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Chapter 604 Frightened

Zhou Wen didn't know whether the Japanese army was lost or was trying to escape into the mountains. The road behind them led all the way into the mountains. The mountain roads were rugged and the horses and carriages became a burden.

And according to Xiao Shui, this road is actually on the wrong path now. The road to Jinzhou has to turn at the previous fork.

In fact, Wang Maocai deliberately diverted the road. Now this road is not going to Jinzhou, but an old trade road leading to Shanhaiguan.

You must know that the roads at this time were not as well connected as in later generations. There were expressways, first-class highways, county-level roads, etc. criss-crossing each other, and there were even village-level roads.

In this era, there was only one main road, commonly known as the official road. Those country roads could only be passed by people, not horse-drawn carriages, let alone mountain roads.

The so-called mountain roads are not built with money from the government or individuals, but are built purely by people and horses over many years. The so-called road goes dark, which refers to this kind of mountain road. Once you go wrong, there are no detours to correct it.

Yes, you can either make mistakes and wait until you reach the end of the field, or you can go back the same way.

The previous fork in the road was the mountain road to two different places in Jinzhou and Shanhaiguan. Once you go wrong, you have no other choice but to turn back. Of course, if you are a superman and can fly, you may be able to make your way through the mountains and ridges where no one has cut a way out.

walk out.

Zhou Wen repeatedly asked Xiao Shui for confirmation, and after verifying with Wan Tiangui from Miaohua's side through the radio, he finally determined that these Japs were lost. He was no longer in a hurry and found a place for everyone to rest while waiting for Miaohua and the others.

Come and join us.

At this time, Wang Maocai's condition was not good. He was now severely dehydrated. The trouble was that he couldn't drink water. He vomited as much as he drank. He was completely exhausted and in a deep coma.

He didn't know that the croton used by hunters to drug wild animals was an ordinary thing. It was a specialty of a tropical valley in Fujian. Due to the relationship between water and soil, its toxicity was far higher than that of ordinary varieties. It was specially sold to hunters for trapping. Ordinary people

Even if you take one pill, you will have to vomit and have diarrhea for more than a day, not to mention that Wang Maocai has eaten six pills. He is now in a state of deep poisoning.

If we were in the hospital, we would need to quickly inject intravenous drips to replenish water and nutrition, and take detoxification drugs. Maybe we could be saved, but in the wilderness where there is no way to touch the sky or the ground, it would be difficult to survive.


Now Lai Youmao and the little devils have used many methods to give him first aid, and even used the little water on him, but the situation is getting worse and worse. It is not the little devils who cherish Wang Maocai's life.

But if Wang Maocai is really dead, they will be completely blind.

To Lai Youmao's delight, in the evening, Wang Maocai's condition actually began to improve. He didn't vomit much when he drank water, and he couldn't even get rid of diarrhea. Wang Maocai miraculously recovered from his coma.


Lai Youmao stepped forward impatiently and asked: "Lao Wang, wake up quickly. Are we on the wrong path? Look ahead."

It turned out that as early as in the afternoon, when Ogura Guixiu took out the compass to check the direction, he found that the route was deviated. But firstly, Wang Maocai was still in a coma, and secondly, because the mountain roads were full of twists and turns.

, it is impossible to be in the right direction all the time, they can only bite the bullet and move forward.

However, as they walked, they found that the road was getting steeper and narrower, and they began to feel that something was wrong. If they continued walking, it would be a problem whether the carriage could pass, and there was a big mountain in the direction of their advance. From a distance,

It's like a dark diamond blocking the way forward.

They were not sure now. Ogura Guixiu and the Japanese Army Commander Cao discussed for a while and decided to stop their advance temporarily and found a fairly spacious place to rest on the spot, waiting for Wang Maocai to wake up.

It is ironic to say that the person who was like an ant in their eyes now seems so important. Even at this moment, if the medicine is worth a thousand dollars, they are willing to use it on this untouchable.

That's why Lai Youmao and the Japanese soldiers breathed a sigh of relief after Wang Maocai woke up, as happy and fortunate as if their own father had woken up from a serious illness.

What they don't know is that Wang Maocai struggled from death not because of how strong his body was, but because of his strong desire to survive. He was unwilling to die silently like this, although he no longer had any pulling power.

A Japanese soldier died with all his strength, but he wanted to let out a breath of evil before he died.

He wanted to let these beasts know that he was an ant-like existence in their eyes, a pariah whose life was controlled by them, and whose life and death were determined by their life and death. He had teased them, let them spin around in the mountains, and even drank it.

Most of the water is stored.

You beasts, kill me if you can. I want to see how you get out of this mountain.

But now is not the time to vent his anger. Wang Maocai has to wait for his vitality to disappear to a certain extent, and then let these thieves realize that they have been teased. Then he laughs and kicks his legs and dies, making you beasts think

I can't even find a place to vent my anger. I'll suffocate you sons of bitches to death.

Wang Maocai reluctantly opened his already cloudy eyes and looked at the mountains in the distance to make sure that he was pointing the right way. It was indeed the old trade road leading to Shanhaiguan, but it was not the mountain road leading to Jinzhou.

Moreover, Wang Maocai also knew that a section of this road had been washed away by flash floods in the early years. Although people could still walk on it, it was absolutely impossible for horses and vehicles to walk on it.

A few years ago, the caravan he led took the wrong route and was delayed for several days and had to go back the same way, so he remembered it very clearly.

But it was a large caravan of hundreds of people, and they brought enough supplies and water, so they were able to walk back safely along the way. Now these little devils had no supplies along the way, and they didn't have enough food. There was still a lot of goods on the cart.

, but there is not much water and fodder for the horses to eat.

He looked at the gloomy sky again and knew that it would be impossible to hit the road again today. If they were delayed for another night, even if these little devils could finally walk out the same way, they would probably lose their skin if they didn't die.

So, he said out of breath: "No... you're on the right track... ahead... the mountains ahead... over there... over there..."

As he spoke, he couldn't answer the words and began to gasp for air.

Lai Youmao quickly supported his body and patted his back with one hand to calm him down. He wished that he had the legendary internal strength and could pass some of his breath, but he was scratching his head and head with anxiety. You idiot, you should explain it clearly.

, what exactly is the charter “over there”?

This chapter has been completed!
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