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Chapter 777 Disdain

Although Hattori Jiro did not have the concept of special operations yet, with his military acumen of a veteran professional soldier, he quickly discovered the peculiarities of this method of warfare, and also had the idea of ​​establishing such a unit in his own army. The idea of ​​an elite squad.

Therefore, out of an attitude of responsibility for the imperial army, Hattori Jiro reported the battle damage and his analysis to the headquarters of the Sixth Division.

"Baga! This stupid farmer, Jiro Hattori, actually caused the imperial army to suffer such heavy losses. He should be dismissed from his post on the spot and let him go back to Hokkaido to farm."

A prime-year Japanese major general was roaring loudly at the Japanese headquarters in Chengde. This man was Toshio Nakamura, the brigade commander of the 11th Brigade of the Japanese 6th Division.

The Japanese 6th Division and the 2nd Division are known as the two most powerful and combat-effective units in the Japanese Army.

The 6th Division mainly recruits troops from southern Kyushu such as Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima, so it is also called the Kumamoto Division.

Because the people in southern Kyushu have darker skin but are brave in battle, they are also known as "black skin and bright red blood".

This unit has always been known for its bravery and determination. Whether it was the Sino-Japanese War or the Russo-Japanese War, the 6th Division always took the vanguard and achieved impressive results.

The glorious history and military exploits have led to the arrogant and arrogant style of the 6th Division with its eyes above its head.

In the Japanese Army, the officers and soldiers of the 6th Division have always looked down upon other troops, let alone the 7th Division, which was composed of Hokkaido country bumpkins.

The predecessor of the Japanese 7th Division was the garrison. The garrison was responsible for the development of Hokkaido and the defense of the north.

They are half-farmers, half-soldiers who engage in farming during peacetime and go into battle if there is a war.

Unlike the first six divisions, the 7th Division was reorganized into a division very late.

Therefore, the Japanese Army is known as the Peasant Division, and other divisions look down upon this army composed of rough farmers.

In fact, it is no wonder that the 7th Division was discriminated against by the Japanese military.

Looking at the history of the Japanese 7th Division, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was the most unlucky division of the Japanese army.

In the Russo-Japanese War, the 7th Division's first battle after its establishment was sent to the Lushun battlefield known as the "Flesh and Blood Mill". In just an offensive battle against a hill called 203, the entire division had 1 The battle resulted in 14,000 casualties among 5,000 men, and the designation was almost cancelled.

The regiment was almost wiped out during the first battle. This had never happened before in the history of the Japanese army. Even the Japanese army headquarters felt that the division was under a curse, which was incredible.

Later, they simply did not send the entire division to participate in the battle, fearing that they would be completely annihilated by an unknown opponent at any time, which would bring shame to the entire Japanese Army.

Therefore, the 7th Division is either stationed in Hokkaido or sent to North Korea and Northeast China as a garrison force.

Even during the Japanese attack on Jehol, the 7th Division only mobilized a few more powerful brigades to form mixed brigades to participate in the battle, while the main force of the division was stationed in Jinzhou as a reserve force.

But strangely enough, after the Mishan Brigade, as the vanguard of the entire army, was sent to Lengkou, it was destroyed again without even taking a chance. And now the main force of the 14th Brigade suffered a painful attack on the road. The losses cemented the name of the unlucky division.

The weirdest thing is yet to come.

In the Nomenkan Incident a few years later, when the front line was tight, the Japanese Kwantung Army had no choice but to send the entire 7th Division to participate in the war. However, in the face of the Maozi Army, which had basically realized mechanization, the entire division had nearly 20,000 soldiers.

The people were beaten by Maozi's steel torrent, leaving corpses strewn across the field. They were defeated and the army was almost wiped out again.

From then on, the 7th Division was only left to garrison in the mainland, and no one dared to send the entire division to participate in the war.

When the Pacific War entered a stalemate stage, during the famous Battle for Guadalcanal, the Japanese army lacked manpower and could only mobilize some troops from the 7th Division to form a detachment to support Guadalcanal.

But the ending was also disappointing. Only 143 of the 2,507 soldiers in the detachment, including the detachment leader, survived.

From then until Japan finally surrendered, not to mention sending the entire division to participate in the war, not even a single soldier of the 7th Division was dispatched. The name of the unlucky division became a joke in Japan during World War II.

So it would be strange if the Unlucky Division could be looked down upon by the people of the 6th Division.

Just when Major General Toshio Nakamura was furious, the division commander Lieutenant General Masaemon Sakamoto, who was sitting firmly behind the long table, spoke to dissuade him: "Nakamura-kun, you need to be careful before the war comes. After all, the

The 7th Division is still responsible for guarding the rear."

As he spoke, he held up the long message in his hand and said: "After convincing Bujiro, he still stated the battle objectively. If there is such an elite small Chinese force, casualties are inevitable."

Toshio Naka is the leader of the new generation of young officers in Japan. He has always been arrogant and arrogant. Even with the words of the division commander, he still can't calm down the anger in his heart.

He said disdainfully: "What is China's elite small force? This is the excuse of Jiro Hattori, a stupid pig. It is obviously his incompetence that caused the Kwantung Army's greatest loss and humiliation since the September 18th Incident."

"When the advance detachment was selected, it was the Kwantung Army headquarters and Lieutenant General you who agreed to send their so-called strongest Mishan Brigade in order to take care of this peasant division. But what was the result?"

"The Yoneyama advance team, known as the Beast Brigade, has no effect, but it stupidly fell into the trap of the Chinese army, and finally became the prey of others. It simply brought shame to our Kwantung Army. Now these Hokkaido country bumpkins,

Even before the shadow of Lengkou Pass was seen, the number of troops was reduced by 10%, once again discrediting the invincible Kwantung Army."

In fact, Lieutenant General Masaemon Sakamoto also looked down on the peasant division of the 7th Division very much. However, because the division commander of the 7th Division was his old classmate, and the Kwantung Army could now be used on the front line,

There are only three divisions, and leaving one division alone is tantamount to cutting off an arm, so the move was made to let the Huncheng 14th Brigade focus on Lengkou Pass to avenge the Mishan Brigade.

Now it seems that it may have been taken for granted, and the 7th Division really cannot escape the vicious cycle of being useless.

But now it is impossible to change the order. The 14th Brigade has already reached Lengkou Pass. How can it be possible to withdraw?

In addition, in order to allow the Huncheng 14th Brigade to launch an attack on Lengkou Pass as soon as possible, the supply of more than 5,000 of their troops is given priority. As a result, most of the troops of the 6th Division have not yet completed their supplies and will not be able to send troops along the Great Wall within a few days.


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