girl with two little knots on her head, these beasts were laughing wildly and shooting at them with their guns, trying their marksmanship like a target. He saw the swaying little body as if flying in the strong wind.

A young leaf is trembling and rolling in the air...

He couldn't bear it anymore, and the inner torment and regret almost completely destroyed him physically and mentally.

He feels that every moment he lives now is painful suffering, and he has no courage to live anymore. He is afraid that every more moment he lives, more children like Niu Niu will be killed.

Therefore, when a person who no longer wants to live makes up his mind, his mind that has been engaged in business since he was a child begins to become active.

He watched the Japanese soldiers hide dozens of corpses in a yard, and then began to search for the belongings and food of every household, as well as a lot of bacon prepared for the New Year in the villagers' homes, and actually made a sumptuous meal in the bloody village.

dinner, and then had a big meal as if nothing had happened.

That Lai Youmao also suggested to the Japanese that the scene should be made to look like a robbery by bandits, and that the Japanese should take away all the looted property.

This sentence reminded Wang Maocai, and he thought, why did Lai Youmao and the Japanese disguise the scene? There is only one possibility. They are also afraid, afraid of being discovered to be Japanese spies, and afraid of being pursued.

Who are they afraid of? Of course, it is the Chinese army stationed at Lengkou Pass.

So, if the Chinese army discovers those villagers who were slaughtered, will they pursue them? Do they dare to pursue them?

Wang Maocai no longer thinks about this problem. He is a person who is not even afraid of death. What should he worry about? He just needs to plan according to the idea that there are pursuers. Anyway, there is no good way now. The so-called plan is up to the people.

Everything depends on God.

If there were no pursuers, he would just find an opportunity to drag a Japanese to death together, and that would be it. Anyway, the road was high and far, and there were a lot of cliffs.

But how to make the hoped-for pursuers catch up with these beasts, then we must find ways to slow down the entire team.

Now, the route of this fake caravan disguised by Japanese spies is different from the route back. When it came, it was reconnaissance all the way from the direction of Chengde. Now it has killed people. In order to avoid being exposed, the route back can only be taken.

Go straight to Jinzhou. Anyway, the reconnaissance mission is completed.

As for the way back, neither Lai Youmao nor the Japanese soldiers had walked on it, and the only one who knew the way was Wang Maocai.

Last night, a group of people braved the cold winter to rest in a cave on the mountain road. Early this morning, someone suggested that it might be faster to abandon the cart and walk in the mountains. However, Wang Maocai trembled and explained that he

In the past, when I led caravans, I always took trade routes and never walked through mountain trails. It would be troublesome if I got lost.

Now Lai Youmao can only believe Wang Maocai's words, but in his heart he has been greeting all the female relatives of Ogura Guixiu's family. If it hadn't been for the impulse of this stupid and arrogant Japanese officer, it would be hard to say that he and the others had already explored the line.

You can go straight through the small roads in the pass, and you can also go back to the original route without hesitation.

His many years of bloodshed at the knife edge have always made him a little vigilant, and now he still has a little uneasiness.

He has a very clear mind. Now all the troops can only rely on Wang Maocai to lead the way. This person's role will be highlighted, and his harm will also increase at the same time.

In the past, Lai Youmao would not take an ant like Wang Maocai, whose courage was frightened by the Japanese and had no power to restrain the chicken, at all, but now, when a person's role is infinitely magnified, this person will

It makes people have to pay attention to it.

Once he started to turn his attention to Wang Maocai, he found that Wang Maocai was a little different from before.

Maybe no one else noticed any changes in Wang Maocai, but Lai Youmao did. He found that Wang Maocai seemed to be a little different from before after he came out of Kouwai Village, but he couldn't tell what the specific changes were. In short,

It's a little different.

So along the way, his eyes glanced at Wang Maocai from time to time. Although he didn't think Wang Maocai could do anything to harm the team, it was always right to stay vigilant. This was his experience after escaping from death many times.


In fact, Wang Maocai didn't realize that he was any different from before. He still looked timid in the team, and he still smiled charmingly and obeyed anyone who told him what to do.

But he noticed the pair of evil wolf-like eyes that were always hanging around him, and he quietly squeezed something hidden in his pocket.

This chapter has been completed!
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