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Chapter 843 Shameless

Before tonight, brothers Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping had actually experienced this kind of hand-to-hand combat with hundreds of people for the first time, so they had made some mistakes before.

For example, when Zhou Wen was good at killing, he unknowingly positioned himself too far forward. Zhang Xiaoping also failed to keep up with Zhou Wen's pace in time due to the obstacles of the Japanese army, and even almost caused an accident to Gao Xiaoshan.

However, this kind of hand-to-hand combat battlefield with a large number of people is different from any previous assault tactics of the mercenary group that focused on precision shooting. There are densely packed enemies all around, with bayonets standing everywhere and flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Shouts, shouts, and screams were endless.

Sight, hearing, and perception are all severely limited.

Fighting in the crowd is like a small boat sailing through the stormy waves. Countless dangers will appear at every moment, and it may be overturned by the huge waves at every moment.

However, after more than ten minutes of life and death tests, Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping, two masters of Qi Jinjing, gradually figured out some rules.

In fact, we cannot be too dogmatic in applying the inverted triangle tactics to large-scale hand-to-hand combat.

In hand-to-hand combat, it is difficult to keep the distance between each other consistent, especially for those in front. Since they are fighting at close range, the battlefield is too complicated and noisy, making it difficult to distract and observe the situation behind them.

Moreover, because the mercenary group has so many martial arts masters, once an attack is launched, the formation will always advance forward, making it difficult for the enemy to have a chance to sneak attack from behind.

However, due to dragging one person behind, the mercenary group, which is already disadvantaged in terms of numbers, does not have enough frontal attack width, which reduces the space on the battlefield. As a result, its physical advantages are not fully demonstrated, and it is easy for the enemy to take advantage of their numerical advantage to get stuck.

Slowed attack speed.

So the best way is to line up the whole team in four lines horizontally, with a certain width and distance between each person, and the same distance vertically. Anyway, in order to demonstrate the so-called samurai-do spirit, the little devils generally will not open fire in hand-to-hand combat.

If you have guns, then use this simple and crude cold weapon formation method to form a rectangular formation, completely widening the width of the entire battlefield.

In this way, people standing in a row can cover each other. At the same time, due to the convenience of observation, they can also maintain a consistent attack rhythm and speed, preventing Gao Xiaoshan from being surrounded by dozens of enemies.

Of course, this kind of hand-to-hand combat will be difficult to appear in mercenary group battles in the future, and this time may be the only exception.

Mainly for Zhou Wen, not participating in the most famous battle in history, which created the famous song "March of the Broadsword", is a great regret for a time traveler.

Moreover, being able to experience this kind of battlefield of flesh and blood purgatory and achieve victory is a way for people's spirit and will to gain, whether it is for the members of the mercenary group who have practiced kung fu, or for the mercenary group as a collective.

The opportunity for sublimation is also an opportunity for the mercenary group to forge an iron-blooded military soul.

Now, Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping kept a distance of about 10 meters and rushed into the crowd of Japanese.

The distance of 10 meters is just a step distance for two masters like them. They can support each other without affecting each other's space for making moves.

The sixteen little devils on the opposite side had no idea how fast these two murderers would rush in. Although they barely formed a formation of several stabbing teams in their panic, the width of the formation was not fully expanded yet.

It's also uneven. This is the opportunity Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping need.

I saw two gust-like figures passing by the edge of the Japanese formation from both sides at the same time, and then rushing back again like a bead curtain.

The two brothers rushed forward to kill one, then retreated to kill another.

In just a blink of an eye in the eyes of the other Japs, two Japs fell down on both sides.

However, Colonel Ryo Suzuki, who had already drawn his sword in his hand and was surrounded by the remaining dozen Japanese soldiers, had a pair of small eyes that were as wide as two dog eggs, round and round.

"Masters! There are such terrifying masters in the Chinese army. No wonder dozens of people dared to fight hand-to-hand with more than 600 of our own. No wonder these two people were able to rush out of the battle and fight in front of me."

Due to his wealthy family, Suzuki Ryo, who had practiced karate and kendo since he was a child and had achieved an intermediate level, was somewhat discerning, but at this time his little heart was beating like a drum.

"Baga! He is actually a master who is comparable to the ninth level of swordsmanship. Isn't this an adult beating a child? It's so unfair."

However, Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping, regardless of the horror and fear of the Japanese commander, found a rhythm and tacit understanding of each other. Both of them felt inexplicably excited. They would never rush into the enemy's formation and fully display their body skills and speed, just like cutting.

They were fighting back and forth like an apple peel, thinning the Japanese formation little by little, and making full use of the width and depth of the battlefield to fight back and forth.

As the saying goes, "If you pass among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf will touch you." There is no danger at all.

This is the correct tactic used by Qi Jinjing masters when facing group fights.

In the frightened eyes of those Japanese soldiers, these two black figures rushed back and forth like ghosts, never stopping, spinning around themselves like two whirlwinds, unable to grasp their trajectory at all, let alone trying to stab anyone.


There was even a Japanese private who saw the black shadow running toward him like the wind. He stabbed out in panic, but he didn't know that the man suddenly turned around three meters away from him, and cut down an unprepared person next to him with one sword.

The sergeant's head.

But the knife that the private stabbed with all his strength hit the buttocks of his companion in front who couldn't dodge, causing a scream.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy formation of more than a dozen people was reduced to only seven or eight people who could stand.

At this time, Suzuki Liang saw that the dozen men in front of him were about to face the danger of being annihilated, and he suddenly ordered: "Shoot, prepare to shoot, don't let them rush over."

Before he finished speaking, he handed the knife to his left hand and reached for the holster on his waist with his right hand.

At this time, due to Zhou Wen's proper tactics and the ease with which he deployed his body skills, he was naturally able to concentrate on observing the surrounding environment. Under his clever hearing, the deep voice of Ryo Suzuki's order to fire was clearly delivered to him.

in the ears.

Are you so shameless and don't respect the spirit of the samurai? If you want to play with a gun, I'll just accompany you.

He immediately warned aloud: "They are going to use guns."

Zhang Xiaoping was happy when he heard this. He thought it was not fast enough to kill people. If you wanted to fight hand to hand, I would be too embarrassed to use a gun, right? Now that you can use a gun, it will save trouble.

Moreover, there are no friendly forces in front of the two of them, so there is no possibility of accidental damage.

At that moment, the two of them suddenly flashed out of the way, jumped backwards a few times, and escaped from contact with the Japanese.

This chapter has been completed!
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