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Chapter 776

Colonel Hattori Jiro is in a very bad mood now, which can be seen from the fact that several guards and messengers who have always followed him closely now find excuses to stay away and remain silent, daring not to say a word.

They all knew that Colonel-General wanted to hit someone again.

Yes, Hattori Jiro now not only wants to hit people, but also wants to kill people.

Because although he led 14 mixed brigade groups and finally arrived at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain less than 5 kilometers away from Lengkou Pass after two days of trekking, he experienced countless hardships along the way.

No, for Colonel Jiro Hattori, it was not as simple as endless hardships. Perhaps countless nightmares would be more appropriate to describe it.

An ordinary march that was originally planned to take one day and one night to reach the destination actually took two full days and two nights.

The key is that the current number of casualties reported by his staff made him unable to find anyone to vent the anger and depression aroused in his chest.

"Baga! These despicable and hateful Zhina people, I will kill them all, yes, kill them all, leaving no one behind."

This is the voice and only wish of Hattori Jiro at this moment.

He did not expect that what he thought was a small trouble before entering the mountain would now become a nightmare for him and the thousands of imperial officers and soldiers under his command.

What kind of group of cowards and villains are they!

They never confront you head-on, and you have never even seen them face to face. They are like a group of shameless rats and bugs, but the harm and psychological blow they bring to you makes you feel heartbroken.

The most unbearable thing is that they never seem to be satisfied, like tarsal maggots, wandering around the marching team for two days and two nights.

If you weren't careful, bullets flying from nowhere would knock down several or even a dozen loyal and brave Imperial soldiers.

What good warriors! They don’t even know who their enemies are, so they either end up sleeping in this strange land, or they become burdens screaming and wailing on stretchers.

What's frustrating is that Jiro Hattori still can't find a way or tactics to deal with it.

He has always been puzzled and puzzled, wondering how these Chinese armies communicate with each other.

They can always gather together quickly when needed, but usually scatter around to make cold shots and cold shots.

You send out the top soldiers to clear up and guard. If you send too few, even a small team will be in danger. The Chinese soldiers on the opposite side seem to have a particularly simple way of contacting them. They can suddenly concentrate their forces and attack those who are only about one kilometer away from the main group.

The security forces launched a surprise attack.

Their marksmanship is precise and their firepower is ferocious, and they can often cause a large number of casualties to the vanguard troops in a short period of time. By the time their own troops arrive, the enemy has long since fled, leaving only corpses and wounded soldiers on the ground.

And it doesn't work when you send more than one squadron of security troops on all sides. These Chinese soldiers can always find the right time to carry out sneak attacks, which is simply annoying.

In the end, Hattori Jiro could only use the stupidest method, which was to use the brigade as a unit and advance layer by layer with vigilance. All the artillery behind the brigade had their gun jackets removed. They were ready for bombardment at any time during the march. Whenever a situation was discovered, they would cover it with artillery.


Although this method allowed his troops to reduce casualties and the number of sneak attacks, it also caused the entire brigade to be always on high alert. Not only was the marching speed slow, but it also made people extremely tired. Basically, they walked for more than ten kilometers.

It is necessary to stop to repair and restore physical strength. Thousands of people are in danger and miserable.

But even so, we still lost troops along the way, and we were disturbed by sporadic mortars from the opponent at night.

Two days later, when we finally arrived at Lengkou Pass, the 14th Brigade of the Japanese Kwantung Army was about to turn into a Panda Legion. Almost everyone among the thousands of Japanese troops, including Colonel Hattori Jiro, had two black circles under their eyes.

Until now, seeing dusk fall, the thousands of Japanese soldiers from the Panda Corps have not dared to rest. They are busy digging trenches and building camps, turning the mountainous area of ​​several kilometers into a huge military garrison.

Hattori Jiro, on the other hand, was gnashing his teeth as he took the list of more than 530 casualties.

On the first day of departure, nearly two squadrons were annihilated. That night, dozens of people were killed and wounded by night attacks and artillery bombardments. On the second day, although the stupid method of the turtle formation was used, there were still more than a hundred imperial soldiers.

Warriors are either dead or wounded.

Before the actual attack started, a mixed brigade lost 10% of its troops. How could you put this brigade commander who had sworn so solemnly in front of Lieutenant General Masaemon Sakamoto and many colleagues before departure? How could you report it?

Hattori Jiro, who stood in the cold wind with the list in hand, was not only angry, but also a little frightened and vigilant.

Through two days of battle analysis, he knew that the number of Chinese troops on the opposite side was not large, no more than 100, but their tactical capabilities and military literacy were of a considerable level. His staff officers all said that they had two soldiers on the first day.

After analyzing and deducing the battle cases in which a squadron suffered a devastating blow, it is generally believed that the tactical capabilities of the small Chinese force on the opposite side are on par with the Japanese army.

But Hattori Jiro believed that these subordinates still overestimated themselves, and their consistent extreme self-confidence and victory had blinded the eyes of these passionate officers of the empire.

However, he clearly realized for the first time that it was impossible for the same number of Japanese troops to achieve such amazing results unless they were facing other Chinese troops.

And what’s even more frightening is that through their countless on-site analysis and judgment, the casualties of the Chinese troops on the opposite side are basically negligible. In other words, in the countless small-scale battles in the past two days, the battle loss exchange ratio between the two sides is very likely to be

Five hundred and thirty to zero.

What an astonishing number this was. He didn't know which other country's army in the world could achieve such a record when facing the Japanese army, and this was not just the result of a single battle.

What does this mean? It shows that this small Chinese force is not only extremely powerful in equipment and combat effectiveness, but also has very clear tactical thinking and a calm mind.

Before every battle, I attached great importance to my own safety and fully arranged my escape route. I ran away when I took advantage and never got into trouble with the Japanese army. I was also very familiar with the Japanese infantry tactics. When would you fire artillery and when would you have a large group of troops to support you?

, every node is grasped to the extreme.

Although this tactic seems quite unsamurai and even despicable, Hattori Jiro has to admit that this tactic is very effective against the current Japanese army. If there are many such small units in the Chinese army, it will really

It will become a nightmare for the Imperial Army.

This chapter has been completed!
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