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Chapter 851 Annoyed

The flames of the explosion brought out countless flying projectiles and fragments, and instantly illuminated the figures who were panicking for cover and lying down on the spot.

"Da da da……"


At this time, it was not just three machine guns that were shooting, but dozens of 38-type rifles were also involved. Countless bullets pierced the night sky, tore through the cold air, and roared towards them.

Chinese soldiers kept screaming when they were shot, and some Chinese soldiers fired back.

Unfortunately, since it was a night attack, most of the soldiers in the guard platoon did not carry rifles, let alone machine guns. Their sidearms were domestically produced shell guns, which lost their accuracy when the range exceeded 50 meters.

In addition, the Japanese troops hid in hidden places covered by rocks and fired. The guard platoon's counterattack did not cause much damage to the Japanese. Instead, the flames from the muzzles exposed their positions and were brought to the enemy by experienced Japanese machine gunners.

More casualties.

"Boom...boom..." The grenades launched by the Japanese army's grenade exploded one after another at the guard platoon. It was not very accurate, but the flames of the explosion exposed the surrounding Chinese soldiers to the Japanese guns.


At this time, Li Daming didn't know how many casualties his men had suffered? He also didn't know what was the condition of the wounded friendly soldiers he escorted. But he knew that he had to make a decision now, whether to continue to be beaten passively like this or to lead the troops to retreat immediately.

As for attacking, he doesn't even think about it.

In such a sudden attack, the team is not in order, the casualties are unknown, and there are more than a dozen wounded people dragging oil bottles. What do you want him to use to attack?

So, he turned his face to where Zhou Mingyuan was lying just now, trying to signal him to retreat. Now he didn't dare to make a sound even if he was beaten to death. The little devil's precise shooting skills had taught him a profound lesson.

However, the place where Zhou Mingyuan was lying just now was empty.

"What kind of person? Did he run away?"

Now Li Tianming is the leader of two people. No matter whether he runs away or hides in the dark place, it is impossible to seek support from the other party. He can only endure the excruciating pain from his shoulder and move forward little by little.

Climb back.

Along the way, he saw the corpses of several brothers. Just a little more than a minute ago, they were all alive and kicking. Now they have turned into corpses with lingering warmth. In this cold and snowy night, they are gradually getting colder.

until stiff.

"It was all my own carelessness. I completely relaxed my vigilance after encountering several friendly forces. It was myself who led the most elite unit of the guard battalion into the abyss."

By now, he had guessed that the Japanese troops on the opposite side must have come down from the mountain, but he did not expect that these Japanese troops who could not protect themselves would actually have the courage to send troops down the mountain to support them.

His eyes were filled with tears, and every time he crawled past a corpse, his anguish and regret were like two poisonous snakes, trying to bite his heart again.

Until he saw more corpses, as well as the wounded who were holding back the pain and biting a towel and not daring to speak. He knew that it would be difficult to retreat now. These injured brothers could not be left to the Japanese.

And if they were to retreat with them, they would be easily caught up by the Japanese from behind.

At this time, the entire battlefield was still full of gunshots and shouts of killing. Chinese troops were everywhere surrounding the little devils to kill them. No one knew that this time a small Chinese army was ambushed by the Japanese army, which meant that there would be no

Brotherly troops came to support us.

At this time, when Li Daming saw the wounded, he suddenly discovered that none of the wounded from the friendly forces that he had to escort before was missing, whether they were living people or corpses. Even one of the three stretchers was missing, and the other two were missing.

There was no one on the discarded stretcher, only the corners of the rolled-up sheets were shaking in the cold wind.

The gunshots and grenades of the Japs also stopped, and the night sky in front of them fell into a terrifying silence, as if nothing had happened. Only a dozen corpses and a few wounded on the ground proved the blows they had suffered before.

How deadly.

Fearing that the Japanese would shoot again, Li Daming led a few surviving soldiers and gently dragged a few wounded soldiers behind a pile of stones. Only then did he have time to look for the shadows of the wounded friendly soldiers.

However, even if they sent a few people to crawl around and search, those friendly troops seemed to have never appeared and disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, Li Daming had no time to think about whether all these friendly troops had escaped. Anyway, it was impossible for him to leave these wounded to the Japanese army. Besides, when the brigade commander handed over the task to him this time, he said that they must be carried out safely.

All these friendly wounded soldiers were sent back to the pass.

It's good now that all the wounded in the friendly forces have disappeared, and they don't know whether they are dead or alive. Moreover, the elite guard platoon he led only sacrificed a few people when they fought face to face with the Japs. Now due to his carelessness and underestimation of the enemy, all of a sudden

How could I have the nerve to go back and see the brigade commander when I lost twenty of my sons?

No matter what, if I count the ball to the death, I will drag a few little devils to support me before I die.

After making up his mind, he felt a sense of relief. All his worries and regrets disappeared in an instant. Anyway, he was about to die in the battle. He would apologize to his brothers when he got to the underworld. Now he wanted to kill a few more Japanese before he died.

, so as not to have the shame to speak to the brothers.

He conveyed his order with gestures and gestures, and the remaining ten brothers all looked determined. There are no cowards in our 29th Army. We just have to fight with the little devils.

Based on his experience, whether these little devils are coming down the mountain for reconnaissance or to support the military camp, they will never just hide in the dark and wait here. I can't see you in the dark, and you can't see either.

I, maybe I and my brothers can fight back.

The five wounded men lying behind the pile of rocks had several grenades left for them.

If you win, it's easy to talk about anything. If you lose, you brothers just pull grenades and die together with the Japs. No need to say anything, Li Daming just patted the shoulders of the wounded with tears in his eyes, and everyone just said

We all understand what it means.

The others all hid their figures, holding shell guns in their hands, and beside them stood their favorite meal--the ring-headed sword that still glowed dimly in the dark night.

Li Daming's judgment was correct. The little Japs in the dark really didn't have time to spend here with this small Chinese force.

At this time, Second Lieutenant Yuya Katase, the leader of the Japanese team, was also a little upset.

After silently killing the leading soldiers of the Chinese army, he judged from the number of the enemy's leading soldiers that the number of Chinese troops behind could not be very large, perhaps just a platoon.

Because according to conventional military common sense, if it is a company of troops, it is safer to arrange at least a sharp knife squad to clear the way.

There is only one platoon of Chinese troops, no more than forty in number, and a simple ambush can wipe them all out.

This chapter has been completed!
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