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Chapter 850 Enemy Attack

When the cold bayonet penetrated the body and went straight to the heart, the three Chinese soldiers didn't even have time to hum. Six Japanese soldiers working in pairs covered their mouths and stabbed them, killing them instantly at a distance.

The stretcher team behind was less than 200 meters away.

The Japanese leader Cao immediately realized that this was the vanguard of a Chinese army, and there must be a large army coming from behind.

Therefore, the squad leader, Second Lieutenant Yuya Katase, who received the report in time, quickly rushed up with all the Japanese troops in the squad, and used the strange-shaped stones at the foot of Heizui Mountain to set up a semicircular ambush formation in the darkness.

Three crooked machine guns capable of forming crossfire pointed silently into the darkness ahead.

The two grenades have also been loaded with grenades and are ready to be fired at any time.

At this time, the stretcher team had arrived less than 100 meters away from the Japs. However, due to the dark sky and falling snowflakes, the Japs could not see anyone yet.

Zhou Mingyuan had been deliberately walking at the forefront of the team, constantly observing everywhere, but in his hand, he quietly moved the Suomi submachine gun behind his back to his chest. It was not that he did not believe in friendly forces, but that he found that the entire escort team felt relaxed and relaxed.

The smell of laziness is a very dangerous thing on the battlefield.

He couldn't control other people's affairs, but the strict training and combat experience of the mercenary group told him that any accident could happen on the battlefield, and any carelessness at any time could bring disaster to the team. What's more, Zhou Wen is specialized in

He was clearly aware of the implications of sending him to escort the wounded.

So not only did he put himself on full alert, but he also secretly gave a sign language to a team member who was following him closely.

Seeing his cautious look, Li Daming was very disapproving and thought to himself: "It is true that he is a medical soldier and has no combat experience. My three top soldiers are opening the way to investigate. If there is any movement, won't they fire?

Warning? You still look like you are facing a formidable enemy, aren't you tired?"

Most of the wounded in the mercenary regiment were stabbed in the arms and legs by Japanese bayonets. Except for Gao Xiaoshan, who was seriously injured, only two members with deep leg wounds sat on the stretcher. The others could help each other and follow.

increase the marching speed of the team, and carry their weapons with them.

Their injuries may affect their ability to perform some difficult tactical actions, but shooting is no problem.

Although these team members seemed to be in disorganized formation and followed the team at will, they always maintained a distance so that those behind could clearly see the people in front of them in the dark.

The team member following Zhou Mingyuan is his fellow junior Qu Mingxing.

Speaking of this being the first large-scale hand-to-hand combat since the creation of the mercenary group, several disciples of the Wudang sect performed well. While constantly killing the Japanese, they could also use the advantages of Wudang body skills to protect themselves. Except for Qu Mingxing

His shoulder was accidentally stabbed with a bayonet by a Japanese soldier. The other team members had minor minor injuries and could continue to follow Zhou Wen.

Qu Mingxing is a well-known clever spirit among the Seven Disciples of Wudang. As soon as he saw the sign language given by his senior brother, he immediately understood it. He deliberately slowed down his pace and immediately passed on the signal.

At this time, Zhou Mingyuan felt a little uneasy. His eyesight was far superior to that of others. He looked at the strange rocks vaguely exposed in the darkness in the distance, like a ferocious monster, waiting to bite people.


At this moment, a smell of blood reached his sensitive nose.

You must know that the essence of Wudang Mind Method is from the inside out. Practicing it since childhood can not only strengthen the body, but also enhance people's perception.

Zhou Mingyuan stopped subconsciously and made a gesture backwards to stop moving forward.

And Li Daming, who was beside him, was not happy. Are you a coward? There was no movement around, and there was no warning signal from the soldiers in front. You actually passed me, the supreme commander, and made the decision without permission.

The whole team stopped. Isn’t this a slap in the face?

"What's going on? Why didn't I notice... Oh! What are you doing?"

Li Daming felt unhappy and spoke louder, but Zhou Mingyuan immediately grabbed him around the waist and pushed him to the ground.

Before Li Daming, who was stunned by the fall, could react, "Ta-ta-da..." "Ta-ta-ta..." Three flames suddenly shot out in the darkness and roared, passing through the place where he was standing just now, covering the place where he stood just now.

Several soldiers following him fell to the ground, and then there were several more muffled groans and screams from the team behind him.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

The machine gun in the darkness was still spitting flames like poisonous snakes.

"The enemy is attacking, prepare to fight..." Li Daming pulled out the shell gun from his waist and ordered loudly.

At this time, Zhou Mingyuan was speechless and cursed in his heart: "Are you afraid that the Japs don't know your location or something? Are you screaming like this in the dark to find a target for the Japs' machine guns?"


You almost got shot several times in order to save him before, and now you're fucking hurting others.

Zhou Mingyuan didn't care at the moment, and just rolled on the spot away from Li Daming, who was still yelling.

In fact, we can't blame Li Daming for issuing orders. No unit in the Chinese army during this period could train to the level of a mercenary group. They could understand the battle deployment by using sign language and make effective tactical actions quickly.

, either evade or fight back, everyone knows their position and responsibilities.

In an ordinary army, in an environment of fighting in the dark, most battles can only be deployed and adjusted with the commander's verbal orders. Otherwise, most people will show a few signs of being attacked in the dark night when they cannot see anything.

They were in a panic and didn't know whether to retreat or attack.

"Click, click, click..." Another string of machine gun bullets came, hitting the land within a few meters of Li Daming and Zhou Mingyuan with a popping sound.

"Ouch..." After all, Li Daming was a battle-experienced officer. He immediately realized that the kid was following the sound and fired. After being shot in the shoulder, he quickly endured the pain and rolled around a few times.

Now Li Daming doesn't dare to say anything anymore, this little devil's machine gun is so accurate.

At this time, he could only cling to the ground, listening to the "whooshing" sound in the air, and letting the blood from the wound on his shoulder continue to flow out. He didn't know what happened to the men behind him?

At this moment, two more heart-stopping sounds suddenly came from the darkness.




The grenades launched by the two grenades crossed a short distance of about 100 meters in the night sky, and two blazing flames rose on the ground where the team had just advanced.

This chapter has been completed!
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