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Chapter 773 Convergence

The villagers were suffocated by Lei Dahai's aura. They felt that the soldier who had looked kind before had a murderous aura about him. Then they looked at the soldiers around them who began to look at them with sullen faces. The villagers felt that

I started playing the drums, knowing that these soldiers might really know how to shoot.

So, under Chai Youde's loud shout, the villagers organized themselves again and continued to move towards the mountain.

Many villagers closed their eyes in fear and followed the team in fear. Mothers and elders on the cart held their children in their arms, blindfolded them, and waited anxiously for the unknown fate to come.


What Lei Dahai didn't know was that everything that happened on the ground just now, including the scene where he shot into the air, was clearly seen by Hirota Masatomo on the Japanese reconnaissance plane with an eight-fold telescope. Fortunately, it was a telescope and not a microscope.

, otherwise the shell gun held by Lei Dahai would almost completely expose them.

You must know that the little Japanese are all one-sided. Even if they know that the performance of their tortoise-box is poor, they generally will not use the captured shell guns. They think it is a sign of lack of confidence in the industrial level of the Japanese Empire.

Therefore, even on the battlefield, it is rare for Japanese soldiers to use shell guns.

Long before Lei Dahai discovered them, Hirota Masatomo discovered a string of black spots on the ground in the distance on the plane. After discovering that they were Japanese troops, he still felt strange. How could there be a group of infantry escorting hundreds of civilians marching?

Now is not the time to build roads and build forts.

Fortunately, he saw the scene of Lei Dahai shooting into the sky to intimidate the villagers, which made him dispel his suspicions. He just felt that the infantry below were too kind. There was no need to shout and intimidate these cowardly people and kill them casually.

If a few die, they will all be honest.

Masato Hirota stretched out his hand from the cabin, waved to another plane next to him, then lowered the nose of the plane and dived towards the team.

Some people wonder why Masato Hirota gestured to another aircraft instead of using an intercom to convey orders. The reason is simple: there was no intercom.

During this period, the air forces of various countries had not yet developed to the extent of using radio communication devices with each other.

Germany was the first country in the world to use airborne radios. Germany was the first to use airborne radios on aircraft and tanks, which gave the German army a flexible and fast information transmission capability in the early stages of the war.

Therefore, most of the cockpits of Japanese aircraft during this period did not have roofs, just for the convenience of making gestures to each other.

At this time, Lei Dahai turned pale when he saw the Japanese plane start to dive. He knew that this was the precursor of the Japanese plane's attack.

But what can be done now?

There was definitely no way they could win. Even Lei Dahai and the others had never fought against the Japs' planes. They had always run away when they saw them, but it looked like they couldn't run away today.

He could only continue to gamble his life. Lei Dahai didn't know that this was the first time he gambled his life today. It was once when he ran away to avoid Qiantang Village, and once when he turned back to help the two officers.

If you win the first two bets, you might as well bet a third time to see if the Lord of Hell insists on taking you away today.

His heart skipped a beat, and Lei Dahai was not very nervous anymore.

If a person dies or a bird looks up to the sky, he will not die for tens of thousands of years. I will bet again today.

He ordered loudly: "Don't pay attention to the plane, don't break up the formation."

Listening to the buzzing sound of the plane getting closer and closer, Lei Dahai turned his head and looked blankly at the two Japanese planes swooping down. He could even see the Japanese pilot wearing windshields in the cockpit of the plane with a full face.

A grinning face.

"Boom..." A deafening sound of an engine exploded in his ears, and several women and children in the village screamed in fright.

Two planes passed 200 meters above their heads, causing a gust of cold wind to blow through them.

"Let's go, the kid's plane is gone." Someone in the crowd screamed with joy, mixed with many frightened cries.

Just as Lei Dahai was about to order the team to move forward, someone else exclaimed: "Look, the little Japanese plane is back again."

Lei Dahai looked up, and sure enough he saw the two planes flying sideways and turning, then flying towards this side again.

"Grass and mud horse! Is it over yet?" Lei Dahai cursed in his heart, he couldn't bring himself to play with people like this.

At this time, Xiao Qi reminded him with a pale face: "Brother Dahai, we don't look like we are seeing friendly forces. I'm afraid the little Japs are getting suspicious."

Lei Dahai reacted immediately and shouted: "No one else moves, Xiaoqi and I wave to the plane."

So both of them raised their 38 rifles wrapped in plaster flags and waved them towards the plane.

Fortunately, Xiao Qi reminded him in time. When he flew over just now, Masato Hirota was really a little suspicious.

When he was flying the plane in a dive, he also saw the unshaven face of Cao Chang on the ground, but this face looked very indifferent, unlike the usual infantrymen on the ground who waved and cheered or made gestures to the plane.


Even during a drill, when he was swooping down to tease these country bumpkin infantrymen, one bastard took off his pants and exposed his bare buttocks to his plane, while other infantrymen looked up to the sky and laughed.

This scene was captured with a camera by the co-pilot, Second Lieutenant Kawakami, and the photo is still posted in the aviation team's conference room and has become a joke among the pilots in their spare time.

However, the team just now was very strange. Almost everyone had a blank face, which was a little abnormal.

At this time, Hirota Masato had no doubt that this team was actually Chinese disguised as Japanese troops. After all, this kind of Chinese people pretending to be Japanese troops had never happened since the September 18th Incident. He did not have such vigilance yet.

Masato Hirota just felt a little strange, so he decided to come back again to observe what happened.

But this time, when he saw the plaster flags waving on the two poles below, he finally relaxed and cursed with a smile: "Did these infantrymen, Ma Lu, get scared just now? They don't even have the basic courtesy. They are really a bunch of country bumpkins."

Kawakami also lost no time in greeting him and said, "These idiots may have been frightened by Hirota-kun's heroic maneuver just now. I'm afraid they have never seen a plane flying so close in their lives."

Masato Hirota smiled proudly. The height of his dive just now was 180 meters from the ground. In daily training, it was a dangerous height that was strictly prohibited. However, for a veteran pilot like him, he did not take this prohibition seriously at all.

What's the matter, if he was flying a lighter fighter, he would even be sure to lower the altitude by dozens of meters.

This chapter has been completed!
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