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Chapter 842 Flag Squadron

He turned to an officer standing straight in front of him and ordered: "Okura-kun, lead your troops to attack now, don't let me down."

This captain officer named Okura Heita is the squadron leader of the guard squadron of his wing headquarters.

In the Japanese army's wing establishment, there is a unit that will not easily go to the battlefield unless it is the most critical situation. This unit is the guard squadron of the wing headquarters, also called the flag protection squadron.

The largest combat unit of a single branch of the Japanese army is the regiment. It is also the most fixed combat unit in the Japanese army. It is also the only combat unit with a military flag personally awarded by the emperor. Even brigades and divisions with higher levels than the regiment are

There is no such honor as the emperor personally conferring the flag.

So, why only set up the alliance flag under the alliance?

This goes back to Japan’s conscription system.

Japan has always adopted a local conscription system. They divide their troops into divisions. Under a division, there are several regiments (3-4). This is also the origin of divisions and regiments, such as the Osaka Regiment.

It is composed of regiments from several counties in the Osaka Division. Many people think that since this is the case, why not just have one military flag for each division.

In this regard, a division's administrative area is often composed of several counties or regions. For example, the 4th Osaka Division is composed of Osaka Prefecture and Wakayama Prefecture. Different counties must have regional cultural differences, so in order to enhance the sense of identity,

It is specially awarded on the scale of a regiment, and Japanese regiments work independently in peacetime. Only in combat are they assigned to divisions and brigades, and they have strong independence.

On the other hand, divisions are strategic units of Japan. There were only 6 when they were first established. At the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, there were only 17 in total. 17 military flags certainly cannot be justified. If they are made by machines, all regiments and groups will use one military flag.

It definitely lacks a sense of respect and ritual.

Furthermore, it would not be appropriate to place the military flag in the brigade. Every military flag must be signed by the Emperor. There are thousands of brigade in Japan, why shouldn't the Emperor be tired? Moreover, the brigade in Japan can change and be mobilized at any time, and it is not convenient to change the military flag frequently.


It can be seen from this that the Japanese army attaches great importance to the regiment and stipulates that each regiment must live and die with the military flag. The Japanese army that is about to be defeated must burn its own regiment flag.

Moreover, once the regiment flag is captured by the enemy, the officers and soldiers of the entire unit and the affiliated regiment captain must commit seppuku.

Because he was personally awarded by the emperor, the Japanese army regarded the emperor's clone as fighting against him (as expected, he was the emperor's clone). Because he was the emperor's clone, the Japanese army also established a special flag-protecting squadron.

The Flag Guard Squadron is responsible for protecting the military flag and the regiment leader. In critical moments, the Flag Guard Squadron must unfurl the military flag and lead the entire regiment to charge on the front line. If failure is imminent, the Flag Guard Squadron must burn the military flag in a timely manner according to the situation.

Therefore, not everyone can join this flag guard squadron. If the military quality is not good enough, and if you don't have a sense of honor (brainwashed by militarism), you can't join at all. The practice in the Japanese army is that top students who graduated from the non-commissioned officer school are given priority to serve as flag guards.


The Japanese military flag often plays a spiritual role, representing the honor of the regiment and the majesty of His Majesty the Emperor. In actual combat, once the military flag is erected, it represents the emperor's gaze. The Japanese army is like a chicken blood, regardless of casualties.


Of course, in a dark night battle like today, there is no need to come out with a military flag that no one can see. So the only ones who followed Suzuki Ryo to support were two teams from the flag guard squadron, and another team was guarding the wing.

Wearing a military flag.

However, it was the more than 100 brave and fearless little devils from these two flag-protecting teams who brought a lot of trouble to Zhou Wen and the others, and almost put Zhou Wen, who was alone, in danger.

After losing dozens of his men, Lieutenant Ohkura Heita, the leader of the Japanese flag guard squadron, was horrified to find that even if he took hundreds of elite men to sacrifice their lives, he could not withstand the impact of this group of tiger and wolf soldiers.

Before Zhang Xiaoping sealed his throat with his sword, he promptly sent an orderly soldier to warn Suzuki Liang, asking him to retreat quickly.

It can be said that Captain Heita Okura was very responsible and brave. He was just overconfident in the combat effectiveness of his flag-protecting squadron, which led to him realizing that the situation was not good when it was already a step too late.

If he had sent out the messenger just a few minutes in the morning, Suzuki Ryo might have run away early. After all, on such a dark night, Zhou Wen didn't know which direction to chase even if he wanted to.

But now, being seen by Zhou Wen means that his death is coming.

Zhou Wen didn't make any effort to pursue him. He just looked at Suzuki Ryo's fleeing figure and shouted in Japanese: "Japanese coward, do you have the guts to have a samurai duel with me?"

With just such a sentence, Suzuki Taizu and his only thirty or so subordinates were pinned to the spot.

When will it be the turn of a Chinese to say that the soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Empire are cowards? When will the warriors of the Imperial Japanese Empire be chased away like rabbits by two Chinese people?

Turning around and looking at the two black figures standing not far away, Suzuki Ita had a ferocious look in his eyes and said to the soldiers around him: "Kill them, I will not retreat even one step from here, or kill them,

Or we will all be killed by him. Warriors, show your courage."

The lieutenant Major, who had been slapped more than a dozen times by Ryo Suzuki, was feeling ashamed of his cowardice. When he saw that there were only two people on the other side, his courage suddenly returned to him, and the time had come to show his bravery to His Majesty the Colonel.

He pulled out his command sword and shouted: "Follow me." He led a dozen soldiers howling and rushed towards Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping.

Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping looked at each other, shouted, and suddenly appeared in front of the major adjutant.

The Japanese major had never imagined that the opponent was so fast. He had rushed to the front of the team to show his bravery, but now he had to deal with two opponents at the same time. It was chaotic for a moment.

With my hands and feet, I don't know whether I should block with my sword first or strike with one strike.

But what he didn't expect was that the opponent's target was not him at all. Just when the two men were about to collide with him, their figures passed by him like two breezes.

However, when one of them passed by him, he gently waved the dagger in his hand as if casually, and the major adjutant's head flew into the sky with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

And two sword-like figures, Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping, rushed into the formation of more than a dozen Japanese...

This chapter has been completed!
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