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Chapter 911

You must know that there are still several artillery shells and propellant packs on this gun position that have not been transported away in time, and there is a 150 mm cannon on the gun position.

In other words, those cannonballs are the twin brothers of the little fat man. Under the scorching heat fired by their brothers, these brothers were naturally not willing to be lonely and couldn't wait to join the carnival in this world of fireworks.



Thunderous explosions echoed in the sky, one after another.

Suddenly, flames shot up from the Japanese artillery positions, the earth trembled, and countless mushroom clouds filled the air. The Japanese in the explosion zone would be choked to death by the thick smoke even if they were not torn to pieces by the shrapnel and air waves raging everywhere.


When the chain explosion went off, in the tent of the Japanese military headquarters in the middle of the artillery position, Captain Kuraki Guikou, who was chattering away on the phone, just felt the shaking of the earth.

The fast and blazing high-temperature air waves suddenly rushed in fiercely, instantly tearing this marching tent that could withstand level 7 winds into pieces of rags.

Cangmu Guiguo and the Japanese signal soldiers in the tent had no time to react and turned into rag dolls flying in the air. Of course, they were incomplete rag dolls.

Destiny helped Captain Kuraki Guikou make his choice. He no longer had to worry about the painful process of committing suicide by committing seppuku, and his death was peaceful.

It’s just that before he died, it’s unclear whether he wanted to slap himself in the mouth a few times, because the Chinese army’s artillery shells were indeed as he joked before, not only had wings, but also eyes.

However, before he died, the infantry units and Army aviation aircraft were notified to find the damn Zina scouts and the Chinese artillery positions that were still firing artillery shells unscrupulously.

As the leader of the heavy artillery position, Kyono Shunta miraculously escaped this apocalyptic explosion, but his ending was even more painful.

Because just tens of seconds before the big explosion, he took several officers and ran to an observation post bunker at the front of the position.

It was not that he could predict that the shells would explode, but that it was easier to observe the trajectory and direction of the incoming Chinese shells there, and he always had the idea of ​​​​attacking back as soon as possible.

After the big explosion, the bunker of the observation post where he was located could not withstand the strong vibrations coming from the earth. While he was still looking at the mushroom clouds in the distance in horror, the bunker suddenly collapsed.

The gravel and soil that fell like raindrops hit him until his face was covered with blood. At the same time, a dark, ugly-looking but extremely strong log hit him directly. He was unable to stand due to his instability.

Don't take a step forward to support your body on the knee joint of your left leg.

There was a clear "click" sound, and there was severe pain and a strong feeling of weakness in his left leg. The previously handsome young Japanese officer had lost his former high-spirited face, and his face had long been distorted by pain.

It's not like a human being, screaming like a slaughtering pig before falling to the ground.

However, the continuously collapsing rocks and soil continued to fall regardless, completely burying most of his body in the soil until his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

When he regained consciousness after being tortured by pain again, he found that several men were struggling to dig out the stone and soil under him, and a lieutenant and squadron leader struggled to drag him out of the mound.

But they didn't know that their commander's left leg was broken. They couldn't help but worry about the commander's safety when they dragged him, so they used a little more force and almost made the young major officer faint from the pain.

"Asshole, Baga, my leg is broken." Kyono Shunta cursed weakly.

But at this time, there was already chaos outside. The artillery of the Chinese army was still firing relentlessly. There were explosions, howls, and calls for help.

The Japanese captain had been temporarily deafened by the continuous explosions. In such a noisy environment, how could he hear the mosquito-like scolding of his commander? He just shouted: "Major, hold on, you will be safe soon."

Got it." Then continue to drag hard

"Baga! I insist on your ****!" Shunta Kyono, who was so tortured by the pain that he almost lost his mind, had no strength to scream. He could only greet the female relatives of the captain over and over again in his heart, and then fainted again.

Just when the Japanese army's position was in wailing and chaos, Zhou Wen could no longer care to appreciate this pleasing scene, because the Japanese were coming.

You know, the Japanese artillery position was built in this open area beside the Shah River, not only because it is a suitable location for artillery bombardment, but also because there is basically no place for the enemy to hide around, which reduces the risk of being suddenly attacked by the enemy.

Possibility. But even so, the Japanese army still sent out multiple patrol teams to continuously patrol the surrounding area.

The abandoned village of Zhou Wen and his friends was the only place where the Japanese army patrolled from the foot of the mountain to the position.

The Japs had patrolled the village many times before, but because it was too close to the position, and the Japs engineers came here from time to time to dig up some useful civil engineering materials, the Japs subconsciously considered it a very safe place, so they didn't.

Come in and search carefully.

This is what is called darkness under the lamp.

Now, the position has been shelled by the Chinese army. Any Japanese with a little bit of military quality will know that there must be Chinese scouts nearby, and they will have to carefully search every inch of land within a few kilometers.

Just a few minutes before the Japanese heavy artillery position was bombarded, a detachment-sized Japanese patrol had just passed by the village and was about to turn onto the mountain road behind the foot of the mountain.

The violent tremors of the earth and the explosions that resounded through the sky made these Japs stagger around as if they were drunk, almost losing their footing, and almost simultaneously turned their heads to look in the direction of the heavy artillery position.

Then, these devils saw something they had never seen before in their lives.

Several huge mushroom clouds and diffuse smoke almost completely obscured the artillery positions, but vague flames and thunderous roars were still rising in the smoke.

The Japs stood stunned for a long time inexplicably. The Japs leading the team, Cao Chang, finally recovered from this apocalyptic scene. He didn't care that after opening his mouth for a long time, a trace of sputum was dripping from his chin, and he pointed angrily.

The village not far away ordered: "Search this village."

This is not to say that the devil, Captain Cao, discovered Zhou Wen and the others, but based on his rather shallow military knowledge and experience, he could judge that the Chinese artillery could explode so accurately without waiting for orders from above.

There must be Chinese artillery observation posts.

Then start the search from the only abandoned village in front of you that can block your view.

This chapter has been completed!
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