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Chapter 603 Lost

Hidden in Wang Maocai's pocket were more than a dozen crotons that had been warmed by his body. He found these when he helped the Japanese search villagers' houses yesterday. He knew that some hunters would use poison mixed with bait to trap their prey.

They couldn't afford any highly toxic materials, so they used croton instead.

He originally planned to find an opportunity to put croton into the fodder that the horses eat or directly into the food of the Japanese. However, the Japanese were very careful along the way. They cooked all their meals themselves and even gave them to the horses.

There is also a dedicated person in charge of feeding, not to mention Lai Youmao's vigilant eyes are always staring at him, Wang Maocai has no chance to make a move.

And now, looking at the sun that was about to set over the mountains in the distance, Wang Maocai knew that he had to take action. Regardless of whether there were pursuers behind him, he would do something tonight, because at the current speed, maybe by tomorrow afternoon

Entering the territory controlled by the Japanese army, by then, these beasts will truly escape.

Wang Maocai also knew that under Lai You's eyes like a furry wolf, he would no longer have the chance to drug people and horses.

However, there was no chance of drugging others, but there were plenty of opportunities to drug himself. Wang Maocai could no longer care about pain and death at this time. He just wanted these beasts to stay on the land under his feet from now on.

Among the mountains.

Then, he wants to leave himself here. He no longer has the courage to return to Jinzhou again, has no courage to face those familiar and unfamiliar people and things, and has no courage to face the mass graves outside Jinzhou City with Yu Sheng.

There are more than a hundred innocent souls still crying.

Even if the chance is slim, even if there are no pursuers behind.

At night, in the middle of the circle formed by four carts, the bonfire was still flickering on and off, illuminating the ugly face of the devil who was keeping watch like a wild ghost.

Wrapped in a sheepskin cotton-padded jacket and sleeping under the wheel of a cart, Wang Maocai had secretly chewed and swallowed the sixth croton.

Even though Lai Youmao has never relaxed his vigilance against Wang Maocai, he is not made of iron. He also needs to eat and sleep. At this time, Lai Youmao and two of his men surrounded Wang Maocai and were snoring. As long as Wang Maocai made the slightest move,

, may wake them up.

However, how did he expect that Wang Maocai's action was to drug himself and secretly put the croton hidden close to his body into his mouth?

Wang Maocai has been in business for many years, and he still has some understanding of the medicinal properties of croton. He knows that he can't eat too much, and it won't be fun if he poisons himself directly.

Yes, Wang Maocai just wants to play with these humanoid beasts before he dies.

Even the bitter taste of croton that makes the tongue numb, Wang Maocai thinks it is sweet, the sweetness that comes from his heart.

At this moment, he felt as if he had come to life again and started to look like a human being again, a living person.

In fact, after he came out of Lengkou Wai Village, he made up his mind to die and planned to disgust these beasts before he died, even if he couldn't drag them to be buried with them.

Lai Youmao saw this change, but he couldn't explain the reason. Even Wang Maocai himself didn't know. In fact, he changed from a dog like a walking corpse to a human being with a soul and life.

In the early morning of the next day, that is, the third day after they massacred the village, before dawn, Wang Maocai's medicine took effect.

Lai Youmao frowned and looked at Wang Maocai, who was running back and forth in the woods and the camp, smelling the disgusting stench in the air, and then looked at Ogura Norihide and the Japanese commander Cao, who had equally ugly faces. He knew that he was probably going to have to go fast today.

Slowed down.

Of course they could throw Wang Maocai on the cart and continue on their way, but how could Ogura Norihide endure this despicable low-class man, the filthy feces that kept dripping from the cart, and the smell of the stench on the way.

What's more, at this time, they had no idea that Wang Maocai had drugged himself, and the remaining crotons were thrown into the feces when he went to squat in the woods for the first time. Who would hold his nose and dig out his feces to check?

The most important thing is that judging from the distance, they are now more than 100 miles away from the village outside Lengkou. According to their understanding of the Northeastern officers and soldiers who have lost their courage, even if they discover the scene of the village massacre, even if they guess the caravan's

Given his true identity, it is impossible for anyone to dare to pursue him for more than 100 miles without giving up. At most, he could only chase for a dozen or twenty miles and then go back and settle the matter.

So now they can only wait until Wang Maocai empties his stomach. As long as he doesn't die now, even if he only has one breath left, he can lie on the cart and guide the way. As for when they go back, there will be more people like these dogs, and they will die.

Once you find one, just find another one.

But it is said that Zhou Wen and the others are not as squeamish as these Japanese soldiers. They are on the road day and night. In fact, it is unfair to say that these Japanese soldiers are squeamish because none of them have the keen and superhuman senses of Zhou Wen and his brothers.

Driving on mountain roads in the dark is really dangerous.

Zhou Wen and the others actually no longer need Xiao Shui to guide them. The weather has been relatively good these two days, with no rain or snow. Along the way, the traces of several large carts and more than a dozen horses are very easy to identify, and they have not been encountered along the way.

As for the people and caravans, these traces are naturally those of the Japanese.

Day and night, the horses rested without rest. Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping basically had no rest except eating dry food and feeding the horses. This fatigue did not have a big impact even on the two team members Sun Youren and Sun Youyi.

Just by looking at their names, you can tell that these two people are two brothers, and they are cousins ​​with Sun Dazhu. Anyway, there are many brothers from Dawangzhuang who are related to each other. They are all the nephews of Wang Huzi's generation. Due to the blood connection,

The two brothers are as strong and stocky as Sun Dazhu, and their martial arts and fighting skills are among the best in the team.

But Xiao Shui couldn't hold on anymore. After all, he was still just a teenager. Although the belief of revenge supported him and walked for a day and night, his body and mind had not fully recovered from the trauma caused by the huge grief. Now he was finally tired.

Have to faint.

When he woke up, he found that another night was almost over. Although he was still tired, he cried and begged Zhou Wen to continue chasing, as long as he tied him to the horse and slept.

Finally, at noon, Zhou Wen finally tracked the camp where this group of Japanese soldiers had left not long ago.

The reason why Zhou Wen judged that the Japanese army had left not long ago was because he found piles of feces left by Wang Maocai. Although Lai Youmao and the others pinched their noses and covered them with soil, the smell could not be covered up.

Zhou Wen quickly determined that the Japanese army would not leave for more than three hours.

He didn't know what happened to these Japanese soldiers, but he knew that some of them had diarrhea, and it was serious. In this case, their speed would inevitably be affected.

At this time, Zhou Wen was relieved. It was only a matter of time before he caught up with the Japanese army. These beasts would definitely not be able to escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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