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Chapter 774 Super Wave

Watching the two Japanese planes disappearing into the sky, Lei Dahai let out a long breath, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and then looked at Xiao Qi, who also had a face full of joy. The two brothers once again had no chance of surviving.

People looked at each other and started laughing.

Damn, I won another bet. It looks like the brothers' lives are really tough today!

Hearing the laughter of the two people, the villagers couldn't help but burst into laughter.

It was too thrilling just now, and everyone seemed to have walked back and forth through the gates of hell. Now that the danger was over, everyone relaxed, and several village women hugged their children and cried with joy.

Lei Dahai took the opportunity to speed up the march of the team. Now that the villagers knew they were afraid, they gritted their teeth and speeded up the march.

About an hour later, as dusk approached, a large mountain stood in front of the villagers' team.

Even after driving for nearly three hours, not to mention ordinary people, even these veterans of the volunteer army who had experienced hundreds of battles began to feel tired.

But when they saw the mountain right in front of them, they gritted their teeth and sped up.

Everyone knows that entering the mountains means you are temporarily out of danger. At least it will be difficult for the Japs' plane to find them.

In fact, as early as half an hour ago, Hirota Masaoshi had led two reconnaissance planes back to Jinzhou. It was about to get dark, and the Japanese planes without night flying equipment would be in danger of not landing safely if they did not return. It was Hirota Masaoshi.

Even veteran pilots like this don’t dare to take risks.

Qinglong Mountain is an east-west branch of the Yanshan Mountains. To the east, it meets Dushan, another north-south branch of the Yanshan Mountains. As long as you enter Dushan, it means that you are not far from Lengkou Pass.

Although from the map, the straight-line distance from the railway line to Lengkou Pass is only about a hundred kilometers, walking on the mountain road is a bit of a hardship, especially with hundreds of villagers of all ages.

Zhou Wen and Xu Dacheng did not rush to join Lei Dahai, but rushed to Qinglong Mountain first.

Zhou Wen arrived first for his own reasons.

One is that they are worried that Zhang Xiaoping and several sniper teams are operating in this area, and it will be troublesome to attack Lei Dahai and the others who are wearing Japanese military uniforms as a small Japanese. You must know that even Zhao Xiaojin, who is participating in the battle for the first time, can fight from 300 meters away.

The moving target is also accurate with one shot.

The second reason is that Zhou Wen realized that it was not easy for hundreds of villagers with their children to cross the mountains for more than 100 kilometers, not to mention that some Japanese soldiers had already entered Dushan, and a detachment had to be moved.

Some people were assigned to be responsible for the safety along the way. With Lei Dahai's thirty or so team members alone, the security force was too weak.

The third thing is that Zhou Wen did not forget the purpose of the Great Wall War of Resistance. Escorting the villagers into the customs was just a temporary act of charity, but it should not be delayed because of this.

The more important Lengkou Defense War was about to begin. As the commander-in-chief of the joint command and leader of the advance detachment, he could not be away from the main force for too long. He must return to the team as soon as possible to formulate the next battle plan with Zhao Changshu and Meng Yuting.

It had only been two days since Zhou Wen came out, and he knew that his time to let himself go was over, but the effect was good. Including the battle to ambush the Mishan advance team, he already had 211 sniper kills, and there were still a lot of battles to come.

Waiting for him, these days are just a warm-up.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Zhou Wen signaled Xu Dacheng to fire a white flare into the sky. This was a signal to summon the brothers who were active nearby to gather.

This time, in order to better utilize the combat effectiveness of the first team, Zhou Wen assigned the communication devices to several temporary teams. He and several other sniper teams only brought flare guns.

The signal flare can only cover the line of sight within a few kilometers, and may be visible farther away at night.

Zhou Wen was actually not sure if there were any sniper groups operating in this area. If he didn't get any response after a while, he was going to ask Xu Dacheng to join Lei Dahai and the others, while he went to Dushan overnight to find helpers. Dushan was sure

There are brothers at work.

After launching the flare, Zhou Wen and Xu Dacheng found a high slope nearby and began to camouflage themselves. Zhou Wen climbed up a big tree and used his perception and night vision capabilities to provide warning, while Xu Dacheng lurked not far away.


You must know that the signal flares can not only be seen by your own people, but also by the little devils around. Maybe the little devils will also send people to investigate.

What Zhou Wen didn't expect was that not long after the signal flare was raised, a white signal flare was rising a few kilometers away in the mountains. This was someone of his own responding.

While Zhou Wen and Xu Dacheng were still guessing which group happened to be nearby, two more white flares rose one after another in the gray-black sky.

Zhou Wen was surprised and happy. This meant that the three sniper teams Zhang Xiaoping, Zhao Xiaojin and Tian Boguang were all nearby.

What puzzled him was that there were obviously Japanese soldiers on Dushan Mountain, so what did it mean that they all came to Qinglong Mountain?

Not long after the time passed, Zhou Wen's superhuman hearing heard a faint "cuckoo" sound coming from the distance.

He smiled and said to Xu Dacheng: "Just stay there and don't move."

"Whoosh!" He jumped out of the tree and sped away in one direction.

"Cuckoo!" Zhou Wen uttered a secret phrase similar to the crow of a pheasant while running.

"Gu Gu!" The voice from the other side also became clearer, and then a familiar voice reached Zhou Wen's ears.

"Senior brother, is that you?"

Haha, it was Zhang Xiaoping who came, and Zhou Wen was overjoyed.

"Yes, is Ah Jing here too?"

"Little Junior Uncle, I'm here." Tijing's deep voice appeared.

In a few breaths, Zhang Xiaoping and Ti Jing appeared in front of Zhou Wen's eyes. Both of them had surprised looks in their eyes. Zhang Xiaoping still had a big boy's smile on his face, while Ti Jing was so happy.

Open your mouth and smile.

Zhou Wen smiled and ran over and hugged the two of them. They had only been separated for two days and two nights. However, Zhou Wen had experienced several battles and felt as if he hadn't seen them for a long time. He felt particularly cordial.

Before Zhou Wen had time to speak, he heard a "coo-coo" sound coming from the distance again, and the sound got closer and closer.

Zhou Wen thought: "It's so fast, Zhao Xiaojin and Miaohua must have arrived."

Zhang Xiaoping immediately responded with "Gu Gu!"

Sure enough, before Zhou Wen could move, two camouflaged figures, one fat and one thin, appeared in his sight. As expected, they were the two masters, Miaohua and Zhao Xiaojin.

Zhou Wen hurried up to greet them and greeted with a smile: "Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Miaohua."

Zhao Xiaojin was also full of joy. He took Zhou Wen's hand and looked up and down, and said repeatedly: "It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back."

The joy in Miaohua's eyes flashed away, and she asked with a straight face: "Tell me, did you encounter any difficulties?"

This chapter has been completed!
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