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Chapter 910 Little Fatty Going Home

You must know that the arrangement of the Japanese artillery, even if each gun has a corresponding distance, but the huge size of the artillery causes each gun emplacement to occupy almost 100 square meters of space. In this way, 10 artillery occupy an area of ​​about 100 square meters.

The area reaches more than 1,000 square meters. In fact, the gap between the artillery is not too big.

However, the explosion of six 105mm artillery shells with a small impact point deviation and a damage range of 50 meters did not damage any of the Japanese cannons. This can really only be attributed to the Japanese army's extreme luck.

Even Zhou Wen, who usually kept his emotions secretive, widened his eyes behind the artillery mirror with an incredible expression on his face.

There are countless rounds of bombardment ahead, can your luck really keep getting better? Zhou Wen really doesn’t believe this.

Originally, after calibrating their positions, he and Zhang Xiaoping should have evacuated as soon as possible before the Japanese army could react, but he was in no hurry to leave.

Now that he has not seen the Japanese artillery bombed with his own eyes, he will always feel uneasy.

Sure enough, as the saying goes: "If you often walk by the river, your shoes will not get wet."

The fourth round of shelling finally achieved results, and both shells made achievements.

The Japanese artillery position was arranged with four 150mm artillery pieces at the rear and six 105mm artillery pieces in a circular arrangement in the front.

In this shelling, a shell landed directly on the ring-shaped sandbag of a 150-meter artillery piece. The fierce explosion and powerful air waves instantly overturned the 4-ton steel monster to the ground.

Although the ammunition did not explode, the thousands of shell fragments tore all the more than a dozen Japanese artillerymen on the gun emplacement into rags, and their broken limbs were flying in the air with the rising smoke clouds.

Although the landing point of the other shell was a little off, it landed 10 meters behind another 150-meter artillery piece. Although Zhou Wen was blocked by the smoke and flames of the explosion, he knew that such a close explosion would

The Japs on the gun emplacement must have been either dead or wounded, and the artillery must have also been damaged.

And don’t rush, there will be bigger dishes for the little devil to try later.

"Hit the enemy's artillery position, and the next round of shelling will reduce the distance by 50 meters." Zhou Wen once again conveyed the message to Xu Dacheng.

"Understood. Okay, we'll leave it to us later. Awen, please retreat as soon as possible." Xu Dacheng's anxious voice came.

He found that Zhou Wen hadn't evacuated yet, and couldn't help but feel anxious.

Only then did Zhou Wen quickly disassemble the artillery scope with satisfaction, and then prepared to evacuate.

At this moment, another round of shelling roared as expected.

Suddenly, "Boom!" a deafening explosion rushed into the sky, followed by a violent vibration on the ground, as if it was an earthquake, making Zhou Wen almost unsteady.

However, he was not surprised but overjoyed, knowing that he must have detonated the Japanese ammunition.

So he looked out curiously again. Even without the artillery scope and telescope, he could still clearly see a huge mushroom cloud rising in the sky from the Japanese position. The Japanese position was shrouded in thick smoke and flickering flames.


Immediately afterwards, there were several equally violent explosions. This time it was not a mushroom cloud, but most of the Japanese position was completely obscured by the mushroom cloud, making it impossible to see anything.

The strong ground shaking caused the dilapidated small wall where Zhou Wen was hiding to collapse.

Dust suddenly flew everywhere, catching Zhou Wen off guard and eating a lot of dust.

"In my day, if you have this kind of power even one kilometer away, it might have detonated the ammunition depot, right?" Zhou Wen clicked his tongue.

But the actual situation was similar to what he imagined.

When the Japanese were transferring the artillery shells in an emergency, due to the emergency, they had no time to unscrew the fuse-installed artillery shells one by one. You must know that disassembly and installation of artillery shell fuses is also a delicate technical job, and an explosion may occur if you are not careful.

As a result, some of the artillery shells that had been screwed on with fuses were quickly carried onto the truck.

Some people may ask, why don't you just lift it to the open ground, and why do you have to go to so much trouble to lift it on the truck?

The main reason is that the weight of the shells is too heavy. If it is a 105mm shell, it will be better, but the 150 shell weighs nearly 50 kilograms, and Japan is quite stingy. In order to save costs, they put two warheads in a big box, that is 100

It weighs one kilogram, and it would be difficult for four people to lift it, let alone move it to a distance quickly.

And as mentioned just now, the Japanese artillery occupied a large area, and the distance between the artillery was relatively close. It was not suitable to put it anywhere, so it could only be loaded on trucks and taken away far away.

Therefore, maybe these Japs completely ruined the luck given by Amaterasu. One of the shells this time fell directly next to the Japs truck that was about to start running away.

The huge explosion flames and air waves instantly turned the front part of the truck into a pile of fragments flying in the air. The heavy engine debris drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then hit a 105

On the barrel of the artillery, this straight and high barrel was directly smashed into a 30-degree corner.

This is not the point. Most of the truck's shells have been loaded. Although the slightly heavy truck compartment did not disintegrate, it was flipped over by the blast wave and then moved sideways on the ground for a full 5 meters.

This is not the point. The point is that the shell box in the carriage was also thrown out by inertia, and more than a dozen shells rolled down to the ground.

Among them was a fuse-loaded artillery shell that rolled forward under the influence of inertia.

This place is close to the artillery position in a low-lying area. This fat cannonball is like a child eager to go home to find its mother. It rolls towards the artillery position along the sloping dirt road.

The inertia brought about by the rollover of the truck and the weight of the shell itself was considerable. Coupled with the slope of the ground, the shell, which looked like a fat child, rolled faster and faster until it had blown a large gap before it rolled through.

There was a pile of sandbags, and then the front suddenly became empty, and the roll turned into a free fall.

At this time, the Japanese soldiers were hurriedly looking for hiding places in the thick smoke, and no one noticed this cheerful little fat man looking for a way home.

Otherwise, no matter who it is, as long as they stretch out their hands or feet to block it, they may be able to avoid a disaster for all of them.

Although the depth of the gun emplacement is not large, it is only a little over one meter high.

But the vertically falling cannonball happened to have the top of the shell with the fuse pointing down. It only lasted a moment in the air before it hit the body of a cannonball that had not had time to be transported away.

"Ding!" The sound was an impact that could only be heard from a very close distance.

However, anyone familiar with artillery knows that this is the sound of the shell's fuse being activated.

Then, an indescribable violent explosion and blazing flames burst into the air from this artillery position of about 100 square meters, like thunder on the ground, resounding throughout the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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